

Let's Get Social

Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, December 27, 2013

Reflecting on 2013 ...

WOW!!! Only a few days left on the 2013 calender. Looking back over the days, weeks and months that made up 2013 I think this past year was one of major change and growth for me. 
It all started with completing my training with Charles Virtue and Tina Marie Daly and becoming an Angel Certified Practitioner in January. That set the path for my energy healing learning journey for 2013.  

I accomplished my 5km walk for BIST's Run Walk Roll 2013, with a little help from Dolce & Gabbana and their stroller!!!

I started my motivational speaking journey with BIST - Brain Injury Society of Toronto

I started to embrace Social Media (beyond blogging and email) as part of everyday life and even took a crash training course with my sister.

Honoured and blessed to be Godmother to one of my brother's twins - Michael. 

I became a published author by being a featured author in the best selling series Adventures in Manifesting - Soulful Relationships edition.

Meditation became a part of my daily life...helping me to achieve mind, body, and spirit balance. This has enabled me to start living my (new) High Heeled Life!

Last year instead of making resolutions I created a PLAN ... using positive words/phrases and actions to re-enforce an action that will get me closer to the desired outcome. I added in the bubble the word/phrase which I would have normally used to create my resolution list as an example of the negative phrases/words we usually use to make resolutions. You can read the original PLAN post here.

So let's take a look at how the PLAN worked ...

Increase my physical activity: - Yes! ... yoga at home, doggie walks, and lots of garden work 
Eat healthier: Almost a full yes ... need to work on the drinking more water
Write More: I was given the opportunity to be part of a fabulous book series - Adventures in Manifesting Soulful Relationships - which was released November 2013. You can order your copy here. I need to work on writing to family and friends more and focus on additional writing opportunities.
More social interaction with family and friends: I communicated and spent more time with family than in previous years (post accident) and I can't tell you how wonderful it was - Looking forward to seeing them more in 2014. For the most part of 2013 Mr. G. and I did make Sundays our day to spend time with each other and our furbabies. And I did more outings with friends.
Take care of myself: Meditation YES!!! - hair care YES!!!- Seasonal facials YES!!! regular mani/pedi YES!!! weekly home pampering and monthly stone massage need a little work. 
Giving back: Spoke for BIST (Brain Injury Society of Toronto) YES!!!! ... Even though Allison did not walk for BIST this year I did ...YES!!! Sunnybrook fundraiser moved to 2014.

Overall the Plan was a great way to put my goals into action ... and to help me bring my dreams and thoughts to life! 

What was your best part of 2013? 

Wishing you a magical New Year's Eve and blessed 2014,

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Stay in Step with High Heeled Life ...

Remember : living a High Heeled Life is not about excess, it comes from achieving balance and peace within our self (mind, body and spirit). Once we have peace and balance we are able to create and live our personalized version of a High Heeled Life.


  1. Dearest Celia,
    That is a wonderful post and it is brimming with POSITIVES! What a number of great events you were part of and accomplished over this past year. Hats off to you lady and you look so radiant and happy; making a lovely Godmother.
    As for me, getting very positive results on my blood work from Monday was a happy thing. My diabetes type II I have kept under control for six years now; cholesterol is fine and only my kidneys are indicating that they are slightly dry. It is hard to imagine that I have to drink still MORE water than what I do. I do my best every day as it matters a lot.
    Oh, and today I will manage to scan my LAST (!!!) slides and making all of them digital. That's a MAJOR accomplishment, one I often thought I never would accomplish. But I did. Feels great. And next I will go over all my photo albums, scanning photos and than trashing the old albums and going only for digital. I've already listed by country, year or whatsoever subject so it will be easy to find.
    Once that is accomplished I feel that I live up to the modern time and age and am once again on top of things.
    Never give up; that's the message. I'm so happy to be healthy and living with our six fur babies; they give so much unconditional love.
    Hugs to you both and enjoy the final weekend of this great year!

  2. Celia ... this post brought me tears of soulful recognition! Thank you so much for sharing your personal quest ... full of love, healing and balance! Thank you for the positive inspirational motivation.


  3. So very inspiring, as usual. Somehow I must have missed the post on "using positive words/phrases and actions to re-enforce an action" so I will go read it but I realized something. It lines up with what I've been studying through a weight-loss coach, using positive affirmations rather than simply saying, "I need to...". And also to never say, "I can't..." anything. No negatives. In other words, instead of saying, "I can't eat that" you say, "I choose not to eat that at this time." Your body usually responds to "I can't eat that" with "Oh no, I want it now, now, now, gimmie, gimmie!" You have taught me a lot with that action plan picture. I expect great results this coming year! Once again, thank you!

    1. Nope, I see now that I even commented on that original post (YIKES). Obviously I let things drop so now I restudy what you wrote, and once again go forward!

  4. Hi Celia,
    I drop in every now and then to see how you are doing and what a fabulous inspiration you have become and are! Hoping to stop by more often in the future! Congratulations on all you have accomplished in the last year!!
    Wishing you only the very best in 2014!

  5. Celia,
    You are just amazing! Always such an inspiration :). I feel so blessed that we have been "blogging friends" for so long, and it is just incredible to watch you go go go and do all that you do!
    I wish you continued success in 2014 and much health and happiness. Just dealing with a boot for the past few months from a stress fracture (minor compared to your obstacles that you have overcome) has made me appreciate the little things taken for granted and makes me look forward to good health in 2014! And two shoes!!!!

  6. Dear Celia, unfortunately my year was not the best and I hope it will get better in 2014 with the help of all your encouragements. Thank you for that reminder. I have to work on it but I'm happy for you that you have achieved your goals and wish you health and happiness for 2014.

  7. My Dear Celia, your post is so inspirational because you accomplished soooooooo many things, positive things!!! With all your will and against many things, you keep going!!!
    You also have been such a dear friend who I'm very found of and want so much to keep.
    You look so beautiful being a Godmother, I'm sure you are one of the best and proud.
    And the book, OMG what an achievement!!
    Well, my dear, I just wish you continue having so much success but more than ever much health and happiness in the year to come.
    Tons of love and blessings your way.

  8. Such great accomplishments! You go! Hope you enjoyed your holidays! Here's to many good things for your blog in 2014! Xx Daniƫlle

  9. What an absolutely AMAZING year you've had. You should be extremely proud of yourself...I hope you realize that sweet friend.
    One of my highlights this year was definitely the day Ava and I spent with you and Mr. G. Love you guys + Happy New Year! xox

  10. You have had an impressive year, thank you for including us:-) Happy New Year Sweet Celia!

  11. Did I comment... still working on my social media skills it appears, lol.
    Riley and I wish you a wonderful Happy New Year!

  12. Good for you, Celia! You have accomplished a great deal and I admire your determination and courage. Have a wonderful 2014!


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