Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Taste of Heaven Cake

Whenever I entertained pre-accident this cake was always part of the dessert table. Many wanted to know what made this so yummy ~ but I kept my little added touch secret. My friends enjoyed this cake that they would often ask me if I would bake it when I was invited for dinner. I hope that you enjoy it as much as we did.
Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees F. Grease a 10-inch tube pan.

1 C. soften butter
2 ¼ C. granulated sugar
1 Tsp. pure vanilla
2 tsp. grated orange peel
6 eggs
3 C. all purpose flour
½ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. baking soda
1 C. sour cream

In a large bowl beat butter until creamy; gradually add sugar beating until light and fluffy.

Beat in vanilla and orange peel. Add eggs one at a time and beating for 1 minute after each addition.

In a small bowl combine flour, salt and baking soda. Alternating with sour cream add flour mixture to butter mixture ~ starting and finishing with flour mixture.

Pour batter into prepared pan and place in oven. Bake for 1.25 hours.

While cake is baking prepare the heavenly syrup.

In a medium saucepan combine 1/3 C. slivered orange peel and 2 tsp. of salt. Add enough water to cover and bring to boil (about 2 minutes). Drain. Add 1/3 C. orange juice and ¼ C. sugar, simmer for about 10 minutes. Once simmered add additional ¼ C. of sugar and 1/3 C. of lemon juice and 1 tsp. of vanilla, stir until smooth. Optional Secret ingredient ¼ C. of Grand Marnier ~ can be added after lemon juice.

After removing cake from oven spoon the top of hot cake with the syrup mixture. Allow cake to cool in pan for 20 minutes before moving to wire rack to cool completely.

Tips: To cut down on prep time I would often bake the cake the night before add some of the syrup mixture to top after baking. The morning of party I would warm up additional syrup and drizzle it over cake, adding more grated orange peel for added touch. At Christmas I would use the forest baking pan from William Sonoma and just before serving would use a sifter or tea strainer to sprinkle powder sugar over the tree tops (make sure cake is completely cool before topping with powder sugar.

I hope you enjoy this cake as much as my friends and I have over the years. Original recipe was given to me 15 years ago by an elderly woman (80 something)in the building I lived in.

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  1. That cake looks wonderful and I will be back later to copy the receipe!

  2. YUMMY! The citrus in this sounds amazing. And I love that it was a recipe given to you. Those are always the best.xo

  3. You are now officially Hubby's new best friend. He adores cakes and whilst I may be no good at general cooking I quite enjoy making cakes so I've written down this recipe and will try it out on him soon. Many thanks for sharing your 'secret' ingredient as that is often what makes something so special :)

  4. This looks so yummy...I am your newest follower..


  5. Hi. Looks great. I'm not much of a cake maker but I try from time to time. I'm following your blog. I am (way) over 40 hopping and hoping to be over 400 on the CSN Bathroom Voting Contest.
    Ask someone to Vote and Validate the email, please. It only takes a few seconds and doesn't cost anything to help. It's for a much needed bathroom repair/makeover.
    Laura H from WY

  6. I'm definitely copying this for future use. Thanks for sharing. It sounds so yummy.

    Happy weekend sweet friend!

  7. Good Morning Friend!
    (I am going to reply back to your email when I am in the pedi chair after my run....give me few!)

    Oh my.....that looks delish!!! Just like Heaven:)

    Thanks for linking up today:)

    I can't wait to try this.

  8. Ohh yummy! Sour cream, orange peel and six eggs are sure to make this a raving recipe! Have a great Friday my friend :)

  9. You are SUCH a sweetheart to let us in on the "secret" ingredient. I am going to try it this weekend. Hoping all is well. Adrienne XO

  10. Sounds deeeelish!
    Hope you are having a great day!

  11. I'm gonna make this cake for my next writing group meeting. Sounds heavenly. Thanks for sharing your secret recipe.


  12. Ooooh! I'm SO in a baking mood now! thanks :)

  13. Yum. This looks amazing. Coming by from FF&P Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Yummy.. but NOT on my diet..ha ha..

    Enjoyed my visit to your blog today.


  15. Sounds simply delicious! I will definately make this Sunday! I'll report back.

  16. Oh Oh I have just got to try this cake it sounds wonderful and I have so many eggs lately with all my hens laying again .. wonderful xx

  17. YUMMY!!!! It looks soooooo good!!!
    But I'm on a diet, I have to loose the weight I gained when I was at Toronto.... ^..^. You just make me want to eat it, angel, lol!!!

    By the way the weather is not so good at it seems in my pictures, I just took my outwear coat for the shots.

    Hope you're having a great weekend.


  18. That cake sounds delicious! Thanks for linking up to Meet & Follow Sunday! Have a good weekend.

    Jennifer @

  19. That cake has my mouth watering this morning! Yummy! Came by from FF&P's recipe swap.

  20. This looks so good! Love the addition of orange. I'd love to give it a try for an Easter brunch. :) xoxo

  21. Delish! If I made it, I'd eat the whole thing!


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