"Preparing the tea is all part of the process of quietening our mind from the chaos that is sometimes our life ." ~ Celia M.

On the journey of recovery post accident- physical and emotional injuries - I discovered that taking time (for me) from all the medical appointments in my day was as crucial to my recovery as the therapy appointments. The challenge was getting my mind to quieten so that I could truly be in the moment and reap the benefits of calmness. And also doing something that was relaxing and still made me feel like I was "doing something" other than just sitting.
Over time, we started to notice that when I took the time to prepare tea (instead of just throwing a teabag in a regular mug and pouring boiling water in - and drinking it as I moved about) and actually took a few minutes to sit while I sipped my tea ~ a calming effect occurred, that medication could not achieve.
Benefits of making time for tea:
~Hydration - one of the things that I am not very good at is drinking enough water throughout the day. Tea is a healthy drink that has no additives which can contribute to poorer health (i.e. soft drinks). Tea also has antioxidant benefits which may be beneficial for overall health.
~ Calm activity - inherently drinking tea is a calm and relaxing activity, which allows you to sit for a few moments and relax/decompress. As someone with anxiety, doing things that help me to relax is crucial for my health. This simple act of relaxing is most healthy for ones spirit.
~ Routine - incorporating tea into your day provides a structured time to actually sit back and enjoy some peaceful time in your day. I can't believe I'm about to write this - Routine is a good thing, as it is relaxing to know what comes next. When scheduled into your day - it becomes as important an appointment as all other things in your day. Actually it should be even more important - as the appointment is with YOURSELF.
The simple act of drinking any decaffeinated tea can have a positive impact on your ability to slow down and pause for a few rejuvenating moments in your day.
Now that I have reminded you of some of the benefits of making time for tea, I'm going to share my process of preparing my cup of tea.

I'm so happy you stopped by for tea ... the kettle is on,
the teacup and saucer, a little treat, teapot and since we are having loose leaf tea, a tea strainer is all ready to go.
The Oolong tea is from Angelina and is one of my favourite teas. Some Oolong teas require 3-4 minutes of steep time, while others may require 6-8 minutes. You may either follow the instructions on the bag or do a little experimenting to find the right amount of steeping time for your liking.
Enjoying just a cup of tea is good ... but when you add a tiny treat it becomes marvelous! Remember I said tiny - not a whole cake. A savory treat can also be a great option.
When the steep time is done pour your tea into a china teacup. There is something magical about drinking tea from a teacup with a saucer. For me drinking from a teacup and saucer - automatically triggers a relaxing effect at the anticipation of sipping the tea.
This Royal Albert -Chelsea Bird teacup is one of my favourite teacups.
Choose a spot in your home that is quiet, has natural daylight, and has comfy sitting.
There are various spaces throughout our home (inside and outside - depending on weather and season) in which I enjoy my afternoon tea. Today, I'm sitting in our kitchen looking out at the gardens. Fresh cut flowers always bring a smile to my day, so when the gardens are sleeping over winter and have not yet awaken ~ a bouquet from the local market is perfect.
In this little cozy corner I usually keep an inspirational book, something that can be read a page or two at a time. Currently I'm enjoying - Daily Guidance from your Angels by Doreen Virtue.
Now ....
Turn off ALL technology that could be distracting ... no calls, no checking emails/texts. If there are others that live in your home - let them know unless it's an emergency you are not to be disturbed (what's for dinner? and have you seen my socks? are not emergencies) AND ....
When was the last time you made time
in YOUR day for you?
in YOUR day for you?
Making Tea Part of Your Day and Taking Time for Yourself.
Stay in Step with High Heeled Life ...
Thank you so much for this inspirational post.
ReplyDeleteI need to get MUCH better at taking a few minutes during the day that are for me. I currently stink at it. I've never seen the tea kettle that you have and I had no idea different teas were supposed to be made with different temperature waters. I will have to learn some more about that. Thanks!
Lovely post Celia. I'm not a great tea drinker but I'll be round for cupcakes ;-)
ReplyDeleteI'm very good at making time for myself whether that be to meditate or do my yoga. Not having children makes it very much easier also.
Hope you are keeping well Lovely xx
Oh my, what a great reminder to stop and smell the roses and have tea. Great post and your tea setting is stunning. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty
ReplyDeleteDear Celia,
ReplyDeleteyou are so right with this post. Especially the Hydration is a problem for me too. So tea helps a lot. Thank you for sharing this informative and intresting post with beautiful pictures.
Best greetings, Johanna
This is marvelous - I love that there seems to be a stream of thought of taking time for oneself. Taking time for tea is one of the best ways. Lovely post. I appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,
Thank you, Celia, for your inspirational writing on stopping to enjoy our daily tea, which I must admit, I love to do!
ReplyDeleteHi Celia,
ReplyDeleteYou are so right about taking some quiet time for a cup of tea every day. You have found a lovely spot in which to enjoy it too. I know I always look forward to my cup of tea in the afternoon. Thank you for sharing your inspirational post with us at Tea Time. Lovely post!
Tea time here is at 3 o'clock every afternoon. A habit I've enjoyed for years, add a magazine for a short read and then back to work for another couple of hours.
ReplyDeleteI spiking post Celia.
lovely Celia!
ReplyDeleteDearest Celia,
ReplyDeleteThe tea time is our special time! In late afternoon, when relaxing time for husband Pieter will start and we can look back on our day... It is calming and good for health, lowering blood pressue and the way you suggest drinking it, makes it a pleasure with fine china!
Hugs to you both.
blood pressure...
ReplyDeleteYou are SO right! I know I don't take time out for myself often enough. For a while, we were having tea each evening...need to get back there!
ReplyDeleteHello Celia,
ReplyDeleteI hope you are doing well. You have such a good attitude about life. Your benefits of tea post is fab. I agree with you wholeheartedly. Making a tea tray and having a spot to enjoy it in, is very beneficial. Your corner by the window is a lovely place to rest and rejuvenate with a cup of tea.
That is a pretty nifty tea kettle you have there!
Turning off the technology is so important as well.
Those quiet moments are truly golden.
Hello! I am visiting for the first time, and found this lovely post. As I'm getting older I find that I cannot tolerate coffee as much as I used to, so I'm been drinking teas more and more. I wish I had a lovely spot by the window like you do especially for rainy days. And I am going to take the time to make time for me. :)
ReplyDeleteOk, you've convinced me. I'm off to make a cup of green tea and turn off the TV to relax and enjoy some quiet time. Hope you are well, my friend! :)
ReplyDeleteHow I loved enjoying a cup of tea with you Celia! I hope your weather has turned ( I know they had snow near my Grandmother's last weekend), and that you will enjoy a lovely sunny weekend in your garden !
This has to be your best tea post ever. I don't know how I missed it but thank goodness I found it! I have bookmarked this one as a reminder. I just heard someone say recently that people living in this day and time are some of the most exhausted people on earth. They have lost the knack of slowing down and recharging. I am so glad you are here to remind us - thank you!!