Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Monday, December 6, 2010

Its Neither Pampering nor Fun...

"So since you are not working after your accident, what do you do with all your time?"  is a question I am often asked. My first thought is to wait to answer them after I have been off some Meds for a couple days ... and unleash my ABI (acquired brain injury) in all its unfiltered brilliance, on them with my answer. Then I started to think, how many other people who are in similar situations as I am, being asked this STUPID of STUPID inquiring question. So I thought I would share with you an average week of activities in my life...

 Aquatic Therapy
hmm maybe if RehabGirl was RehabBoy this would be
more fun/easier. Sorry RehabGirl.

Cardio and Physio 
Had to get a Trainer, just so I would have structure and go.

2X per week

Not fun, but much needed. Interestingly I have a few Chiropractors
work on me over the past four years and all have noted how my lower
back actually does not have much movement and the jamming around my
C2 and most of neck area ( I sustained a fractured C2 in accident).

Therapeutic Massage & Cranial Sacral Therapy
This is not fun, despite everyone around me thinking how great
a weekly massage is. Therapeutic is TORTURE, I really should be
going 2X per week; but it really does hurt in a healing way, but still it hurts.
For me this is the one therapy I look forward to as it addresses my ABI,
with my ability process information and get from my mind out my mouth. This is also
the one therapy I have a love/hate relationship with. I need it, can see the progress I've
made in the past four years (though still not my birth given voice, I at least no longer
sound like Minnie Mouse, I kid you not ~ I did). But it is also one of the sessions that
most reminds me of how much I have lost, in my vocabulary, spelling, grammar etc.

My OT is actually really great, she tries to find was to help me
become more self confident and increase my mobility.

Various Doctor Appointments
From Specialists to Family Physician and all others in between.

If the above Medical therapies were not enough, over the past few weeks,
I choose to add these holistic natural approaches to healing.
Have I mentioned how I miss my old self?

Therapeutic Yoga
2X per week

Reiki & Reflexology

Meditation Class

At Home Meditation

For some people this may not seem like a lot. But let me assure you that for someone facing some of the challenges I face ~ though I need these activities to help with my mobility and emtional well being this is both as draining as it is beneficial.  What I have learned in the past few weeks this is too much for me, and I need to reprioritize, as all these activities have left me drained so that aside from the activities, I've just wanted sleep. Guess I have yet to master "pacing myself" and avoid crashing emotionally and physically.

So, the next time you think some else looks like they are enjoying the "fun pampering" in life, think of what they have gone through to have to NEED these things and remember when you actually NEED something to function day to day ... it no longer "fun or pampering" 

Next time I will share when special treats become everyday basic needs.


  1. I can see that getting well is a full time job. It is one worth doing. Keep taking good care of yourself!xo

  2. I can vouch for how many appts you have every week! I have no idea how you keep up with all of them...I get exhausted just reading your schedule each week!

  3. It is not easy to do what you are doing. It takes a lot of our innermost strength to recover or regain some sort of true self.
    Lots of Love and keep pushing on...

  4. My dear friend,
    I know what you are doing must be difficult but always remember, you never really lost who you really are inside...I can see that without having ever met you. You are still one of the most articulate writers I have come across. That doesn't happen by accident...(no pun intended:)
    Just never lose track of the person inside and you'll always be fine...

  5. I love reading your post as you share more about yourself. If your vocabulary has been affected I can't even imagine, your writing is impeccable! Be well,

  6. Takes more strength than most of us realize. *hugs*

  7. You are so focused on regaining your health! You should be very proud of yourself.

  8. I am so proud of you for doing everything possible to take care of yourself and be the best possible you. Although I think you're great just as you are.

    SAHM's also get the "what do you do all day" question. Our list never ends.

  9. wow. what a schedule!! i'm so glad to hear that you are keeping busy with so many differnet activities that will help you regain yourself and your strength!!
    thank you, as always, for writing!!

  10. I have a full time job and am attending school, and still feel like I'm justifying to others why I'm too busy to do something. So, I can imagine you'd get it to. People should just worry about themselves!

    I hate that!

  11. Gosh that really is busy. I'm so glad you posted this, though, because this is exactly the sort of thing I need to know, now that my friend is out of the hospital. Thanks.

  12. This is a lot ! I am so glad that you take care of yourself...I know that you are forced too, so sorry.
    You are doing great.

    I know about Christmas. It is very hard to keep the real meaning of Christmas.
    We try to help others during this time. I hope the kids will remember that and do it when they are big.
    Hugs to you.
    Hope you are ok.

  13. I'm sure it's hard especially at this time of the year. Feel better.

  14. Your story is amazing. It was hard to read it all in that about me section. I have known another person that suffers from an ABI and it is intense. You seem to have come along way from what I read. This being the first post that I've read your writing was quick and witty with just a proper hint of sarcasm! Loved it! Thank you for sharing your life and story with all of us on the blogosphere!

    new follower from mid-week mingle!

  15. Wow! You are busy and an inspiration! I am in the final semester for my master's in speech therapy, and reading stories like yours reminds me why what I'm doing is important. Thanks!

  16. Your writing is excellent! Sorry to hear how much some of these therapies hurt.

  17. Ooh, you have a lot to go through! I'm glad you're going to Peru and Argentina! Wow...that will be awesome! Hope you have a wonderful time and maybe get some rest from some of all this treatment :)Happy Wednesday!!!

    Kristin xo

  18. It looks like you have many full weeks since your accident. I hope the massage and aquatic therapy are helping the healing process.


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