Part Two of 3 ~ Putting Your Best Face Forward
Many of us perform partial facials daily, we cleanse our face and apply a moisturizer/treatment or cream. Some may even add an exfoliate in the cleansing process. What may be missing is the Facial Mask. There are a variety of Facial Masks ~ hydrating, exfoliating, lightening, nourishing or deep cleansing facial masks depending on the needs of your skin.
To obtain maxium benefit from a facial mask it needs to be applied to a freshly cleansed face; left on for 10-20 minutes; as you gently remove the mask the top layer of dead skin cells (which cause our complexions to look dull) is whisked away, exposing younger, healthier skin (cells). Leaving your face with a tighter and brighter looking complexion. regular facial masks can also help reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles.
Do at home facials work as well as spa facials?
While the spa facial offers many pampering perks, including being able to completely lay back while someone else selects the appropriate ingredients; applies the mask; watches the clock and cleans up afterward, if you know your skin's needs, you can get equally satisfing results results at home.
If going the home route ...take the time to enjoy this process; relax and even if for only a few brief moments escape the stress of the day. Let everyone in house know that you will be unavailable for at least 30-40 minutes. This should avoid ~ husband banging on the bathroom door asking if you know where his lucky shirt is? or the children or furbabies trying to get in the bathroom wanting you. Also take in a timer so that you are fully enjoying your relaxing not worrying about checking the time.

When I was working in the corporate world, I would treat myself to a professional spa facial every couple of months. This was a great way to have an expert let me know how my skin was doing and if there was something I was over looking - like: mistaking dry skin for dehydrated skin or oily skin for using a too rich cream or if the products I was using were clogging my pores.

Not to mention the added benefit of relaxing and fully enjoying the benefits of a facial and the pampering. Sometimes work and social obligations made it impossible to keep up with monthly visits, But I made it a point to schedule (and not miss) a facial at the change of each season.

One of my favourite ways to relax at the end of a work week use to be with a bubble bath, glass of wine (or bubbly), some classical music and soft scented candle. (since I lived alone at the time I did not have to worry about anyone bothering me ~ I did make sure that my black-berry and home phone ringers were turned off). I would cleanse my face thoroughly and then apply a mask and just lay back in the warmth of the water for 15-20 minutes and let the cares of the week escape.
Ready to use masks and facial products can easily be found at your store drug store or beauty counter of your favourite department store and are available in all budget ranges. You may also choose to use home products from the Spa line of your favourite spa retreat. Masks can be used to sooth or energize, and the actions and rituals involved with applying a facial mask can be an effective stress reliever.
I use to make my in~home facial treatments a little more special by turning to the creations of Cleopatra and Marie Antoinette, who used natural ingredients to create masks and baths to help nourish and rejuvenate their skin. These are a couple of the recipes I used and am looking forward to adding to my weekly routine again.
Marie Antoinette's Honey Facial Mask
2 egg yolks
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/4 cup honey, warmed in the microwave
Combine all ingredients until well blended. Gently rub honey mask onto dry, cleansed skin. Let settle for 10-15 minutes and rinse off with tepid water. Or for an extra special facial treatment, dampen a towel (make sure to ring out completely). Microwave the damp towel on high for a few minutes until it is warm and steamy. Place the towel over your face and enjoy ! (about 5 minutes)
To add exfoliation to the honey moisturizing treatment, add 1/4 cup granulated sugar. The sugar will act as a gentle abrasive, helping to slough off the layers of dead skin that can make your complexion look dull.
Cleopatra's Honey & Milk Bath
The Legendary Queen of Egypt was known for her exquisite complexion and soft skin. One of her secret beauty treatments, the milk and honey bath are still being used today.
¼ cup of honey
¼ powdered milk or whole milk (Cleopatra used goat's milk)
Mix ingredients together; add this to your bath water. Soak for 15-20 minutes, let your skin absorb the ingredients. Finish with a tepid water rinse, to wash off milk bath. Enjoy your soft, nourished and beautiful skin.
Why these are fabulous for your skin:
Milk, contains lactic acid, which helps to exfoliate your skin. The lactic acid in milk is an alpha hydroxy acid, which helps to cleanse the deepest layers of the skin. Honey is rich in vitamins and minerals (glucose and fructose) - nutrients that seem to be perfect "food" for your skin.
What wonderful skin care secrets do you have?
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