Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

If You Could Make A Difference ...

Would You?

Now that all the festivities of the holidays are behind us and most of us are settling in for winter, imagine how wonderful it would be to receive a letter in the mail that is not a bill. Well, if you are a BlogLand Pen Pal , you could certainly be making a difference in some one's life, your letter could be what brings a smile and warm feeling to some one's day. Much like a simple smile and hello from a stranger can turn some one's otherwise lonely, sad day around.

BlogLand Pen Pal, was started on this blog in November 2010 to help keep the Art of Letter Writing Alive, but I feel it does much more. In this wonderful world of technology where we can often be made to feel like a number or just another "duplicated/generic/computer generated" email recipient ~ a letter is actually written by some one's hand; to a specific individual; the writer made the time to write you. How special and wonderful would that make you feel? Now imagine how wonderful it would make you feel to know that you could make a difference in some one's life ... and all that it would cost is a few minutes of your time and the cost of a stamp.

Starting this month I would like to welcome you to participate in BlogLand Pen Pal, all you need to do is email your mailing address and blog URL (if you do not have a blog - you are still welcome to participate, just please include a couple things about yourself  in the email- so that we can match you with someone with similar interests) to please include BlogLand Pen Pal in subject line.
 At the end of the month all participants will be matched and emailed their Pen Pal for that month. You can participate each month and by the end of 2011 potentially have 12 new friends who you can exchange a hand written letter or note or post card with.

For more details on BlogLand Pen Pal click the here...


  1. I mailed letters to my penpals from last year this week!

    Sign me up for the next round!

  2. Love this!

    Now following from
    We list all of the daily baby deals in real-time. Love for you to stop by and follow back!

  3. What a great idea! I haven't had a pen pal since I was a kid in grade school.

    I'm following your blog through the Traveling Through Thursday Blog Hop :)

    ~ Stacey ~

    Mom's Daily Insight PR
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  4. I'm your newest follower I'd love a follow back @

  5. Definitely a great, inspiring idea :)I am following you from Traveling Thursday hop. :)
    Come stop by when you have time!

  6. I'm your newest follower! I'd love if you'd return the favor! While you're there, maybe you'd like to check out the giveaways in the sidebar??? And I'd love to see you at my blog hop this Sunday!

  7. Wonderful Idea...I miss getting REAL mail in the mail..

    I am your newest follower.


  8. Great post! I send REAL cards to people I care about every day! I'm your newest follower from the blog hop! :) Would love for you to follow back.

    I'm also a mom of 6 if you would like to check out my family blog, but please don't feel obligated.

    Lisa xoxo

  9. Love this post! My friend and I are 'pen pals' even though we live rather close and still talk to each other everyday. It's just nice to receive something in the mail, and to put effort into something that isn't electronic! xoxo

  10. Loved your last posts. Hope you are doing good. This Penpal idea is wonderful

  11. Hi! I'm following from the Thursday blog hop. I'd love for you to follow back! Have a great day!

    Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs

  12. I'm your newest follower! Swing by my blog if you get the chance! Thanks! :)

    And Then There Were 4...

  13. Wonderful idea! Nothing compares to a hand written letter.
    Please stop by my blog as I have something for you in my post on Thursday.
    xoxo, B

  14. I definitely want to participate.

    Kathie Truitt

  15. is this still open?

  16. Now following from

    Love this pen pall idea! nice to meet you!


  17. Hi!

    I'm your new follower =)
    Would love a follow back on my blog Sockertussen And on Bloglovin' if possible =)

    Have a great weekend =)


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