Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How is Your Panty Drawer ?

After a quick content inventory of my closet it became painfully clear that my clothes and I were not speaking the same language. To read last Tuesday's post see ~ "Style Statement Make-over~ Are your clothes speaking your language?" So, whats a gal to do? Since I'm on the road to re-inventing myself and my life,this is as good a time as any to work on my wardrobe. After several phone discussions with one of my fashionista besties we agreed that foundation garments (fg) would be a good start.

My task was to go through each (yes try it all on) foundation item and determine if it was a) a keeper b) required repair c) donate item d) time to meet its final destination the garbage. Once the keepers were determined it was organizing them in a way that made sense for me and determine if any basic items were required. I'm happy to say last weeks goal was accomplished:

The Cabinet
It was decided that the shorter cabinet with a pull out shelf would be better suited to function as a foundations drawer, rather than its tall boy partner whose drawers are much narrower and thus difficult for me to access with ease. The pull out shelf can be used to lay out your fg choices the night before ~ so it will be ready for you in the morning.

Scented Drawer Liner
Before organizing could commense, the drawers were dusted and lined with lavender scented drawer liners. This adds a romantic element when opening the cabinet drawers and enevelopes the fg a light fresh scent.

Drawer One
This drawer was assigned the basic essentials. These would include your gym/yoga bras and undies; running errands; those days that you just don't feel like bothering much with fg. Essentials you should have 2-nude, 2-black, 2-white and a couple of coloured bras ~ by having at least 2 of each the thought is while you are wearing one the other is either in the wash or drawer (of course you can have as many as you would like). For panties, choose styles that function well with your clothes ~ it is recommended that you assign at least 8 pairs for specific use the week when your aunt Ruby is visiting.
Drawer Two
This drawer was assigned for sexy fg, those panties and bras that make you feel like a million the moment you out them on. I know many women who invest in these items and only wear them for "special occassions". I say make everyday special for yourself!

Drawer Three
 These are those fg that help smooth everything out; your Spanx, slips, camies etc. are located here. The basics should consist of at least 1 each - long, short, top in nude and black.

Drawer Four
This drawer will store your panty hose, knee highs, tights, and stockings along with garter belts.

Cabinet Top
 The top of the cabinet can be used to hold a tray with your favourite fragrances and body lotions. By having these items close together you will be reminded to spritz before putting on fg. It also provides a place to put your everyday accessories such as a watch, wedding/engagement ring and earrings.

You can further personalize your space by adding an item that has a special meaning.

This bag of foundation garments will be donated to a local charity. All items are in fantastic shape ~ but for unknown reasons have seemed to of shrunk. There were no repair items and decided to spare you the discard pile. I hope that these tips for organizing have been helpful and inspired you to take a look at updating your panties and bras.


  1. This looks great .. at first I was amazed at the size of your draw .. I rummage through one draw ... I have the spanx, stocking and slips in boxes, but forget which box.. they are all black.. ( re cycled net a porter) I need to label them, but I also need to separate my types.. your undies look great. I like you do not believe in saving things for my case it would never come.. live for the day and you do feel sexier with sexier under gear xx

  2. I'm with you. Don't save things for "special times," because every day is special. I use my silver, "good" china, cute undies, etc., on a daily basis.

    Thanks for sharing your organization tips.

  3. I love this post. I will have to show it to my daughter Ashley, as she is my helpmate in this area. She makes me try everything on each season and organize and discard and make lists of what new items I may need. Gosh, drawer number two has some really pretty things!! Looks like it's time for me to do some updating!

  4. Wow. I am really really impressed. My undie drawer is just that - a drawer with everything stuffed inside. When I grow up I want an undie cabinet like this!

  5. Ok you have wayyyyy more sexy undies than I do lol! I have a big bag of fgs that dont fit or I dont like anymore...I need to get them over to the womens shelter!

  6. I wish my drawers were that organised but if they were, it wouldn't last long!

  7. Looks good. I bet it makes you feel good too.


  8. That looks like an amazing place to shop and it's all yours!!!

  9. well, mine doesn't look nearly as pretty as
    yours, but i completed my assignment, too!

    thanks for the cattle prodding. can't wait
    for part 2.

    thank you also for the sweet encouragement
    about our daughter's brazilian odyssey. i
    love that you have a connection there.


  10. How can one be SO organized AND so classy at the same time? You're amazing!

  11. You have really inspired me to get organized in the foundation area! It's one of those things I constantly put on the back burner, but every morning I'm reminded yet again that I need to get on it!

  12. What a beautiful chest of drawers! I am very impressed with your organisation. Mine looks like a bomb has gone off.

    I am going to be reorganising my wardrobe this week. You've inspired me to tidy my drawers too. Thank you! xx

  13. I'm very impressed! I need to get some drawer liners!

  14. You are so right undergarments not only give a gal confidence but they are essential to create a great lines. I call it architecture for the body. Your draws pardon the pun look sensational! Sharon xx

  15. This area of my clothing chaos is the only one remotely organized. But seriously, if you ever get in a bind, you could get a job at Victoria's Secret. So pretty!

  16. I had to laugh when I saw your drawers because this morning when I was looking for some FGs, my drawers were nowhere near as organized as yours. Mine looked like a mini cyclone hit them. I cannot wait to get the MB redone so I can get my clothing organized again. My dressers are temporarily scattered in various other areas of my house and clothing hung in whatever closets had a little bit of extra room. What a mess!

    You did a great job cleaning out and reorganizing. Your drawers look great.

    ~ Tracy

  17. That is one way to keep your mind off your other struggles. Get busy reorganizing and donating. I do that real often. There are so many needed families around.

  18. Nice work. I do have some issues, however with my undie drawers. I do not have any sexy underwear that fits...around my body. I need a much larger drawer for my FGs, as in the full length girdle type. Grannie panties do roll up nicely though and if I alternate between the white and flesh colored I can get a design going!

  19. I wish I were that organized!!

    P.S. I tagged you on my blog!

  20. Whoa! First of all, I am impressed by how much underwear you have! Secondly, I can't believe how very organized it is! Thirdly, do you hire out to help others do this in their own homes????

    I am visiting from SITS. The title of your post just jumped out at me, and I'm glad I checked it out. Super blog - right up my alley. I'm all about a simpler life!


  21. what a great idea! I don't have as much storage space as you do, but I love the idea of the scented drawer liner. It kind of makes it a little more fun and fancy.

    ...stopping by from Lady Blogger Society.

  22. Oh this is wonderful my friend! i love the dresser but the way you organized is perfect too!


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