Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Stroll in the Gardens ~ Dolce PawsPost Friday

This hot weather has been ruff on us FurBabies, no long walks, no fresh breezes through the windows, no liesure strolls to find just the right spot to potty. But today something was different, I knew it the moment I went outside and found myself strolling to find the right potty spot. This means there will be a walk today!!! Woof!Woof!

Hey whats that doing here??

Visit Miss Janice's to see Mlle Coco (click here)

Today , we went on a really long grounds walk. Mommy was saying something about Autumn being in the air. Well lets start our walk here:

When its not too hot my sister Stella and me get to play in our garden house.

This way Mommy ...

Lets go to the stream...
Look that's a deer track...

I miss sitting with Mommy by the stream...

Around the grounds ... I miss these walks with Mommy!

Look at all the pretty colours...

That was so much fun .. but I need a nap!

Dolce Paws and Licks ... until next Friday..


  1. What a cutie! And, your pup is sporting my alma mater's colors, so even better since they're playing their season opener this weekend! Hope you enjoy your weekend - try to stay cool!

  2. What an adorable dog. Soooo cute. I saw your name HighHeeledLife and thought, I HAVE to check this out. If you see the title of my blog you would understand why. I will be passing by more often

  3. My favourite day of the week .. Dolce my hero xx

  4. Awwwww too cute!
    I bet your place is going to look amazing when the leaves are all changed!!!

  5. OMG Dolce is so cute with that cape!!!!!! And he taking a nap.... lol :D
    You've such a fantastic and wonderful writing angel.
    Oh and those pictures of the garden are so nice.

    Hope you're starting a fabulous weekend, darling.


  6. The ever adorable Dolce! Love the bathtime mosaics! Goodness Dolce looks all worn out after the day's adventures. It looks like you have a beautiful piece of property.

    I hope you have a truly fabulous weekend!

    ~ Tracy

  7. OMG girl! I am so in love with Dolce ... such a sweetie.

    Your place looks amazing! I wish mine looked half as good.

    I love these posts!

  8. Really, really cute. The hot weather has been rough on our little guy too. I actually did LOL when I saw those bath pictures - hilarious! Thanks for sharing your pal with us.

  9. Sooo adorable! What amazing tomatoes, they look delicious!
    Have a wonderful holiday weekend, I wish you much joy :)

  10. Oh, Dolce is a handsome little guy! He was so happy to go on his walk!!
    My babies are loving the cooler temps also. One gets overheated very easily.
    Wishing you and Dolce a weekend of long walks in beautiful weather.
    xoxo, B

  11. Oh, Dolce is a handsome little guy! He was so happy to go on his walk!!
    My babies are loving the cooler temps also. One gets overheated very easily.
    Wishing you and Dolce a weekend of long walks in beautiful weather.
    xoxo, B

  12. Hi I'm back lovely to have your welcome on my return from Devon, thank-you! I have missed your sweet posts, it was lovely to take a stroll through your garden and see the world through your eyes and for a while, give furbaby a big hug from me! Sharon xxx

  13. HELLO GORGEOUS ONE! Oh you are soooo kind to come to see me today. We only have one computer and my husband was on it all day! THANK you for your words on teachers; really, teachers are special, because the ones that I admire go beyond the call of duty. I have a ways to go, but what a wonderful profession. Merci mille fois, and your fur girl is just as darling as can be. Do you know George the Lad? You MUST go and click on the comment before you and visit this scamp...I was laughing out loud. He lives in the U.K. and has a personality like no other. ENJOY!!!! Anita

  14. So adorable your puppy. He has a spring in his step. How cute, the poor fellow is asleep after all that activity. Enjoy the weekend;-)

  15. Too cute as ever !! so was where Miss Frog Friend i wonder... :-)
    i already told you but gosh i love your deck !
    Have a sunny relaxing sunday....

  16. Hi Dolce, I am so glad you take your mom on these lovely walks! You are so lucky to have such a gorgeous property to take long walks on:-)
    Have a great weekend (your Mom too :-)))

  17. He is adorable!! How funny is the wet picture of him:) Thanks for your getting better wishes! I feel so much better today! (and I did drink a lot of tea:) Have a great Sunday!

    xo Kristin

  18. Hi Sweetie!

    Yes, I am feeling sooo much better, thank you! The morning sickness has been gone for a while now, and I'm so glad it is! Your little Dolce is just the cutest little pup! He seems like such a sweetie pie. Take care love!


  19. Bonjour Dolce,
    I most certainly do not think you are a wimp:) You are tres cute! Just to let you in on a secret, I'm all fur as well! Your friend in Florida,
    Mlle Coco Chanel

  20. Dolce is too cute. And your yard is fabulous!


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