Life is not always perfect and sometimes it may give us more grey days than colourful ones. It is during this time that we should remind our self of all the things we are grateful for. Here are something I have been up to and am grateful for these past couple of weeks.

Took myself out for a date ...
did some brain storming for my next book.
I am GRATEFUL for remembering to eat healthy and still indulging in some treats ...
Pampered myself with flowers, pedi and chocolates too!!!
I am GRATEFUL For friendships ...
Planning an adventure with Elizabeth, unexpected visit from Lois with my fav almond croissants - just in time for tea, and an outing with Fani that brighten a gloomy rainy day.
At the change of seasons I like to sit down and take some time to reflect on the various areas that make up my life.This helps me to see what areas I'm happy with and which ones may require some extra attention. I like to create a soothing environment by lighting a candle, turning on soft music and pouring myself a cup of tea (or flute of bubbly). Once the mood is set I pull out my Wheel of Life worksheet*, intention/goal setting sheet and my favourite writing pen.
*pop on over to my website where I'm sharing printable versions of these worksheets. (click here)
What are you THANKFUL for this week?
You are the curator of your life so live it luxuriously ,
Stay in Step with High Heeled Life ...
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