As we transition from the cold grip of winter and soggy spring days visions of EVERYTHING we could be doing if it was only summer already! dance in our minds. But, before you know it - time passes and we are looking back and saying "wish I had done (fill in the blank) this summer". How could I have forgotten "I wanted to do that" or "how did time pass so quickly" are too often asked, as the days darken earlier and the crispness of fall begins to fill the air.
Well the answer Resilientistas is: life happens -and unless things are written down and scheduled into your planners - it's too easy to forget - put it out of your thoughts. And when you think of it - you realize your weekends are already filled doing things other people want to do - or you get so caught up in the moment that whatever is suggested you participate in, again putting your wants out of mind or without a plan (list) you sit around doing nothing.
Just the other day: there was an event I had been wanting to attend - "I won't forget about it" ... I thought to myself - well the day came and went and it wasn't until after the fact that I remembered about it (I had not scheduled it in my planner). So, I quickly got out my Summer 2016 Bucket List and began to make note of the things I REALLY would like to do, see, experience this summer.
How to create a Summer Bucket List:

1. Print the Summer Bucket List FREE printable
2. Grab your favourite beverage, a treat if you like and sit in a comfy place
3. Take a few moments to think about what you want to do, see, experience this summer
4. Start making your list
5. Pin your list where you will see it regularly
6. Schedule the activities into your planner.
You can schedule them all at once or add a few each week when you sit down to plan/review the week ahead.
7. Pat yourself on the back and go HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!!!
* if an annual summer event has passed - that you wish you had attended make note of it for next year
* not sure whats going on - spend a few moments googling summer activities of interest to you for ideas
* remember there are only so many days and weekends in summer - if you find yourself with an enormous list pick 6-8 things you really want to do - schedule those first.
I keep my list on the cork board in my office at High Heeled Life HQ so that it's a daily reminder.
Here are some of the things on My Bucket List
I'm hoping to do, see and experience this summer:
- attend a Blue Jays home game
- hotel pool day at the Hyatt
- have a picnic in the park
- see the animals at Toronto Zoo
- take in a play at High Park
- host a girls backyard soiree
- a weekend away to Muskoka
- have a beach day building sand castles
- boat cruise Toronto waterfront
- read 4-5 books
inspire others - share in the comments ...
What's on your Summer Bucket List?
You are the curator of your life so live it luxuriously ,
Stay in Step with High Heeled Life ...