

Let's Get Social

Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, August 13, 2010

Its a Dog's Life ~ The first few months

Well this was another very hot and humid week ~ and then we had a some rain, no garden walks to share with you. So I thought I would show some pictures of my early days and travels.

This is me when I first came to my forever home with Mommy, Daddy and Stella

After my first grooming

My First Road Trip ~ Montebello Quebec

Pit Stop

Taking in the grounds at Fairmount Montebello

First trip to Daddy's farm with my sister Stella
Boy, it feels like so long ago I was tiny ... now I'm a whole 6 lbs!! I'm not sure how much that is in doggie weight ~ but Mommy and Daddy often say I think I'm much bigger than I am. I think I'm about the size of Stella, thats not too bad is it?

Dolce Paws & Licks until next Friday!!!

Don't forget to Enter Mommy's Lilly Give~Away - see left side bar. Some of Mommy's Blog Friends are hosting really nice Give~Aways Too! Checked them out....


  1. Love that Dolce! Too cute and so doggone cuddly. Poor Stella always in the background. She seems to be a sweetie too. Of course, I am rather partial to labs…

    Have a wonderful girl’s weekend! Sounds like fun. I bet there will be a LOT of chocolate involved! My next all girl’s weekend is not until the Labor Day three day weekend.


  2. Awwww a whole 6lbs?! Cute!!!
    I cant wait to meet you Dolce!

  3. i love your sweet little puppie's
    escapades! next time have him
    model all your new lily things. :)

    my family won't let me have a
    darling little pup. they say
    nothing smaller than a westie
    for us.


  4. Dolce is adorable. It looks like she made friends with Stella!
    Bon week-end,

  5. Guess what? Theres a dog in my house. I am babysitting for a British Bulldog for a week whilst his owner is on holiday! He is lovely! Have a great and stylish weekend my friend xx

  6. GOOD MORNING DEAR ONES! Oh, what gorgeous little canines here!!! You have a way with words, pictures and sweet creatures my dear! Thank you for coming to visit me.....GO OUT AND GET SOME CREAMSICLE or a 50/50 bar......sooooo good! We have had quite the heat and I am sure you have too!

    Enjoy every bit of this lovely world. Bisous and come back any time! Anita

  7. You and your cute little "baby". This is just the neatest post. I love it.

  8. Your little one is just adorable! Thank you for your kind comments, I appreciate them :)
    I hope you have an incredible weekend,

  9. awww, your puppy's so adorable! i really really really want one:D


  10. Such sweet pups, cute cute pictures!!! My 2 year old is loving seeing your puppies!

  11. He is just too cute!!

  12. aww how cute!!! seriously, the most adorable of her entire breed!
    xo alison

  13. Beautiful puppy . I would love to be a dog

  14. Is the most adorable puppy one of the prizes for a giveaway!!! ok...I know he's not, but he is the cutest little thing I've ever seen!

  15. New follower! I can't wait to read more about this percious puppy. Too cute. Have a great week! xoxo.

  16. Lovely dogs, I have 2, a lab and a yorkshire terrier. First time I have read your blog and I after reading back through it I can understand how u feel I have had major life changing health issues and they take a lot out of u but hey on we go, hope things are getting a bit easier for u xx

  17. Omg!!! Joeytella loves Dolce!!!! They would be best-fur-friends. Hehe. Joeytella is a Chinese Crested Powder Puff. Furbaby cheers to you and yours!!! Xoxo-BLC


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