Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Where have you been...

Summer, I have missed you terribly ... but the temperatures and calendar say that you are back!! So to celebrate your return I think some bubbly is in order... How about a Bellini?

The Bellini cocktail was created 1943 by Giuseppi Cipriani at Harry's Bar in Venice, Italy in honor of the painter Geovani Bellini. The original recipe was made with fresh pureed white peaches with a bit of raspberry or cherry juice to give the drink a pink glow.

Original Version
2/3 cup white peach puree (use yellow peaches if white not available)
1 teaspoon raspberry puree
1 bottle chilled Prosecco (Italian sparkling wine )
Place 1 1/2 tablespoons puree in bottom of each flute and add 2 - 3 drops of the raspberry puree. Add Presco and serve in tall champagne flutes.

I recently came across this recipe while unpacking some boxes ... oh the fun memories of sipping this delight with the girls on the patio of my city home. I hope you give it a try, I know I will be again, soon!!!

What's your summer signature drink?

Joining some great blog hops...



  1. Sounds delicious. I just made the best watermelon mojito. I will try to get it on the blog.

  2. I am not imbibing these days (decided to lay of the wine for a bit - which is challenging in the wine country) my favorite drink this summer has been a mixture of 1/2 a can of San Pellegrino lemon flavored soda and plain San Pellegrino mineral water to fill to the glass.
    I also like plain water with cucumber slices and fresh mint.

  3. well, thank you for the delicious recipe. i do
    have a weakness for bubbly! my favorite
    drink, however is lots of green tea. so soothing
    and deilcious hot or cold.

    i hope you are having a wonderful summer!
    i have escaped our tremendous heat for the


  4. The recipe does sound very good. I'm not much of a signature drink kind of gal, but I do like all the fufu drinks, though my favorite drink of all time is Chinotto. I can't find the good one here, but I'll take what I can get.

  5. You just gave me a terrific idea for a special cocktail when my Sweetie returns home from his business trip next week...can't wait...may have to try them out on my own first! Ha! Would love to have to over to sip a few on the veranda!
    --Lee Ann

  6. Mine iced mint tea. We had a nice sunny day here today too!

  7. A peach bellini sounds delish to me! Thanks for the recipe.

    My favorite drink for the summer is a vodka tonic with refreshing.

    Hugs sweet friend,

  8. I haven't had one for awhile and I love a Bellini cocktail!! Will pick up the ingredients!!

    Art by Karena

    Be sure to enter my exciting Giveaway from the Artisans at Novica!

  9. man i would have loved to live the life of a girl making drinks for her gfs on her patio, so glamorous!

  10. I love peach bellinis. I also love peach capirinihas and strawberry daiquiris.

  11. Dearest Celia,

    What an appropriate way to toast to the summer with a Bellini!
    We both LOVE Prosecco, that is made in the area where we lived in Italy.
    Have a wonderful start of summer and hope you feel as bubbly as this drink.

    Lots of love,


  12. Oh darling...Bellinis have to be one of those little sparkles of luxury in life that make me feel I am one of the richest gals in the world. It's luscious and refreshing and so Italian! (like my ancestry). Good thing you found this recipe. Thank you for sharing it. I am totally giddy today and I just have to celebrate summer solscite somehow. I wasn't sure how. But now I know whatever I do, my plans will include a Bellini...oh yes. Enjoy the day, dear!

  13. What a PERFECT summer... have - the girls- over- for - a cocktail~ cocktail! Thank you so much for the recipe!
    Have a PRETTY day!

  14. Hey friend! I love a good Bellini!

  15. I am sure I would like this drink. For summer I like anything that is cold and has no sugar or little sugar.

  16. what a great way to welcome the first day of summer with! :)

  17. New follower from Where are you
    Wednesday. Hope you follow back.

  18. I've never had a bellini, but love peaches and might have to try it! And the summer I LOVE pina coladas!

  19. Bellinis are yummy! As for my summer drink...pretty much ANYTHING with the exception of Mojito's. Perfect post for the start of summer ~ visiting from Flip Flops & pearls :)

  20. Wow I love to see this! I have been invited to a friends house for Bellini's and I had no idea what I said yes to!
    Thank you for this post and now I'm off to print the recipe:O)

  21. This sounds so good. Don't laugh... my signature drink is 1/2 cranberry juice, 1/2 soda water. I know, lame huh? I don't drink due to migraines & a loved ones struggle w/ addiction. xo

  22. Hello Beautiful!

    This sounds & looks delish. Maybe this will be "our" drink when we meet in NOLA??

    Be blessed-XoXo

  23. Hello Celia,

    I love Bellini's! They are one of the drinks I like to serve guests during the summer. I love Prosecco anytime of the year! My favorite non-alcoholic drink in the summer is mango tea and fresh squeezed lemonade. I also have my dil hooked on the mango tea! She begs me to make it for her when she comes over.

    Thank you for sharing the recipe and history of the Bellini!

    ~ Tracy

  24. hopping over from FF&P. what a fun drink!

  25. I don't drink so I would say mine is just ice tea or lemonade. Stopping by from FF&P's today.

  26. Delish!! Here in Alabama we have the famous Chilton County Peaches that are absolutely wonderful anyway you use them!!
    Visiting from FF&P!!

  27. Mmmmm that sounds so good. My faves are watermelon margaritas and strawberry margarita spritzers from southern living. Great post, I'm a new follower and stopping by from ff&p!


  28. Found you through the Semi Wordless Wednesday blog hop...and what a lovely blog you have!

    My signature summer drink is non-alcoholic, but just as addicting: The cherry limeade from Sonic! I can't imagine summer without it. :)

    Hope you'll stop by and say hello:

    Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life

  29. I have not had one in a while. I need to correct this soon.

  30. Oooo, thank you for sharing the Bellini! It sounds delish and I can't wait to try!


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