A High Heeled Life is yours to define. It may have nothing to do with designer heels, fancy restaurants, and may be more about scoring a deal at Winners and attending a scrapbook class. However you define it, its about creating and living your best life at this very moment.
1. Believe You are Deserving of the Life You Want
One of the main reasons you are not living the life you want is that your thoughts focus on all that you don't want. Everything is energy so the energy you put out there is what you will get back. Focus on the things you want to come into your life. Believe that you are deserving of the life you want to live.
2. Declutter
Take a good look around your home and remove things that you no longer have use for or no longer serve a purpose. Your closet may be full of clothes and shoes - but if they don't fit, are in need of repair or you just don't wear them then it's time to repair, donate or trash them. Even people in your life can be holding you back from living your HHL. You know the ones that say "Oh, you will never be able to afford that" or "Who do you think you are" or they are always complaining about not having enough. Their negative energy is draining you and you need all your energy to focus on positive things. By decluttering you are making room for new and wonderful things and positive people to come into your life.
3. Quality over Quantity
Invest only in the best that you can afford. It is better to save and buy one pair of great fitting jeans that make you feel like a million dollars than to have multiple pairs that make you feel mediocre. This applies to not just your wardrobe but to things for your home and friendships/relationships.
4. Look the Part
Being well groomed is a must. Get a great hair cut or let it grow. What's important is that your hair is healthy, shiny and looks good (this means no roots showing if you colour). Always keep your nails (hands and toes) looking clean and neat. Look your best at all times ~ leave the yoga pants for yoga class. Always strive to look polished when you walk out the door. Instead of just a T-shirt and jeans for running errands add a jacket and up the look.
5. Give Back
Time is the most precious gift you can give another. Volunteer at a shelter, hospital, pet centre or other organization that is close to your heart.
6. Ask for Help
Sorry to break it to you ladies - HHL women are human too! and there are only 24 hours in a day. Asking for help with housework, laundry, childcare, doggie care or with whatever else you may need is more courageous and classy than falling apart.
7. Body Mind & Spirit
Taking care of your inner and outer self is key to living a HHL. Your body is a reflection of what you put into. Eat real food and drink plenty of water. And remember champagne is only 100 calories per glass. Exercise - if the gym is not your thing going for a walk, taking the stairs or doing an activity that gets you moving is what it's important. Get proper and sufficient sleep - it not only allows the mind to recharge it's the best no cost beauty treatment. Connect with your inner self - yoga, meditation and a walk in nature (hug a tree, walk barefoot on the grass) are great ways to de-stress and connect inwards.
8. Be Social
Get out and discover new things, be around people (positive ones), create memories and have adventures. Make connections with people. Smile.
9. Time for Yourself
Taking time for yourself is not selfish, it's a necessity. It allows you to dream, spark your creativity and connect with the person that is with you always, YOU!
10. Have a Signature Trademark
When you think of Jackie Onasis - large sunglasses or the classic shift dress; Audrey Hepburn the classic LBD. Whether it's shoes, clothing, accessories or a hair style have a signature trademark people will remember you by.
You are the curator of your life so live it luxuriously ,
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