Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, July 30, 2010

My 1st Lilly Pulitzer Dress - Has Arrived!!!!!

Thank you my sweet BlogFriends for helping me choose the print for my 1ST Lilly dress! I'm so excited to share this with you ...
image credit: zazzle

 My order from Lilly Pulitzer!!!!!!!

Everything was carefully the pink tissue!!

I had wanted 2 dresses - but they were out of my size for the Kelsea Dress Printed, in both prints :(
So of course being the cup half is always full kinda Gal, I thought ..hmm... I guess it's a sign to get some sandals to go with my new Lilly dress in the Worth Shift 50s Poplin print. I choose the McKim Sandal in white.

I could hardly wait to try on my new treasures (I had been worried about the size - I had been torn between the 6 and 8 on their size chart.) I went with 6 as I was worried the 8 would be too big around the waist. To my surprise the 6 fit amazing (even up top)! When I slipped my feet into my new sandals, it was literally like walking on air. Why had no one told me about Lilly before? It was you my BlogFriends that introduced me to Liilly and I'm hooked. --- Since Lilly agendas start in August (how clever) I took it as a sign that I must have one to kick off - the creating of me and my new life!!!

Now I have to go off and find some accessories to go with my new Outfit!!!!

Did I mention I was hooked??? The New Fall Collection was just posted ... what should I get next?

Lilly Pulitzer website


  1. Congrats on your first Lilly purchase! Have fun accessorizing and wearing your new outfit out and about!

  2. Thrilled for you, nothing better than a successful shop xx I am off to check out her website xx

  3. Yay!!!!!!! Congrats!

    You didnt know about Lilly because no one in Canada wears it! I walk around in mine and stick out! I have never seen another person wearing Lilly!

    The next time we go out we must both wear Lilly!

  4. Oh fun! She has a really fun line and colors!
    Happy it fits you so well!

  5. And so it begins for you! Congrats on your first Lilly:) I know you will love that Cream Fraiche shift...I think it's adorable! I get a lot of Lilly on Ebay and you might also try the latest and fab place on Facebook...Re-Lilly. People are selling all their darlin' Lilly loot there...great site! Have fun wearing your new shift!

  6. How exciting! Congratulations on your very first Lilly purchase! Have fun accessorizing! I bet you and SP will look smashing the next time you get together for lunch. You will definitely turn heads.

    ~ Tracy

  7. How exciting! Congratulations ... let's see it on you, all accessorized and everything :)

  8. OMG isn't that just beautiful!!! It is going to look stunning on you! Thank you sweet one for coming to visit with me today and your kind words!!!! HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!! Anita

  9. WOW, sounds you were trilled with your new pieces... I'm so glad.
    Nothing better to make us feel good than some shopping ;-)

    Are we going to see you in it?

    Luv, angel



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