Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Our Prayers are always answered!

When speaking with people about my survival, I often hear"Wow, You are a Miracle! Why do you think you survived?" I always attribute my still being here on this earth to the hundreds of prayers that went out for me across the world ~ by a variety of cultures, beliefs and faiths; and that my work here was yet to be completed. Often people will then say to me " We prayed so hard for our daughter, son, grandchild ect. to recover, why weren't our prayers answered?" ~

The first few times I was responded to with the "why weren't our prayers answered?" I surprised myself by saying "You know (fill in name or relation here), completed their purpose here and though they could have stayed it was their time to return "Home". Had (fill in name or relation here),  stayed everyone around them would miss out on the lessons they have yet to learn to complete their purpose. So, your prayer for a Miracle has been answered ~ because (fill in name or relation here), so loved you and those around you, that they did not let their EGO or Greed (for leaving behind all of this earthly temptations) -but choose their Love, for you and to allow you to complete your purpose, so you too can return "Home". So its only temporary that you will be apart.

~ These words just seemed to flow out of my mouth with such ease and without thought. Strangely no one ever took offense. They either looked at me and said "Oh..." or "So, I'll see them again".
Now I need to tell you, that prior to my accident ~ I was not particularly religious, I have always believed in God, but I would have described myself more as Spiritual. What I experienced either at the scene of the accident, during surgeries, while in coma or when I was coming out of the coma I can tell you without a hesitatation or doubt that the place "Heaven" most certainly exists. And without faith, love,belief and purpose fullfilled ~ it will be a very long journey.

Our prayers are always answered, sometimes not in the manner in which we Want .. but in a manner of what we Need.

images: google search


  1. oh what an inspiring post! Thank you!!


  2. I love your Quote! That says a lot! You are so right....our prayers are always answered. They may not be answered in the way we want them to be, but they are heard and answered.

  3. What insight! We all have doubts about heaven, so it's comforting to hear from someone who has been close to it that it really does exist. You are amazing!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this insightful post. It is so true. He answers our prayers in the way he knows is best. We don't always say "yes" to everything our children ask us for. If we know it is something bad for them or if we know of something better, we tell them "no." Many times when God says "no" it is because he has something better in mind for us. I've learned not to question his answers.

  5. Found you thru SS & am so glad I did. I love what you have to say here because it does indeed offer comfort to know that by someone's going Home, their purpose for our lives will STILL be revealed. I see now why that had to happen with my mom. Would I love for her to still be here with me? Definitely. But then I wouldn't have been brought to my core for God to build me into who HE needed me to be & I wouldn't be here now sharing His message. And as a parent, I would gladly make that sacrifice if I knew it would bring my children closer to Him & furthering His kingdom. I look fwd to following you & invite you to do the same. In Christ ~ Merana

  6. You are so right. We don't always know what is best, but the Lord always does! We just need to have faith in Him. What a wonderful verse in Psalms.
    Have a wonderful week my friend.

  7. Hello.....I just found your blog and love it..super great post!!

    Looking forward to seeing more:)

    Statements in Fashion

  8. yep...I agree...He always does answer but sometimes it takes a while or not in the way I think it should be answered. I've learned to trust Him though...His ways are so much better than I could even imagine. Great post.

  9. This post is so inspirational! I love the "live simple..." quote.
    We need to let go and let God. He knows what is best for us and His timing is always perfect. I try not to be, but sometimes I am a doubting Thomas... so thankful I'm forgiven for that!

  10. Thank you for your beautiful message...wishing you a blessed week.

  11. In our prayer group on Monday nights we talk about this often. Thank-you for sharing this great post today.

  12. You are an unbelievably beautiful person to me.


  13. This is a truly beautiful post. You are so inspirational .... it so puts everything in life in perspective. I wish you a beautiful day...
    best wishes

  14. Oh! I love this post… It touched my heart.
    I believe just like you do.
    Sweet Blessings,

  15. it's very true, God always answers. Sometimes "wait" is an answer. I don't like that one! ;) But God always knows best. And I've come to learn over the recent break up of my marriage that God has his timetables, and His thoughts and ways are always highter than mine. Praise God.

  16. God's ways are past finding out, according to Scripture, but we can rest assured that He does hear and He does answer, in His time and His way.

  17. Again, you are such an inspiration. HUGS!


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