Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Comfort on a rainy day...

Before my inconvenient detour, I never understood when people would say "this weather is killing me" or "it's going to rain, I can feel it in my bones and joints". Well, now that I am one of those people, I can tell you its no bowl of cherries.

On days when the weather is determined to keep me down, I find comfort with a good book ,currently reading Murder on the Boulevard (by our own BlogLand Friend, Kori Donahue, aka Blonde Episodes ). This is the perfect book to read when you are curled up on the sofa and have the day to enjoy reading. Each chapter keeps you on the edge, eagerly wanting to find out what happens next. The characters come to life with each turn of the page. Definitely one book that MUST be on your summer reading list!
Of course a rainy day is not complete without a warm cup of tea to warm up those creaking joints and aching bones. And of course cookies and chocolate ....

How do you spend rainy days?


  1. I love to spend rainy days curled up in a comfy chair with a cup of tea and a book. what a lovely setting!


  2. What an amazing way to spend a rainy day! It makes me want to come over and join you! And how lovely that you're adding a rose garden :)

    Kristin xo's

  3. Thank you so much for the shoutout honey! You are so sweet. I'm thrilled you enjoyed the book and that tea set is gorgeous! Kori xoxo

  4. Dearest Celia,

    At least such an elegant tea setting kind of eases the pain... It makes rain a kind of a cozy thing to celebrate with a good read and a hot sip of bliss.

    Lots of love,


  5. I love those cookies! The rectangle ones with the dark chocolate on yummy!

  6. Beautiful pictures. Sorry, i know the weather hurts...I am always busy :) Rain or shine.
    Talking about you on my blog!

  7. I want that tea set!!! It isn't something that is still available either, is it? It's absolute perfection!

  8. I find warm weather worse than rainy weather for some reason. :| However stormy weather is the worse!

    Yummy biscuits solve all ills. lol Although I prefer cheesecake. mmm

    Having a nice tea set makes it even more special!

  9. Yep, I'm with you on what the rain and cold can do to the joints - I just don't want to admit that it has anything to do with age! Glad to hear about the book - I'm always looking for a good recommendation and I love mysteries!

  10. Well...I wouldn't know, it NEVER rains her in the desert, can you believe it! And if it does, we hibernate and enjoy. However, I grew up in Northern California, sometimes it rained for months on end...and I have to say I hated it. It definitely affects your mood.I have arthritis now, and can imagine the aches and pains with the weather...the dryness here is a plus. I love how you have chosen to while away your day, your tea set up and the cookies and chocolate ~ divine!
    I will send some sunshine your way...xo Nathalie
    p.s. your wise words brought tears to my eyes, and peace to my heart, thank you....

  11. Hi! I find you to be such an inspiration, a real fighter, not to mention your blog is delightful! You're my Pick of the Week which means your button will be posted on my blog for the next week! Hope you have a great weekend!!!

  12. Stopping by from Flip Flops & Pearls, glad to hear you like Kori's book. It's on my "to read" list! Have a lovely weekend and thanks for stopping by my blog this weekend!

  13. I ADORE rainy days, especially cold winter rainy days. I love staying inside and getting all cozy with a blanket and movie or book.

  14. its raining here..and i'm going to complete my day with a warm cup of tea and cookies..:)

    i love the rain....

    have a great weekend!!



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