Life has become a series of fragments for me. When I started this blog it was to share my journey of healing post accident. Along the way it became a place to escape to. And the last year or so it's become a bit directionless - looking back I suppose it has been a reflection of how I have been feeling within my own life - without focus.
This sense of what next is a mixture of my healing,wanting needing to come out of the cocoon which I've been in too long and spreading my wings; and those around me who don't want/can't handle the woman I'm becoming - Independent with her own voice. They say "I've Changed" - will I guess they are right ... it takes time to fully (if one ever does) grasp that they died - and by God's good grace are still here. When this realization happens ... a change(s) is sure to occur. And what I may have accepted during this time of healing is no longer what is for my highest good or acceptable to me.
Somethings Gotta Give .....

I'm going to be taking a much needed break for the month of August with hopes it will help me figure out what next not only for this little blog but for my life too!!!
Thank you for all the love and support my long time and new readers have given me through blog visits, comments and emails to check in on me and encourage me. Your thoughtfulness and kindness has made a difference in my life - you have often been the sunshine on my cloudy days.
till next time,
With Love and Gratitude,
Stay in Step with High Heeled Life ...

This sense of what next is a mixture of my healing,
Somethings Gotta Give .....
So I've decided it's time to step back a little from blogging ...

I'm going to be taking a much needed break for the month of August with hopes it will help me figure out what next not only for this little blog but for my life too!!!
Thank you for all the love and support my long time and new readers have given me through blog visits, comments and emails to check in on me and encourage me. Your thoughtfulness and kindness has made a difference in my life - you have often been the sunshine on my cloudy days.
till next time,
With Love and Gratitude,
Stay in Step with High Heeled Life ...
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