After the long dark, snow filled and extreme cold winter (especially for those of us in the GTA) many of us are already counting the days to spring. YES! Days we are just days away from the official start of spring!!!
As we look around our homes we start making lists of spring cleaning projects: de-cluttering closets, swapping out cold weather clothes (and shoes too!) for warmer temperature ones, washing windows to let the sunshine in, opening doors to air out our homes after being tightly closed all winter ... you get the picture. Interestingly many of us while we take great care of our homes - tend to forget (neglect) the care of the one home that we occupy from the day we are born - the vessel
that houses our soul.
Here are some tips for Spring Cleaning Your Mind and Body:
Your Mind...
Cluttered surroundings, toxic relationships, negative thinking and yes, digital clutter all impact our ability to to function and think with a clear mind.
1. De-clutter your surroundings ~ whether at home, work space, or in your car clean up, put away or toss anything that your no longer use or serves a purpose.
2. Relationships ~ sometimes the people in your life can really way you down mentally and emotionally and just as you need to remove things that no longer serve your highest good - so holds true for people that way you down. Are you in need of a "toxic people detoxification" learn more here and here .
3. Unplug ~ in today's world the need for instant gratification has you connected 24/7 to the outside world. This constant "being on" gives your mind little time to take a break and recharge itself and this affects your whole body. Make a conscious effort to turn OFF - yes I said OFF, your digital gadgets when you are with family and friends (especially if you are sharing a meal) - how can you enjoy their company if you are busy answering and clicking away on your digital gadget? Get a better night's sleep make your bedroom a digital free zone (this includes televisions too). Unless you are paid for 24/7 - I'm pretty sure your work day has a start and stop time, no need to check emails in the middle of the night.
4. Think Positive ~ With spring just around the corner it's a perfect time to clean up your mind of negative thoughts which have been weighing you down and keeping you from moving forward.
Work Out Your Mind ~ It's funny we take better care of our computers and technical devices than we do our most important computer - our mind. After all it is with our mind that the rest of our body functions, so why not give a little TLC? Here are 7 tips to get you started
Your Body...
Even if you consume a fairly healthy diet it's important to remember that your body still accumulates toxins through everyday life - chemicals and pesticides in food, too much sugar, caffeine (coffee, sodas, tea etc.), bubbly or wine (alcohol) and the pollutants in the air we breath and water we use.
1. Detox - give your body's filtration system a little helping hand by avoiding: coffee (all caffeine products), processed foods (especially sugar and flour products), alcohol, dairy, red meat and pork. Be sure to drink plenty of water during this time to help flush out toxins.
2. Movement - whether it's through working out at a gym, dance, yoga, up your daily movement - now that the weather is warming up it can be as simple as adding an early morning or evening walk to your day.
3. Add more of the delicious seasonal local fruits and vegetables...did I mention drink more water?
4. Pamper Yourself - whether it's a day at the spa or an at home spa day, pamper yourself head to toe.
Below are some links I think you will enjoy reading and inspire you from the HHL blog archives:
Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing ~ Exfoliating the Body~Deep Cleansing Facials ~ Scalp, Hand and Foot massage and Get Moving as part of helping our body's filtration system.
Everyone wants great skin ~ facials and masks ~ Eating for a Healthy Glow

that houses our soul.
Here are some tips for Spring Cleaning Your Mind and Body:
Your Mind...
Cluttered surroundings, toxic relationships, negative thinking and yes, digital clutter all impact our ability to to function and think with a clear mind.
1. De-clutter your surroundings ~ whether at home, work space, or in your car clean up, put away or toss anything that your no longer use or serves a purpose.
2. Relationships ~ sometimes the people in your life can really way you down mentally and emotionally and just as you need to remove things that no longer serve your highest good - so holds true for people that way you down. Are you in need of a "toxic people detoxification" learn more here and here .
3. Unplug ~ in today's world the need for instant gratification has you connected 24/7 to the outside world. This constant "being on" gives your mind little time to take a break and recharge itself and this affects your whole body. Make a conscious effort to turn OFF - yes I said OFF, your digital gadgets when you are with family and friends (especially if you are sharing a meal) - how can you enjoy their company if you are busy answering and clicking away on your digital gadget? Get a better night's sleep make your bedroom a digital free zone (this includes televisions too). Unless you are paid for 24/7 - I'm pretty sure your work day has a start and stop time, no need to check emails in the middle of the night.
4. Think Positive ~ With spring just around the corner it's a perfect time to clean up your mind of negative thoughts which have been weighing you down and keeping you from moving forward.
Work Out Your Mind ~ It's funny we take better care of our computers and technical devices than we do our most important computer - our mind. After all it is with our mind that the rest of our body functions, so why not give a little TLC? Here are 7 tips to get you started
Even if you consume a fairly healthy diet it's important to remember that your body still accumulates toxins through everyday life - chemicals and pesticides in food, too much sugar, caffeine (coffee, sodas, tea etc.), bubbly or wine (alcohol) and the pollutants in the air we breath and water we use.
1. Detox - give your body's filtration system a little helping hand by avoiding: coffee (all caffeine products), processed foods (especially sugar and flour products), alcohol, dairy, red meat and pork. Be sure to drink plenty of water during this time to help flush out toxins.
2. Movement - whether it's through working out at a gym, dance, yoga, up your daily movement - now that the weather is warming up it can be as simple as adding an early morning or evening walk to your day.
3. Add more of the delicious seasonal local fruits and vegetables...did I mention drink more water?
Below are some links I think you will enjoy reading and inspire you from the HHL blog archives:
Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing ~ Exfoliating the Body~Deep Cleansing Facials ~ Scalp, Hand and Foot massage and Get Moving as part of helping our body's filtration system.
Everyone wants great skin ~ facials and masks ~ Eating for a Healthy Glow
Stay in Step with High Heeled Life ...
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Oh Ms. C, as inspiring as ever! I LOVED this post and now have many links to go check out. It's funny you posted this because Alpha Hubby and I are spending much time getting things down to bare minimum. We had, at one time, combined 3 households in this move (parents died) and I am so tired of messing with STUFF. I realized I can let it go and allow someone else to enjoy the blessings of the past, things I don't or won't use. I keep things that I think are beautiful or have heart meaning but everything else? Out the door to make someone else smile. After this post, it will be much easier to let it go. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAdore this! Great advice! It feels weird here, normally I still have a foot of snow sitting on my lawn right now and can feel your pain. Instead I have 70 d weather going on right now!
ReplyDeleteI think I can cut out and purge my life of most everything on your list save coffee. My sanity just can't give it up at the moment. But soon I hope to take a month off of coffee and go through a true purge!
We should also avoid any type of food dye. ;)
Dearest Celia,
ReplyDeleteThis is a perfect time of the year indeed!
We have to clean out our mind and body annually, or better yet; ongoing!
I'm really hard trying to get my kidneys in better shape. The nephrologist diagnosed both of my kidneys as functioning only 46-48%. My blood pressure in the evening has to come down, it should be a natural dip, compared to the time we wake up. Or else, it indicates that you got kidney disease. Oh, how I'm trying oh so hard to get that down. But diet and exercise is one, getting all the toxins out of our life is the hard thing to do since it involves people.
Sending you hugs,