Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

NEW YOU ~ Tuesdays

Each Tuesday you can expect to find something related to re-inventing one’s self and creating a new life! So whether you are trying to move forward from a detour in life [unexpected or expected ]; looking to explore ways of becoming a better you, I hope you will find a little inspiration here.

It would be an honor to have you share positive and motivating things that have worked for you personally or for someone you know. If you are interested in Guest Posting or would like to see a post regarding something specific please contact me at:

Like a diamond in the rough~ 
there are many facets you can polish to help
bring out a more brilliant you....

Being at Peace within yourself ~ Spiritual

Taking care of the body~ Health &Wellness

Get it together You are a product of your Environment
Family, friends, co-workers, community ~ Relationships

Domestic Godess, Corporate Wife, Executive, Caregiver,etc. ~ Security & Stability

Interests, Hobbies, ~ Fun and Relaxation

Giving back to help others, Community ~ Volunteer

If you look good you feel good , more motivated ~ Outer You

The clothes no longer fit your Healthy Body & Life ... time to clean out the closet
to make room for clothes that fit the new you and Life ~ LifeStyle


If you are feeling like this...


What Brilliant and Sparkly diamond will you be,
once you have polished all your facets?


  1. the diamond in the rough gives me hope!!!! *wink*

    great post. :)

  2. Love this list and especially the last thought to ponder. The mind really is a powerful thing, isn't it? I can appreciate your desire to continually be the best you you can be and if ever you need a guest blogger, let me know. I'd be happy to help out.

  3. Hello! Great post with much needed inspiration! Found your awesome blog on Mingle Mondays! :)

  4. This sounds great. I may contribute some time!

  5. awesome post! so inspiring.

    i will be a LARGE emerald cut diamond,

    would you consider doing a post on the
    really best moisturizers, etc. for the 50+
    face? are the super expensive ones
    really better than the drugstore ones,
    for example?

  6. love love love the list!

    thank you so much for your encouraging comment left on my blog. thank you for praying. i'm so blessed to have friends like you!!

    Hope you're having a great week!!


  7. Love the idea...."New You". Been working on this in my own life the last few months. Some days we all need a little encouragement and reminder that we are "a diamond in the rough"! Looking forward to this series of posts!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. Know that each one is appreciated and read. Any questions posed in comments in will be responded to via the Reply button below your comment. - Live Life Luxuriously!