Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A story of Hope...the gift of helping Children

This little bundle came into the world an innocent Angel, full of smiles, curiosity and an unlimited abundance of unconditional love and trust. All this little Angel required was love , nurturing and guidance to grow. 

Unfortunately, this little Angel received nothing and was denied life's basic necessities. Much like yesterdays garbage,"it" was discarded on the curbside. To be picked up or to find "its" way in the world, without being provided with proper tools. 

Despite this cruelty, the little Angel remained trusting and full of unconditional love
 ~ falling easy prey to all the evils of the world.

Then .. a helping hand reached out ... offering protection from the cruel storm. 
 And for the first time in this little Angel's life the helping hand 
asked for  NOTHING in RETURN!
Nor did it TAKE as it pleased! 

Instead it offered many more helping hands, just like it.

 It may have been a long, hard journey of survival for this little Angel, but for the first time there is HOPE, for a future that seemed non-existent, his/Her Future!!!

A story of HOPE...

Hope Unlimited provides the helping hand to some of the world’s most desperate children—the street kids of Brazil. 

In the rescue phase, children are referred to Hope by the Brazilian courts, who have determined that these children are at mortal risk. Hope staff provide immediate emotional support, psychological and medical care, and spiritual healing.

 In the transformation phase (four to eight years), the child is guided through educational programs, and vocational coursework, within the context of family life.

In the re-entry phase, Hope’s young men and women intern with local businesses for a year and live at a transition home for six months. Upon graduation (around the age of 18) each Hope student is guaranteed a job and is given ongoing support through the Graduate Center. Each graduate receives basic household furnishings and a complete set of tools for the trade he or she has learned.

Our family recently became a  THRIVE TEAM member. A program created by Hope Unlimited in response to the numerous inquires, if they had a child sponsorship program, to which they had to respond No until now. Brazilian privacy laws expressly prohibit the organization from linking a sponsor to an individual child.

Why did I choose to support Thrive Team? 

Though I am not linked to a specific child, as a Thrive Team member my monthly contribution gives a child everything he or she needs to thriveMy support helps provide the tools these Angels need to thrive: home, food, a sense of belonging, stability, the opportunity to be children, education, friends, role models and spirituality.

Each month I will receive an email featuring the story of a different child who is benefiting and thriving from Thrive Team contributions.

Because, 100% of my commitment will go to change the world of a child in desperate need. 

To learn more about Hope Unlimited or how  you can become a Thrive Team member, click any of the links within this post or the links below.

I came to learn about Hope Unlimited by clicking the link to Hope Unlimited, last year, on my dear blog friend Susan's blog ~ My Place to Yours . Clicking that link and learning about Hope unlimited, has given me an opportunity to give back. Thank you Susan. 

Susan has seen first hand the difference Hope Unlimited is making in the lives of these children. She has heard directly from these children how it has saved and changed the direction of their lives.

Many Blessings to all who make a difference in the life of a child, near or far. Next to being given our own life, the gift of helping a child (maternal or not) grow is truly a precious gift above.


  1. Celia, it's so wonderful to have your family as charter members of the Thrive Team as, together, we make a difference in the lives of children! Thank you for encouraging your readers to reach beyond themselves ... to help care for the precious Angels who so desperately need what we can so easily provide. The children who come to Hope Unlimited are not "just" poor; they are at mortal risk. Thank you for offering them Hope!

  2. Dearest Celia,

    As our best friend always says: 'The way someone treats the children, the elderly and their pets is speaking volumes about him/her.'
    So true! It is unthinkable to see a little baby become garbage and being dumped on the streets. Such a program is one of love. I know in my home country there are often TV shows about success stories of kids being adopted from Brazil. It is heart warming. As a matter of fact, we have given love and education to two such children, adopted and foster child. But the rewards are great as well.
    Hugs to you,

  3. What a great post, thanks for introducing me to Hope, I had never heard about it before. :)

  4. What an amazing organization! And how wonderful your family has taken this on!!
    You are making a real difference in the world my friend ~
    Have a pretty day!

  5. This is so inspiring and humbling. You are such a giver, Celia. You make a difference in this world and show others they way to true happiness and joy and that lies in the acts of charity. Thank you for exposing me to this amazing post!

  6. Good morning Celia,
    This is such a wonderful post and it's commendable that your family has gotten involved in such a worthy cause. You are truly an inspiration, my friend. Thank you for sharing and for your visit to my Cottage. You have been missed. Enjoy your day and take care.


  7. I can't even begin to fathom anyone discarding a baby on the side of the road. It makes my stomach feel sick. This seems like an amazing cause. Thank you for spreading the word. Gonna go read a bit more about it. xo

  8. What an amazing cause Celia! As you know, I support my friend Monica's charity F.L.A.G. which helps underpriveleged young girls get an education. Love any cause that helps little ones get the basics they need. xo

  9. What a wonderful post! I love what they do and will be checking into them. I love how you laid out the post, starting with the beautiful innocent baby leading up to... HOPE. Beautiful.

  10. Hi Celia, You are such a compassionate person, and your dollars for this cause make a big difference. I commend you.
    Wanted to let you know I really enjoyed your post about skin care too. You inspired me to work a little harder at it! And don't forget the sunscreen!
    Hugs, Beth


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