Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Massage Therapy & the Wax Pot

I have been seeing the same Massage Therapist for about 3 years now. I don't know what I would without her. She is truly God sent, along with massage therapy she does cranial sacral which works on the damage to my neck and cerebral spinal fluid. After her sessions I feel my body actually relax from its constant protective state from pain by tensing its self even more. Sometimes the relieve may only last a couple of hours, but for that time I can breathe.

Three years is a long time, one gets to know the other quite well. So during our sessions  a month ago ( I see her twice a week), she commented on my pedicure or lack of is more accurate. To which I admitted had not been touched since our trip to Peru at Christmas. Knowing how I take pride in my appearance she questioned this... I really did not have an answer for her aside from I forget to book an appointment or I'm just tired of people poking at me (since my accident mani/pedi are something that I can no longer do myself ... and each time I go in for a mani/pedi is a reminder of something else I must depend on others for). I know many of you are saying .."Wow, I'd love to have the excuse of needing someone to do that"... trust me when you have to, its no longer that treat of pampering you feel. Any ways, I promised that I would go in and have it done before our next session (which I did).

Well, she is quite observant  in over the last couple of sessions she started commenting on the slight grass spikes growing on my lower legs and during our last visit the "shadow" she noticed when I lifted my arm. So when I showed up for my last session of this week ~ she said "by the way I have my wax pot on". After some discussion I agreed I would get my legs and under arms in to see my esthetician before our next session.

I'm going to make standing appointments with my esthetician ~ this will solve the forgetting to make appointment part (you may be asking yourself could you forget? well that's what having an ABI is like, if you don't do it at that moment you are thinking of it may not get done). You may be asking what about shaving? Well, that is something that I would require assistance with - the ability to control the shaver at proper angle and pressure can be a challenge.

What came out of our discussion was even deeper than the need for waxing ( my Massage Therapist, is not in the habit of pointing this sort of thing to her clients) which she only brought up to me because in the past three years she has gotten to know me quite well... and this was certainly not normal for me, thus she was highly concerned. Subconsciously I was rebelling against depending on others. Since its not something that affected my health and was concealed by clothing, it was my way of feeling some control over my limitations.

I am sharing this in hopes that it may help others to pick up on subtle changes in grooming in either themselves or those close to them that may be a result of something deeper.

So thankfully I will not be joining these ladies in the future...

Have you found yourself in a similar situation?

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Taste of Heaven Cake

Whenever I entertained pre-accident this cake was always part of the dessert table. Many wanted to know what made this so yummy ~ but I kept my little added touch secret. My friends enjoyed this cake that they would often ask me if I would bake it when I was invited for dinner. I hope that you enjoy it as much as we did.
Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees F. Grease a 10-inch tube pan.

1 C. soften butter
2 ¼ C. granulated sugar
1 Tsp. pure vanilla
2 tsp. grated orange peel
6 eggs
3 C. all purpose flour
½ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. baking soda
1 C. sour cream

In a large bowl beat butter until creamy; gradually add sugar beating until light and fluffy.

Beat in vanilla and orange peel. Add eggs one at a time and beating for 1 minute after each addition.

In a small bowl combine flour, salt and baking soda. Alternating with sour cream add flour mixture to butter mixture ~ starting and finishing with flour mixture.

Pour batter into prepared pan and place in oven. Bake for 1.25 hours.

While cake is baking prepare the heavenly syrup.

In a medium saucepan combine 1/3 C. slivered orange peel and 2 tsp. of salt. Add enough water to cover and bring to boil (about 2 minutes). Drain. Add 1/3 C. orange juice and ¼ C. sugar, simmer for about 10 minutes. Once simmered add additional ¼ C. of sugar and 1/3 C. of lemon juice and 1 tsp. of vanilla, stir until smooth. Optional Secret ingredient ¼ C. of Grand Marnier ~ can be added after lemon juice.

After removing cake from oven spoon the top of hot cake with the syrup mixture. Allow cake to cool in pan for 20 minutes before moving to wire rack to cool completely.

Tips: To cut down on prep time I would often bake the cake the night before add some of the syrup mixture to top after baking. The morning of party I would warm up additional syrup and drizzle it over cake, adding more grated orange peel for added touch. At Christmas I would use the forest baking pan from William Sonoma and just before serving would use a sifter or tea strainer to sprinkle powder sugar over the tree tops (make sure cake is completely cool before topping with powder sugar.

I hope you enjoy this cake as much as my friends and I have over the years. Original recipe was given to me 15 years ago by an elderly woman (80 something)in the building I lived in.

Click Here to join Recipe Swap

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Simply Living...

Remember how you felt the last time you received an actual written letter in your mail box?

The smile that came to your face, that someone took the time to actually write you!

Why not be someone's smile in a day?

Join BLOGLAND PEN PAL today, It is so easy...

Just email your mailing address to

write BlogLand Pen Pal in the email's subject line, its that easy!

By the end of February you will receive via email your BlogLand Pen Pal,
so you can start writing your letter/post card/note knowing it will bring a smile to someone's day!
To read more about BlogLand Pen Pal CLICK HERE.

Don't forget to enter Wine Lover's Giveaway

Click here for great Blog Hops...

Monday, February 21, 2011

GIVEAWAY ~ Calling All Wine Lovers

Have a seat ......

Would you care for a little Bordeaux?

Ok..ok... something a little more budget friendly...

Could I interest you in a little Chianti?

What about a little Pinot Grigio???

More of a dessert wine kinda of gal...

how about a sip of Ice Wine??

or maybe a little Vin Santo is more to your liking...

Maybe a Port is what tickles your taste buds..

OR is bubbly more your vice....

Well no matter what grape you prefer (if you are like moi, a bit of each svp) this Wine Lover's Gift Set will help you keep track of all your favs!! It comes with a stainless steel wine opener,stopper,drip collar and record journal guide.

There are some changes happening here (in the background) at
Falling Off A High Heeled Life ...
During March interruption to regular posting may occur.
So, before things get really crazy... I thought a Giveaway was in order!!!

Wine Lover's Gift Set Giveaway
is Open to all Followers of
Falling off a High Heeled Life ~

To enter is simple ...
- leave a comment letting me know you are a follower and what is your fav wine

For an extra chance

-blog or post giveaway on your side bar 
come back and leave another comment saying you have blogged or posted giveaway on your side bar

Giveaway closes February 28th ... Winner will be posted March 1, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Earth Angels ~ Adonis continued

Everyone Crosses Paths for a Reason ~

In  November 2010, I started going back in time pre-accident, and left you wondering who Adonis was ~ you can read the first part of Earth Angels ~ everyone crosses paths for a reason HERE.

During my time in the hospital post-accident, Adonis could not have been more wonderful. He stayed by my side as I worked my way from CCU to ICU to hospital ward and eventually to rehabilitation hospital. Each accomplishment meant I was one step closer to going home.

When the day finally came that the doctors agreed I was strong enough to continue my rehabilitation at home, I was beyond excited! I was going home… yes there would be someone there 24/7 with me, but I would get to sleep in my own bed, surround by my things.

image credit
Walking (more like hobbling with a cane to steady my step) up the walkway to my home, a feeling of loss came over me. At the time I did not understand it. As we went inside I looked around. Everything seemed to be exactly as I recalled it. Even my tea cup and saucer sat on the side table, just as I had left it that day (thankfully I had drank all the tea, or perhaps it had evaporated, as it was empty); on the coffee table lay the October issue of InStyle magazine; the health coverage forms, I had intended on filling out and submitting that week-end remained scattered on my writing desk. Suddenly I was overcome with fatigue, the caregiver must have noticed, she quickly came over and assisted my sister with getting me out of my coat and slippers (yes, slippers ~ though it was winter – thankfully the snow had been very little that year~ I had no flat boots, let alone closed flat shoes).

Upstairs in my bedroom I again felt that feeling of loss. The duvet that I had once snuggled cozy beneath had to be removed, its weight felt like a blanket of bricks on my fragile frame ~ I think I was weighing 95-98 lbs. at the time (almost 15 lbs less than I did that fatal Saturday. On a 5’2” body frame that much loss looks and feels more like 25lbs).

That first night I hadn’t noticed that Adonis had not come by nor called (I would later learn that he had kept updated on my recovery through friends). The next few weeks would be consumed with in-home rehab, distraction by well wishing friends and lots and lots of sleep, But no Adonis.

Then out of the blue he was coming by to take me out for lunch. I had not been out of pajamas for some time. The caregiver lovingly and patiently helped me find clothes that added a little weight to my silhouette. She carefully pulled my hair back to conceal the bald spots that covered the back of my head. When Adonis arrived ~ I was dressed and ready to go. I thought I looked pretty good ~ I would later learn that my neighbor thought an elderly woman was staying at my house and was being helped by Adonis.

Through lunch I tried my best to not show the limitation in my right arm (at this point it was fused in a hand shake position), but I recall not doing a great job of bring food to my mouth with left hand. When we finished, it was as if no food had actually been consumed. Adonis returned me home and that would be the last I would see of him, though he did call from time to time to see if I needed anything.

I must say, though Adonis and I never spoke about why he drifted away … I knew that I was no longer “that girl”- whom he had been so taken back, by her confidence, energy, stunning smile, fit and full of life. In her place now stood (actually more often sitting), an unsure of herself and life, fragile being.

Looking back now, I know that he is an Earth Angel, who was giving me the strength I needed to make it back. For this I have always been and continue to be grateful that he chose me to help. Not once, and I can honestly say this, did I feel disappointed or angry that he drifted from my life. Perhaps on some level I knew he had been a gift from above.

I recently had the opportunity to have lunch with Adonis (3 years later) and …. well I think I will save the lunch story for another time.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dreaming Of...

Warmer weather and gardening.....

Followed by a lovely outdoor afternoon tea...

Joining Trish for....

Check BlogHop tag under blog header to discover other fabulous blog hops... come join the party!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Make A Difference ...

Make a difference in someone's day send them a letter...

It's easy just email your mailing address to That's it !

You will be partner with an other BlogLand Pen Pal participant .

To participate in February, please email your mailing address before February 25, 2011.

You can read more about BlogLand Pen Pal HERE

Joining various Blog Hops ...
See Blog Hop tab under header and join the fun...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Warm Places to Live? Need Your Suggestions...

The cold weather has once again gotten the better of me. I have spent more time in our home staying warm, than I would care to admit. Those of you who know me or have been reading for awhile know that the cold weather and all the harware I now call part of my body; bones and joints do not mix well together.

We (I ) thought South America would be the answer to living warm during the cold winter months here. But the long flight proved to a bit much for me. So we are back to the drawing board, sort of speak.

The Plan...

Wish list: warmth, quiet, near water, within a 5 hour flight travel from Toronto, Canada

Deal breakers: Must be Furbaby friendly

short term~ pick 3-4 places to explore
~ find weekly/monthly rentals (staying at a hotel will not give the true essence of a place)
~ make a decision on a place or 2
long term
~ decide whether renting or purcahsing is best option

I need your suggestions my Friends... Where should I consider for warm living December - April ???

If you could suggest any great Rentals for the month of March, with warm weather that would be great too!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Why do we celebrate Valentine's Day?

There are various theories and interesting legends surrounding the origins of St Valentine's Day. Some legends trace the origin of Valentine's Day to Pagan times while others link it to one or more Saints of early Christian Church.

Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D. On the day of his death, St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer's daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it "From Your Valentine". Other aspects of the story say that Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor Claudius. Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine.

Another theory as to the origins of this holiday is that it was an attempt to "christianize" the Pagans who also celebrated a holiday on February 15th. This holiday was known as the festival of Lupercalia, held every year beginning February 15th, was a fertility festival in honor of the Roman god Faunus, the god of agriculture, and Rome's founders Romulus and Remus.
While the origins of Valentine's Day come from Pagan and/or ancient Roman roots, today it is celebrated by people in many countries, including Australia, Canada, France, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Like most growing up I "bought" into the whole commercialization of the day. Over the past couple of years I have started to look at this day as one to celebrate those in my life, who through their love and support have kept me smiling and my heart open.

Happy Valentine's Day to all my friends in BlogLand... You make each day brighter with your wonderful posts and comments!!

How do you celebrate
 St. Valentine's Day...

Do you keep it simple with a card and small token of love and appreciation
or do you go all out and expect your significant other to go all out too?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The HHL family is growing....

Hi everyone ... It's me Dolce ~ Guest Posting...

I'm pawing by to let you know I have new FuryCousin!!
His name is Kobi ... he was born in Florida. Auntie M picked him up on Thursday!

No he is not drinking beer... its just to show you how small he is.
Monmmy says I was that small too...once..
Now I'm a whole 6.5 lbs... Kobi is 1.5 lbs..

Kobi is a Maltipoo and will grow to 5-6 lbs.

I know Kobi is going to be loved so much ...

Kobi will be visiting the Vet that gave him his first shots. This may remain his forever Vet, but Auntie M. would like to have some options. Since she only lives in Florida part-time, it would be great if our Florida friends would share some Vets they may know in the Naples, Estero area.

He is still with Auntie her Florida home...
but I can't wait to meet him !!

Don't worry Kobi ... we'll be playing soon...

Don't forget to visit me at my blog, click here 
Paws & Licks , Dolce

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Living the Life You Deserve!!!

As I work my way through the Umbrella for Living Plan ~ Foundation (you can read about plan here and foundation here) I came across some books one of my besties gifted me, in the early days of my recovery. At the time I recall thinking "my life is over and she wants me to look at how it will be ... she's crazy."

Well a couple  years later here I am ~ book in hand and thinking what have I got to lose? As, I scanned the book the one thing that I noticed was how congested these boards all looked. This was a bit over whelming to me, but the message the book was conveying made sense.

With Mr. G's help I started going through piles of magazines that I'd been given or purchased over the past 4 years. It was amazing how many magazines I had accumulated. That I had not discarded them, was even more interesting. At any rate, I started the process of cutting out images, words and phrases that I felt would be useful in creating my "vision board". So, after a few weeks of going through the magazines I had accumulated quite the collection of cut-outs. They sat in a Tupperware container for a few more weeks.

While puttering about the house I came across a painters canvas I had purchased during one of my escape visits to Micheal's ~ no, I don't paint but it was 1/2 price. At the time I had no idea what I would use it for. I started placing my collected  images, words, and phrases on the board. But, it just wasn't coming together... overlapping the cut-out pieces was making my head spin. So, the board and Tupperware container were left to the side. Every now and then I would take a look at it; add a new cut-out here and there and move others around (I had not started gluing anything down it was easy to move things about). Something was missing ~ I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Being someone who believes in Angels and their helping hand, I finally asked for some help. As, I moved the cut-outs around the board - for what I'm sure was the millionth time. Mr. G handed me some magazines he had come across in organizing the storage area. Getting frustrated with the lack of progress I was making on the board, I agreed to take a break (Mr. G is getting better at averting or at least reducing the extent of my frustration break-downs). I started to go through the newly discovered pile of magazines. After about 20 minutes or so, I started flipping through pages of an Oprah magazine ... I couldn't believe what I had discovered ... no it wasn't a word, or phrase or image ... it was a whole page!!

Scared that in all my excitement to get it out I would tear it, I carefully removed the page from the magazine. the moment I placed the page on the "vision board" everything else seemed to come together .. just like an orchestra playing. I couldn't move my cut-outs fast enough into their places.

page was found in O The Oprah Magazine, November 2010 issue
Also , what I started to notice is that due to the "page" everything on the vision board seemed to have its place ~ it wasn't cluttered or overwhelming, my brain could follow each section. And there was also space to add more cut-outs to the board if I needed to.

Now, I had to locate the perfect place, somewhere I would see it regularly. I tried a few places throughout the house. We are still under some renovations, so things get moved about a lot. Then it hit me, I would place it above my writing desk. As, I write I will be reminded of how my life "is" (everything about a Vision board is meant to be looked at as it's occurring ... so that all the energy is focused on positive in the Present).

There are lots of windows in this area (I set up camp in the kitchen) with a beautiful view to the back of our property.

I try to keep my writing area as simple as possible, the less distractions the better for my head's ability to think and process my thoughts to words.

The things I keep around me have comforting meaning ...

A cup from the Versace cup collection Mr. G started for me a couple years ago, along with a little silver teapot ... looking at it makes me feel warm and reminds me... STOP and have a cup tea if the words aren't coming when I'm writing. Some days I drink lots and lots of tea ...

To me a the word Vision implies in the future .. so I have chosen to call mine the Living Life Board. I have also created my Living Life Board by cutting and pasting with scissors and glue (scrap booking two sided tape works well on the small pieces); but there are many online sites where you can create an on-line vision board and save it as a screen saver. The important thing to remember is to have it in a place that you can see it daily and can be reminded just how wonderful your life "IS".

Also don't be afraid to ask for a little help. Looking back over the creation of my Living Life Board; I now realize it has been in the making for sometime ~ even before I knew it, I was collecting the items that would be required to create it.
Do you have a Vision/ Living Life board?

Don't forget to check the Blog Hop tab under header for some great Blog Hops!!!

part of Getting My Life Back !!HHL series