and replaced with a Life in Transition ...
Changes occur in our lives; marriage, death of a loved one, divorce, traumatic event(s), illness, parenting, shifts in friendship, career loss, the list of possible events that may alter the path we thought we were on is endless. Though different and unique to each person/life these events do have one common denominator (whether expected or unexpected) they will result in sending one's life into transition.
Transition can be a very scary place to be, as it is often made up of numerous unknowns, all at the same time. What will I do? How will I support family/myself? Who will want me? Where will I live? Why is this happening? When will it be over? Unfortunately there are no simple answers, cookie cutter solutions, or preset time for healing.
There is no RIGHT or WRONG way to deal with your Life in Transition, we are all different and our journey through change will also be unique to us.
Again there is no preset time for grieving ~ for some it may be minutes, while others will carry the grief of loss for weeks, months and possibly years. What is important is to acknowledge the grief and carry on living. With each step forward creating a new you and or life, you are a step closer to living life by your terms and no longer being victim of change.
Life in Transition will be a new series here on High Heeled Life in the Country,starting autumn 2012. I welcome any questions you may have related to facing Life in Transition or your tips on getting through life changes. You can email me at , I look forward to your emails.

Changes occur in our lives; marriage, death of a loved one, divorce, traumatic event(s), illness, parenting, shifts in friendship, career loss, the list of possible events that may alter the path we thought we were on is endless. Though different and unique to each person/life these events do have one common denominator (whether expected or unexpected) they will result in sending one's life into transition.
Transition can be a very scary place to be, as it is often made up of numerous unknowns, all at the same time. What will I do? How will I support family/myself? Who will want me? Where will I live? Why is this happening? When will it be over? Unfortunately there are no simple answers, cookie cutter solutions, or preset time for healing.
There is no RIGHT or WRONG way to deal with your Life in Transition, we are all different and our journey through change will also be unique to us.
It's OK to cry ...
It's OK to stay in your PJs ...
(for a couple of days)
It's OK to want to be by yourself ...
Life Transitions are the result of an ending, it does not matter whether change was expected or unexpected, just like all endings (good or bad) it's important to grieve the loss of who you were and the life you had.
Again there is no preset time for grieving ~ for some it may be minutes, while others will carry the grief of loss for weeks, months and possibly years. What is important is to acknowledge the grief and carry on living. With each step forward creating a new you and or life, you are a step closer to living life by your terms and no longer being victim of change.
Life in Transition will be a new series here on High Heeled Life in the Country,starting autumn 2012. I welcome any questions you may have related to facing Life in Transition or your tips on getting through life changes. You can email me at , I look forward to your emails.