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Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

5 Things I'm Loving Right Now ...

1. Hydrabio Sérum - Bioderma: This little gem came to me by way of a swag bag I received at an event hosted by Cocktail Crawl. I had been considering trying a serum for some time - and since I am a huge fan of their product Sensibio H20 make-up remover (especially for the delicate eye area), I thought why not give it a try. I was surprised at how light it feels on my skin, no stickiness, leaving my skin feeling completely hydrated. I have used it alone and under my regular moisturizer. For the short time I have been using this about a month I am truly impressed.

2. Shayne - Shayne Stolz: I first mentioned Shayne and his angelic voice here when I heard him sing while out for dinner with Mr. G. at the beginning of 2016. Since then Shayne's self title CD has been released. I have been listening to the CD non-stop (I kid you not) ~ I've had it as soft (low) background music for writing, relaxing in the bath and I've had it cranked as I get ready for an outing or doing some chores around the house. Lovelies if you are looking for some easy listening music pick up a CD.

3. Ultimate Youth Power Neck Emulsion Racinne: Another product that came by way of the Cocktail Crawl swag bag ... and definitely being added to my regular skin care routine basket! The neck is often an over-looked part of daily skin care routines - I know I certainly have been over looking it - yet our neck is just as likely to show those tell-tale signs of aging we strive so hard to minimize in our complexion.  Since I started using this on my neck regularly - I have noticed the skin feels and looks smoother and the scar left from when I was trached (after my accident)is visibly diminishing.                 

4. Biological Peeling Gel- Guinot (at Elmwood Spa): If you have been reading HHL for  some time you already know how much I encourage getting a professional facial - even if only seasonal. Our skin changes - due to climate, what we eat, and yes - as we mature; so it is important to have an expert give our face a good check-up (just like the dentist for our teeth). I recently discovered that my skin is becoming sensitive - especially around my cheeks - who knew me with combination skin. Regular exfoliation is important - especially as we age - but I have been staying away from grainy facial scrubs because they often feel rough (of course not knowing my skin was also sensitive probably didn't help). This product was used during a recent facial at Elmwood Spa - and I was impressed at how smooth it felt as the aesthetician massaged it over my face...it gained a little texture when she add a little water - but still no harsh grainy feel. I'm using it twice a week and am seeing my BB creams going on much easier with no occasional eraser shavings (as I refer to the dry skin build up you see after you apply BB cream or foundation to skin that is in need of good exfoliation). 

5. Power Source for Women - Susan Sommers: I recently meant Susan Sommers, one of the authors of this book through a women's networking event, at 71 she is an inspiration for getting fit and staying fit. As, I read the book my head kept nodding in agreement - with the tools and strategies sprinkled throughout the book. A must have book to add to your self care basket.

What are you loving right now?

You are the curator of your life so live it luxuriously ,

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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Seasonal Reflecting, Shifting, Refocusing and Giveaway

scroll to bottom of post to Enter give-a-way- good luck everyone!
(give-a-way open world wide)

At the change of seasons I like to sit down with my Satisfaction Blossom and Vision/Inspiration Board. I have been using these two tools for years - they help me to get a snapshot of what areas of my life I'm feeling great about, what areas could use some TLC and a little refreshing on the action steps I need to taking to achieve my goals for the year.
When we were working on the design of the Resilientista Planner I knew these two tools had to be incorporated into it. There are 4 Satisfaction Blossom pages with space for noting action steps and setting intentions for that season. By spreading your action steps and intentions throughout the year - makes it less overwhelming to work towards your yearly goals/dreams. 
This year with my Resilientista Planner - adding action steps for my goals/dreams into my calendar has become a lot simpler; as I keep a photo of my 2016 vision/inspiration board (top left photo image) in the My Dreams For This Year section - along with additional inspirational words, images that I add throughout the year.  
Setting action steps and intentions that align with my goals/dreams, each month in my planner, makes it super easy to ensure they get added to the weeks ahead. The key to achieving your goals is planning and knowing even small steps add up.

Whether you review your goals/dreams - weekly, monthly, or mid year,

4 questions to ask yourself:

What am I able to check off as achieved? 

Am I taking action steps to achieve my goals? 

Do remaining goals/dreams still resonate with me? 

Are there new goals/dreams that I want to set? 

Now to help you get started on adding more self care on the daily, setting action steps to create the life you want, staying organized and having fun too! 
ENTER To Win  Resilientista and High Heeled Life Gift Pack - Give-away!!
The gift pack includes:

High Heeled Life note book 
(use as journal, write/paste inspirational quotes or affirmations)

Resilientista Planner June -December 2016 
- Pre-printed and bound 
(filled with inspiration and motivation for practicing self care on the daily, creating your best life and staying organized too!)

High Heeled Life - are you living yours? mug 
with Nina's Paris - Marie Antoinette tea
(inspiring you to take action steps in your day to achieve your goals and 
create the life you want to be living)

High Heeled Life note cards
(make someone else's day ... send a handwritten note)

Do you take time throughout the year to reflect on your goals/dreams?

You are the curator of your life so live it luxuriously ,

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Stay in Step with High Heeled Life ...
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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

5 Things I'm Loving Right Now ...

1. Black and Red Animalier Folding Umbrella - Pasotti: We have been blessed with some amazing above seasonal temperatures, here in Toronto, lately - but June remains unpredictable when it comes to rain. The weather report has been wrong on many occasions (sometimes we don't get rain - other times we do), so I have been reaching for my Pasotti black and red animalier folding umbrella. On the days that it actually rained I was kept dry and on the days when the rain bypassed us ~ I was not carrying around my standard size umbrella. What I love about Pasotti aside from the stylish designs and many handle options is that these are handcrafted in Italy - since 1956.

2. Thé ~ Marie AntoinetteNina's Paris: I was first captivated by this tea on my trip to Paris in 2015, when I visited Nina's Paris tea salon. My little tea supply I had brought back was starting to deplete and I wasn't sure how I was going to replenish. Thankfully it can now be ordered on-line via a Canadian Distributor TNCB.

3. Veet Facial Cream Kit - Veet: I don't know about you but paying $10 plus to have a few (thankfully) straggly hairs removed from my upper lip is a little much. So on a Shopper's Drug Mart run a couple of months ago I picked up this facial hair removal cream by Veet. Lovelies I don't know why I didn't try this before! 5 minutes and hair is gone ... and if a couple of stray begin to grow - no waiting until there is "enough" to justify making a waxing appointment. Super budget friendly - and I recently even used it to do my bikini line... I left it on about 8-10 minutes and voila ! silky smooth and hair stays away for a couple of weeks or so.

4. L'Occitane Ultra Rich Body Lotion- L'Occitane: Now that it's getting warmer (hot) I prefer a lighter body lotion vs the rich creamy ones I use through the winter. L'Occitane body lotion is my go to, it's fast absorbing and leaves my skin feeling silky smooth without the heaviness of a cream.

5. Comfort Slide Flossers - Sunstar G.U.M: I have been using these slide flossers for a few years. After my accident using the regular string dental floss was not easy lacking  supination and pronation in my right wrist. These are so easy to use and gently glide between the teeth. Bring on the fresh corn on the cob - I'm ready!!!

What are you loving right now?

You are the curator of your life so live it luxuriously ,

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