As the day unfolds many people are setting their new year "RESOLUTIONS" list(s). Many of the items on this list have appeared year after year...Why is this? - resolutions do not provide an action plan to achieve and are often driven in negative wording.
Last year for 2013 I did not make resolutions - instead I created a plan of action. And WOW!!! I was amazed at my achievements - you can read them here.
Mid way through 2013 I started setting New Moon Intentions ... and was blown away by the results.
New moons are about new beginnings, planting seeds, and setting intentions. So, each month you are given the opportunity to re-enforce your current intentions and/or set new ones. Something magical is happening this is the first time in 19 years that there has been a new moon on the first day of the year. This year I have decided to set New Year Intentions! then with each new moon I can set intentions to help support and achieve my intentions or something even greater.
Take full advantage to focus on your New Year's Resolutions/Goals/Plans etc. and get some results, as this is an action packed new moon! The New Moon on January 1st, 2014 is great for supporting your intentions in the the following areas:
Take full advantage to focus on your New Year's Resolutions/Goals/Plans etc. and get some results, as this is an action packed new moon! The New Moon on January 1st, 2014 is great for supporting your intentions in the the following areas:
- Future security
- Handling responsibility
- Reaching goals
- Success / recognition
- Management skills
- Authority figures
- Releasing controlling tendencies

If you are not sure what resolutions, plans or intentions you would like to make, how about using the law of attraction to help you bring your dreams, wishes and desires to life. This year I'm starting a journal for my thoughts of what I want to create for 2014 and how I want to feel. As the year progresses I can look back and see what has begun to materialize.
Jim Carey and the Cheque.... watch this video on the power of intention.
Wishing all readers and visitors to my corner of BlogLand a very special 2014, may it be filled with all the wonderful events, adventures and things you wish for.
Hugs and Light,
Stay in Step with High Heeled Life ...
Remember : living a High Heeled Life is not about excess, it comes from achieving balance and peace within our self (mind, body and spirit). Once we have peace and balance we are able to create and live our personalized version of a High Heeled Life.