Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Give-away ~ BlogFriends are very talented

The wonderful Give-away gift I won from Barb's Heartstrokes, hosted by Silver Strands, arrived this week. My gift arrived carefully and loving packaged; inside was this wonderful wrapping;

the prize jewel - a beautifully hand painted Angel Snowman ! Exquisite, even his magic star is an embellishment giving the art work even more dimension.

Snowmen to me are symbolic of - Faith and Believing - the children so openly believed and had faith, that Frosty came to life! That this is an Angel Snowman and I won him - makes him that more extra special to me, it’s like I received a message from my Angels!

Right now he is resting on my writing desk, where I can enjoy him -while writing cards, letters and drafting my book. Once the renovations are complete, he will reside year round by my desk hung on a wall. Each time I look at him I will be inspired to keep my faith and keep believing!

This will make a great gift for someone or for you. If you have not visited  Barb's Heartstrokes - pop on over for a visit - there are many beautiful and wonderful handmade designs to choose from.

Barb, thank you for sharing your talent and creativity with the world!!! Hugs..HHL


  1. congratulations on winning... that very nice!! Have a great weekend my friend.
    Underneath His Wrapping

  2. Congratulations on your win!
    Your snowman is adorable!

  3. I am so glad he arrived safe and sound! Snowmen are magical!
    I am sure he will enjoy his new home. Thank you for your nice words about my work.
    Enjoy your day!

  4. Oh yes I do love snowmen, very nice and happy that you won this give away, hugs my new friend, Barbara

  5. I love snow men too! I always go for them at Christmas! This is very beautiful! She sure is talented!

  6. That is awesome!
    Congratulations on winning darling.
    And one thing is true blogland can give us many joys.
    And the way the gift was wrapped... sure it makes a difference.

    Kisses, kisses, darling



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