...posting with a few changes.
Hello dear friends and readers of High Heeled Life, summer ~ its hot, humid, dry, carefree days are almost a distance memory and the brilliant warm reds, oranges, browns and yellows of autumn beckon new adventures and changes. The first half of 2012 has been a myriad of emotions, ups and downs on my road to creating Me and my Life.

One of the biggest changes came when I had to face the reality - that I am not able to return to a corporate career. Something that various rehab therapists had elude to for some time. But I was in denial until the neuropsychologist put it in black and white. As I read the report it was like a ton of bricks ~
"not able to return to full time or part-time work. Part-time volunteering within a structured environment "may be" suitable". It's amazing how seeing something in writing really makes it REAL.
So, after a few weeks of drawn out depression, tantrums, and crying - I picked myself up and decided, if volunteering is going to be it then I'm going to be the best volunteer I can be!
Blog writing Direction:
Blogging is a medium through which I can volunteer my time ~ via writing.
When I started in 2010 it was to help with my speech therapy. Over time it became about sharing my journey. Over the past month or so I have been going back and rereading my posts. I wanted to get a feeling about what I was blogging about and determined if it's a path I wanted to continue. As you may have noticed with some of the recent posts and the look of the blog itself things are changing.
With help from friends and their wonderful patience and guidance, the direction I hope to take my blog writing in is about Life and Transition. Through my story, journey and experiences I hope to inspire others to not give up their dreams; to live in and enjoy each moment; that no matter the reason for the detour which sent their life into transition ~ WE are the architect and writer of how WE LIVE our life!
Whats New?:
TABS~ Hopefully the changes within the tabs will make it easier to locate your topic of reading choice and to find information concerning High Heeled Life on this blog.
Meet Celia - background on me with photo
Life After Trauma & Brain Injury? - A bit about Brain Injury and where links will be found for posts I write related Trauma and Brain injury.
Afternoon Tea - the therapeutic value I have discovered and where links to posts I write relating to tea and sharing some of my teacups will be found.
Series Posts - From time to time I will write a series of posts on a particular topic, all links to posts in each series will be easily found here.
BlogLand Friends, Shops & Reads - These are My Personal Recommendations for: blogs I find inspiring, informative and read often. Shops owned by blog friends, I shop from or plan to shop from - that I feel offer products to to help create a High Heeled Life. Reads books I've purchased and read, published by blogging friends, these books either bring inspiration, motivation, enlightenment, laughter or thought provocation from reading.
Book Reviews - Books that have been sent to me for reviewing. I have read and share my opinion on it's topic and writing.
Contact, Advertise & Press - Information on how to contact me. Opportunities for advertising on High Heeled Life. Press links to stories or feature posts written about High Heeled Life.
EDITORIAL~ at this time there is no editorial calendar plan for posts, but I will do my best to write about regular topics at the same time during the week. Topics will include Life & Style; Next Life Chapter; Fitness; Holistic Healing; Travel; Body, Mind and Spirit; and Life as it happens.
Thank you to everyone who has visited (commented) during my sporadic posting and blog presence these past couple of months. There are a few more things to complete this week ... and then it's back to regular posting..
I hope you will enjoy the new changes and that you will always find a piece of inspiration when you visit.