Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Monday, September 27, 2010

Interviews & Red Carpet...

Over the last little while I have been both honoured and humbled by the awards and tags I have received from some of my wonderfully inspiring BlogLand Friends.... I have tried to group things into Interviews (questions to answer) and BlogLand Red Carpet (awards) ... Thank you How I Met Your Father , La Bella Vie , Faith, Hope, and A little Love , Life the Universe and all that's in it  ~ I truly appreciate you having though of me.

Little Miss of How I Met Your Father ~ For the awarding me the Lovely Blog award
Though I'm a fairly new follower I am very much look forward to when a new post from LM pops up on my blog roll!! If you are needing a dose of sunshine and postive reading pop on over for a visit!! Did I mention she has a great writing style too!!

Passing this award to the first 4 comments on my last post.

Terry of La Bella Vie ~ For awarding me the Versatile Blog award
Terry's blog is extremely inspiring~ this lady sews (you must visit her and check out the FABULOUS sewing room she has created for herself); hostess; amazing photographer and truley a genuine and wonderful person.

This award required you list 7 things about yourself ~ just did for another award so To spare this from being a huge post - if you are interested in learning a bit more about me click here.

Passing this award to the next 4 comments on my last post

Now for the Interviews
NEW TAG RECEIPIENTS ( you'll find the names ~ under the respective answers)...

Jacklyn of Faith, Hope, and A little Love ~ Tagging me with random questions...
Jacklyn is new to BlogLand so if you have not had the opportunity to stop my for a visit .. click on over there and show some Blog Love.

Ruth of Life the Universe and all that's in it ~ Tagging me with fashion questions
I have been a follower of Ruth's blog for some time now. Her witty humour, passion for fashion, love of her family and furbabies, and life, not to mention the pesky construction crew - all provide for some interesting adventurous in her day to day life. I am never disappointed when I visit her ... she will either have me laughing or really thinking and everything in-between. Definitely a must visit!
8 Tag Questions:

If you could go back to school, without money being a factor in your decision, what would you study?

International Law

Cats or dogs?

Dolce & Stella would be hoping I say dogs!!!
Though kittens are really sweet.

How many pairs of shoes do you own, and which ones are you absolute favorite?

Counting heels, flats, boots approx. 50+
(Mr. G. often refers to my shoe shelves as his Harely )
My absolute favourite are a heeled slipper pair I got a couple years ago by Rene Caovilla.

What’s in your purse – right now?

Nothing I make it a habit of empting out my hand bags in the evening.  I have not gone out today so have not needed to use one. I do keep a spare keys, and small wallet with emergency funds  in cross-the-chest Coach pouch in case I need to go out quickly.

Be honest: How many times a day do you check Facebook?

ZERO ~ I'm not on Facebook

What is the farthest place you’ve traveled outside of your hometown, and why?

Hong Kong 22 hour flight ~ after college trip to Asia

If you had to limit your beauty routine down to only 2 things, what would you keep?

Skin care and Mascara
What is your favorite quote?

I have many but this is a good one to remember

I'm Tagging:

Fashion Tag Questions:
What's your favourite fashion accessory?
they go with everything.

Who are your fashion role models?

Audrey Hepburn - for simplicity

Jennifer Lopez ~  after she became a mother
she always looks stylish !

Eva Mendes ~ she reminds that everyday
dresses are great!

How would you describe your style?
Smart Casual ...
though SP of  The Life of a Suburban Princess came up
with a term I considered may also be appropriate (I just can't recall it)

What's your favourite? Jeans, sunglasses or heels?

What inspired you to blog about fashion?

I blog about life in general - fashion just happens to be part of life.

What is your favourite fashion store?

I can find all my fav designers under one roof!!!

What is your favourite fabric in clothing?
cashmere , cotton and silk (or combinations of)

Who are your favourite designers?

Dolce & Gabbana

Elie Tahari ~

Tory Burch ~
Who or what inspires your style?
Classic movies, Fashion Magazines

Would you choose to buy something high quality or make it yourself if you could?

I would say purchase... I can't sew a button ..
besides its fun to go out to the shops.

I'm Tagging



  1. Congratulations on all of your awards and tags! Thank you for passing one on to me!

    I said Chic Boho....or Chic Gypsy - either would work :O)

  2. Congratulations!! You deserve them all.
    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog.
    I come here for any fashion and inspiration. Fashion for me is scary business-jeans and a tee-shirt!
    Have a great evening!

  3. Thank you so much for the "tag"! I will most certainly give these questions some thought and get a post up. I enjoyed getting to know you and have to agree with you on so many of your points - Audrey, Tory, skincare - an absolutely must have. :)

  4. oh thank you for your kind words!! love reading your "about you!"

  5. Congrats on all your awards! You deserve all of them. It was fun reading your answers. Thank goodness I'm not the only person on this planet who is NOT on facebook, that is great to know!

  6. Thank you so much!

    Congrats on your awards. I love visiting you.


  7. You have had a big "Award" day! You deserve all you get. I am pleased and honored you thought of me for one of your awards. I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness.

  8. Congratulations on all of your awards. I am not at all surprised that you are so popular. Thank you for thinking of me too; I appreciate the thought.
    My best to you,

  9. All awards well deserved :) I missed this post, I was without internet for about 18 hours....such a scary time ....but my darling man fixed it so back on the block to speak. I loved your post, I also love Audrey ... I like the look of Ellie Tahari and love Dolce and Dabbana.
    Tory Burch is new to me but I have a jacket of hers and I love it. Thanks for doing my tag xx

  10. Wow thank you so much! I am truly honored! You are so sweet!!

    Congrats to you as well for winning the awards!

    Have a great day!!



Thank you for taking the time to comment. Know that each one is appreciated and read. Any questions posed in comments in will be responded to via the Reply button below your comment. - Live Life Luxuriously!