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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Warm Places to Live? Need Your Suggestions...

The cold weather has once again gotten the better of me. I have spent more time in our home staying warm, than I would care to admit. Those of you who know me or have been reading for awhile know that the cold weather and all the harware I now call part of my body; bones and joints do not mix well together.

We (I ) thought South America would be the answer to living warm during the cold winter months here. But the long flight proved to a bit much for me. So we are back to the drawing board, sort of speak.

The Plan...

Wish list: warmth, quiet, near water, within a 5 hour flight travel from Toronto, Canada

Deal breakers: Must be Furbaby friendly

short term~ pick 3-4 places to explore
~ find weekly/monthly rentals (staying at a hotel will not give the true essence of a place)
~ make a decision on a place or 2
long term
~ decide whether renting or purcahsing is best option

I need your suggestions my Friends... Where should I consider for warm living December - April ???

If you could suggest any great Rentals for the month of March, with warm weather that would be great too!!


  1. Best of luck with your search, I can't think of anywhere with a 5 hours flight from Canada but hopefully you can find something perfect sooner than later. :)

  2. Well I would say somewhere in the South, like South Carolina or Florida, both warm and both with good real estate pricing right now especially Florida.
    Hope you get warm soon my friend and take care!

  3. Hmmm...I just realized niether of the places I suggested are within 5 hours of Canada:)

  4. If you could extend your travel time, the Outer Banks of North Carolina or the beaches of South Carolina would make for lovely residences, as would Savannah, Georgia. Head on down to Florida if you really want to warm yourself. Although, with this recent winter, there wasn't a warm place to be found! I'm with you, though, cold weather is for the birds. :)

  5. 5 hours flight cant think of any. However Singapore would be ideal or even Goa but that is in India.
    Goa is cheap, hot, beach, sea. There are many possibilities to do something here.....

  6. I have an award for you on my page. Please come pick it up and congrats!

  7. Hi!

    I think you should come to Europe, maybe France or Italy!! I dream about a Summer home there :) BUT not within 5 hours from Canada though! Have a lovely day and stay warm, my friend! Put some wool on :)

    Kristin xo

  8. Sorry I can't help you. Due to financial constraints, when I need to go somewhere warm, I stand next to the dryer!!

  9. There are lots of vacation rentals where I live - Kenwood, California in Sonoma county. I even have a couple of connections if you're interested.

    I have two Yorkies...aren't they the best doggies the the entire world?

    Am following you....love your blog!


  10. How far is Arizona? It is always warm there (I think).

  11. The only places I can think of, like GA or FLA, are more than 5 hours from Canada, but if your interested let me know. I think the island we go to on vacation would be perfect for you.

  12. I understand your need and think your plan is a good one. Good luck.


  13. My recommendations would be Florida, Arizona or New Mexico. I did a quick check on flight times and they all seem to fall within your range. Unfortunately, our condo on Anna Maria Island (FL) is already rented for March - April but there are other seasonal places on the Island you might like and it is very dog friendly.

    ~ Tracy

  14. it's hard to beat florida, and your sisters
    is there!


    Also, we can have a little vacay in NOLA also!

    I hate the cold also....I could only imagine if I had heatlh issues bc as it is, I could just die, lol.ugh
    Why did He have to make winter?

    I hope your having a great week thus far. I sent ya some snail mail-XXOO

  16. My chiropractor told me about this website:
    He & his wife travel alot, so they use this site quite often.
    Definitely go south...What about Arizona?

  17. Anguilla is beautiful (not sure about the 5 hour flight though). I go there every year and it is the most peaceful place I've ever been!

  18. I immediately thought of Charelston, SC. It's a beautiful city with lovely beaches and wonderful dining ~ my mother in law lives there. Florida is another good option. If either of these places are too difficult to travel in one flight, would it be an option to travel over the course of a couple/few days?
    VRBO is a good source to find apartment rentals.

    Good luck in your search. I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day.
    xoxo, B

  19. Arizona! Low humidity, too. :)

  20. BONJOUR MA BELLE!!!! Well, I am from Southern California and I remember 90 degree CHRISTMASES!!! Try L.A.!!! How are you? How is your SHOE? teeeeheeeee! So, SO GLAD you finally got the package!!! BISES, Anita

  21. I was thinking CA and if your going I'm going too! xo

  22. How about Laguna Beach, in Southern California? Orange County is always wonderful...I think the LA area might be too busy for you, but further south...
    I hope your winter clears up quick my dear! Thank you for all of your lovely comments, I am hoping and praying our bugs are on their way out :)

    xo Nathalie


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