Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, July 30, 2010

Road Trip, Monster Cats, & Dolce Dreams -Dolce PawsPost

Boy did I have a fun week! I went to visit my friend Daisy at her Mommy's and Daddy's new cottage in Huntsville, on the week-end... it was a really long drive. I sat in my Doggie-car -seat and was a really good boy. Daisy was really happy to see me!
We had lots of fun chasing each other...and no leash!!! Mommy wasn't too happy when I came back all wet from the grass. Maybe that's why she was calling me to come back... opps! My sister Stella just watched like a good Big Sister ... she is very calm.

All was going great until we went inside. I was greeted by these great big furry things - I didn't know what they were, I knew they couldn't be doggies!!!

I WARNED you... BIG!!!! I saw my whole doggie life pass before, then Daisy's Mommy came to my rescue. I stayed really close to Mommy and Daddy the rest of the week-end...

After a week-end like that - the rest of the week was a walk in doggie-dream land!
Hmm... if I jump on that chair ... can I jump that high? Lets see what is on Mommy's Computer...
What do you mean I can't pick my own channel? Did you forget, I was traumatized by that Big Fuury Monster ...

Thought you would see it my way... now where is that show with Humphrey? He looks just like me..

The Lillies are starting to bloom ... they smell so sweet!!

The Butterfly garden has so many new flowers too!

Paws & Licks until next Friday!!!


  1. Wow! Sounds like a really fun weekend. Minus the furry monsters... Have a great weekend.

  2. Garden looks amazing!!
    I dont think I have ever seen such a bug pussy though ...:)
    Have a great weekend xx

  3. Keep out of the wet grass, you don't want to jump on Mummy and ruin her outfit!

  4. Those cats are enormous! I kinda feel sorry for them.. and for Dolce who was (rightly) frightened by them ;-)

  5. awesome pictures! i'm glad you had some fun!! thank you very much for stopping by and leaving such encouraging words. you bless my heart!!

    Have a great weekend.

  6. OMW!!! I definitely got a laugh from Dolce's adventures today! I thought my cats were big, but man, oh man, your friend's furbabies are huge! Now I know why Dolce called them Monster Cats! Stella looks like a sweetheart.

    ~ Tracy


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