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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Wardrobe Over Haul - What is Smart Casual ?

As I try to navigate my way to creating my new life it became apparent that my current wardrobe required a slight over-hauled … Ok major over-haul. Usually this would be a welcomed opportunity for any fashion loving gal, to have an excuse reason to shop and re-stock. The challenge I faced was I no longer really knew what my style was. With help from some friends we determined “Smart Casual” was my new look – as suits and formal wear were no longer a required staple in my wardrobe.

Since shopping was the one thing I seemed to be able to do independently, I would venture out to purchase “Smart Casual”. It quickly became clear to Hubby that, yes I was buying, but what I was buying was for my “old life”. So, independent shopping was not working as well as I thought. Still I was not prepared to admit defeat! (note: even Eva Longoria - above does not due tracksuits well...good to know I'm not alone..lol)

This morning I looked in my closet (months later – from original observation by Hubby) and realized he had been right. Now, I'm faced with yet another closet purge! But I’m not ready to give up my “old” look completely, so my question my dear friends is how do you define” Smart Casual”?


  1. Smart casual is nicely fitted jeans with a sweater and a scarf.
    It is a Chanelish jacket with nice pants and a tanktop.
    It is a cute lilly dress.
    It is is earth tones...brown plaid pants with a nice orange sweater.

    It is anything you want it to be! When you shop ask yourself if it is something you could really only wear to work. If the answer is yes, leave it at the store :O)

  2. Hey there,

    i came by to let you know that there's an award for you at my blog. please come by and grab it whenever you can.

    Underneath His Wrapping

  3. It is a difficult one to define, although you usually know it when you see it. Pairing jeans with heels rather than flats, wearing a crisp white shirt with jeans and ballet pumps instead of a t-shirt, wearing a black silk top with khaki rolled up pants instead of a vest... thats kind of my definition anyway! Have a great weekend my friend xx

  4. Mix and match the casual with some of the dressy. I am not into really dressy wear myself. I like the more casual. I have not bought many new cloths lately. The styles are just not for the seniors. Trust you are having a good.

  5. I would say like LV that smart casual is mixing and matching the casual with some of the dressy.
    And that's what I like to do.
    And I'm so sure that in this stage you do it too.
    Trust me do it, you'll feel much better. (At least after my accident when I started to leave home to go somewhere with friends I just felt well if I was wearing nice clothes, comfortable but with a dressy vibe)

    Thank you my angel for your advice about my frustration on my holidays...

    Much love darling

  6. Its tough for me to know too.... Casual Fridays are so hard fo rme that I usually just wear the regular days stuff. I define it as less than M-Th office suit but more than Saturday wear.

  7. Since smart casual seems to be most of my wardrobe ... here's my two cents.LOL

    I tend to echo a lot of what was already said. You've got some great flats which are important for stability for you. Pair them with a great pair of jeans or casual pants and a really nice top. I think it's easier to go dressy on top than on bottom.

    I don't know if you're able to wear the long flowy dresses that are pretty popular these days ... I used to dress like that in the 80's only today's dresses are better.

    I find it makes such a difference to do my hair, put a little makeup and some jewellery on (I generally don't leave home without it), even when casually dressed.

    I know you'll make some great choices ... you know how to put things together ... you'll look fab regardless of how you dress 'cause you've got the most amazing personality and heart.

    I'm so very glad we "met".

  8. i really enjoyed reading the
    above comments. this is tricky
    for me, too.

    we want to look 'together' but
    must be comfortable.

    your post was clever, humorous,
    and hit a little too close to

  9. A great jeans, a simple white tee, flats and a nice bag ;)


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