Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, November 9, 2012

Autumn Delights ~ Bonfire and S'mores

When the air turns crisp, warming up with friends by a bonfire, is one of life's simple pleasures.

Autumn Delights ~ Bonfire and S'mores
Click to view product details by fallingoffahighheeledlife 

When we've had bonfire's (summer or fall) I always find that it's best to dress in layers. The air maybe crisp, but sitting by the fire will quickly warm you up. Above are some items I think would be perfect for an evening by the bonfire.

Of course if you are a condo or apartment dweller, you can always turn down the heat and use a candle with a scent of the outdoors - like Maplewood.

When was the last time you sat around a bonfire with friends?

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  1. A couple of years ago on Guy Fawkes Night we had a bonfire. It was slightly surreal - me, my sister and my dad all sat on broken chairs that would soon become firewood, watching an old table burn as we ate baked potatoes.

    Surreal but memorable

  2. Dearest Celia,
    Fond memories of our last bonfire in Germany... It was for Saint Martin and special for the children who with their lampion collected candy. Anita our foster daughter from Indonesia was with us in 2008. Thanks for bringing back some great memories!
    Hugs to you,

  3. pretty sure I need those boots! Love them!

  4. I love the boots! Every year before the holidays we host a gingerbread house making party and roast marshmallows by the fire! Cant wait to do it again this year!

  5. Sounds like a great way to spend the weekend!

  6. I discovered wheat free graham crackers this summer...I've had more smores than I care to admit!

    I love that Maplewood candle...I stocked up a few weeks ago when they were on sale.

    How is autumn going? I'm glad to see you got through October and are in good spirits.

  7. I love autumn and layering sweaters and scarves. Scented candles, the leaves all of it!

    Art by Karena

  8. Love fall! I was so happy that this year Utah had a fall! We did our marshmallow roasts in the woods a few weeks ago.
    This was a great thing as Winter has set in! We have a good five inches of snow and its still coming!
    Enjoy your fall with friends, tea and cocoa!

  9. Happy weekend Celia!

    I agree! layers.. and smores are always a treat. Our bonfires are usually in the summer (it's too cold in the winter). There is something so cozy and peaceful when friends gather around a warm fire :)



    Well, I live too close to my neighbors and they enjoy making a bonfire, but it is TOO CLOSE TO OUR HOUSE, so I don't find any peace in the activity UNLESS we were on a beach! Now you're talkin'!

    Many thanks for your visit my dear! I hope you are well? What a wonderful time of year to enjoy. Have fun! Anita

  11. We have just celebrated Bonfire Night the 5th November in the UK - it was so cold - I could definitely have used that gorgeous rug! We need lots of layers here at the moment.

  12. very nice combo indeed! perfect for fall

    Inside and Outside Blog
    P.S> love your blog, it seams friendly and sweet.following you now


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