Winter had retreated , spring had come and gone and summer was now upon us, with its glorious warmth and burst of colour that only can be found in nature. Nine months had passed since that evening when in a blink of an eye my life had changed. My days were filled with medical appointments that left me with little energy afterwards. I recall thinking to myself , now what will my life will be like. It was becoming clear that I would not be returning to my corporate career anytime soon; nor would I be enjoying this summer on the beach in the latest bikini.

In the preceding months I had found that my faith had taken a leap forward – after all God had allowed me to see there really is a wonderful place waiting our arrival once our journey here is complete. My journey was not complete – so I chose to come back. But what was my purpose? Why had I chosen to come back?
Since being home my outings consisted of doctor, specialists and rehab appointments, I really had no desire to socialize and when I was dragged out by caring, loving friends – I found the people and the noise overwhelming. So when I woke up feeling edgier than normal – or what normal had become to me. I had this incredible need to get out of the house. My friend I came by and took me to the Beaches, for an hour or so. When she dropped me off I still had this need to not be in the house. I called many friends, but they were all busy. R was going to be using my backyard for a BBQ that evening – but I had no interest in attending. My friend F called back and said that she would wait to do her paper work tomorrow. She was concerned because I had shown no interest in getting out of the house, since I was home from hospital, so she wanted to make sure I got out. It was now July.
F picked me up around 9:00 p.m. – as we got into the car, she said I looked good and we would go to Yorkville (Rodeo Dr. of Toronto) for coffee. I objected I didn’t want to go there until I looked more like me, and my elbow was fixed. But she would not listen… off in the direction of Yorkville she drove. She made her way to Hazelton Ave. to park on the street. As we made our way, she wanted to check out Café Norvos , and she other places as we sent along before deciding where to go. So around the block we went, instead of cutting through the alley stores.

As we went along, I wasn’t paying much attention to people, hoping that I wouldn’t run into anyone I knew. I didn’t want them to see me in this state. As, we walked I looked up and staring at me was this man, sitting at a small table in the middle of the sidewalk (in the summer you will find many gypsies set-up small tables on the street to do palm reading and card readings). His eyes locked with mine, I recall feeling confused, his eyes were familiar – yet I knew I did not know this person. As I walked past, he opened his mouth – and said “well, since you’re hear you might as well stay and listen” I found this very strange, who was this stranger speaking to me, yet he seemed so familiar. I finally found the words to say “ I don’t know you why would I want to listen?” by this time F who had taken a few steps forward noticed I wasn’t beside her and she looked back and returned to where I was. All of a sudden she is speaking to this other guy who I had not noticed before. I looked back at the man sitting, saw he was wearing a ring … and thought what a jerk. I wanted to leave, but F was talking with the other guy, so I did my best to occupy myself looking at passersby.

The woman must have finished with the guy sitting, because now, F and the other guy were saying it was my turn. After a little discussion and F saying she was treating I had no choice but to sit. When the woman finished, (she was so bang on about, my accident, life etc.) I was ready to escape, then out of the blue the woman said “ you should go for ice-cream,” as we looked at each other – someone suggested Leterri’s for coffee, as we turned around in the direction of the café, the woman, her table her chairs – were gone. Not only gone but there was no sign of her having been there at all, we walked to the café in silence.
As we sipped our coffee, I learned that the man had lost his wife 2 months earlier in a single car accident on the 400 and that I was the first woman that he had spoken to (other than friends or family members), since her passing. By this time I was getting really exhausted and wanted to leave, everyone agreed that it was late and we should be going. The other guy suggested that since the man and I had suffered such life altering events that it may help us both to keep in touch and speak with each other - before I could respond F was volunteering my phone number.

On the way home F explained to me that since the passing of his wife the man had basically been on suicide watch. Early that day the man had accompanied his friend to the cemetery (it was the anniversary of the passing of the guy’s mother). The guy told F. that he prayed to his Mother – to help the man move forward and not give up on life.
Over the next few months I would stay on the phone with the man for hours at a time{I was still pretty much house bound, so I had no where to go} – listening to him as he tried to go into his house and make his way to his room. I listen mostly and tried to encourage him not to give-up on life. Sometimes his friend would drive him to my home and we sit outside in the backyard and talk for hours. He told me that the night after we meant that he went home and for the first time he was able to put the key in the door –went upstairs to his wife’s office and spoke to her picture most of the night.
When I spoke to my sister about this, she said that perhaps I had been given my answer – I needed to come back to save this man from taking his life.
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. (Hebrews 13:2)