Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, February 27, 2015

Bring A Little Spring Inside - Simple Pleasures

 Despite the cold temps, the sun made an appearance today and was the perfect inspiration to go outdoors. And visit my favourite flower shop on Avenue Road. Twenty dollars later I was on my way home with this beautiful bounty!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Putting My Best Face Forward - Part 3 - Make-up Chanel

I have been a big fan of Chanel cosmetics since introduced to the line by a friend almost 20 years ago. Once I tried the blush I was hooked! No matter how often I used it it seemed endless - Unlike the drugstore brands I was use to - that ended up with a gaping worn hole in the centre and then floating pieces as it broke completely.  I was told it was the raised bubble like design that help distribute the product onto the brush unified and easily. Whatever it was I was happy, it cost almost three times what I was paying for the drugstore brand (at that time) - but it lasted six times longer so well worth the initial investment. And did I mention the beautiful compact!!

I remember saving up to try other products in the line. Some like the Chanel Le Crayon Khol also became a staple in my cosmetic bag. It's soft texture glides smoothly to line the inside of the lower lid or to outline the eye. And I loved that it came with its own sharpener. Throughout the years there have been times when only Chanel products would be found in my cosmetic bag and other times they ruled but other products also captured my attention. So as I embark on the journey to up my look - I'm returning to Chanel for a refresher and to re-discover the line again.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Putting My Best Face Forward - Part 2 - Make-up Sephora

Image Credit - Google images
Speaking with friends about make-up I have concluded that most of us have a love hate relationship with make-up. Some can't seem to get enough - buying up the latest and greatest; others keep it simple and some avoid it unless absolutely necessary (i.e. special occasion, wedding, etc.). As little girls all dreamed of the day when we would be "grown-up" enough to wear make-up. As teenagers we were fearless - trying the latest products and techniques, need I say it BLUE EYE SHADOW anyone? Make-up was the answer to making us look "grown-up". We learned the basics and for the most part looked pretty good when we walked out the door. Fast forward a few decades years and we want make-up to make us "look younger"

Sunday, February 15, 2015

What I Wore: A Little Hermès

When I'm looking to add a little personality to my outfits I often reach for one of my scarves.

 My Brides Rebelles by Benoit Pierre Emery
Hermès scarf (designed in 2010) is the perfect accent for when I'm wearing grey and black.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

10 Ways to be YOUR own Valentine

Whether you are spending Valentine's with a significant other or solo Remember to be your own Valentine too!

“You hold YOUR heart in your own hands. Treat it with love, respect and nurturing thoughts” – Celia M.

How are you showing self-love this 
Valentine's Day?

Some Posts from the Archives you may also enjoy:

You are the curator of your life so live it luxuriously ,

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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Shhhh ... Don't Tell Anyone, I'm Having an Affair

You may want to steep yourself a cup of tea or pour a glass of bubbly before settling in to read this.

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That's right you read correctly I'm having an affair. But it's not with just anyone -  it's with someone I already know and had truly unconditionally loved most of my life, until about eight years ago. I honestly had not expected this could happen - that I could fall back in love. In the beginning it was easy to reject any temptation to fall in love again. After all, the hurt and scars of being abandoned - leaving me an empty shell of the person I was - were too fresh.

I won't lie there have been times throughout the past few years when I was tempted to give it another chance. But each time, the memory of how easily - the once confident, articulate, adventurous, independent, life loving, career driven, socializing, lover of fashion left without warning - would not let me give in . Seriously, how could I trust it would not happen again.

I was determined to NOT fall back in love with this Benedict Arnold, heck I even moved from the city to the countryside - to escape the memories of places and people I use to enjoy. Looking back now, unconsciously I must have thought isolation would help me forget, take away the pain of loss. I gave all my love and time to others around me - putting their needs ahead of mine. And though over time I did find some peace/ healing no matter how much others loved and cared for me there remained an emptiness within me that nothing seemed to fill.
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As fate would have it for a year or so now, I found myself drawn back to the city. I began to spend more time at my city house. In my familiar surroundings I began to catch glimpses of this old love. I was sure enough time had passed that should I come face to face with this old love, surely I would be strong enough to resist temptation. Mr. G loved me and that was all I needed - was it not? The glimpses became more frequent and harder to ignore. With each glimpse memories of a time long ago stayed a little longer in thought. I started to yearn for that old love - the way it once had touched me, made me feel. And then one day without warning I found myself smiling and feeling almost whole
again - almost HAPPY!

As I looked in the mirror I knew I was falling back in love ... things would be changing. How would I tell Mr. G? How will he react? I didn't want to hurt him, but I could no longer ignore how I was feeling. This old love is going to require some of the time, and nurturing I have been solely devoting to Mr. G - I can only hope that he is understanding and willing to share, and most importantly be patient as I figure out how to balance both. Because, this old love gives me something that I have not truly felt in eight years - internal happiness.
"Who is this mysterious old love" you are asking. If you have not figured it out .... It's "ME" - I am falling back in love with myself! and for the first time in eight years I'm starting to smile and TRULY feel happy. No longer just talking about and occasionally dipping my toes in taking care of me, but jumping in with both feet - head over heels loving just like
any affair starts!

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"To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness." - Robert Morely 

Too often after life throws us a curve ball (such as my accident - or  a divorce, loss of a loved one, loss of self or job etc.) we tend to busy our self with anything that will take our mind off of what we are going through and the emptiness you are feeling. Or perhaps we have just been so busy caring for others that we have forgotten about our own needs.  This is when unconsciously (and sometimes consciously - there is just not enough time in the day) we stop caring for our self.  Self-love is essential to developing and maintaining a healthy sense of one's self. Loving yourself goes beyond looking good on the outside (though it is a side affect of self-love); it's about being happy with the person you are - not with just the good stuff but with little flaws (and big flaws too!). Remember self-love is not about narcissism, ego-based or thinking of yourself at the expense of others. It's realizing making time for self-care is as important in your day as what you do for others. 

Ask any woman you know how she feels about her body—no matter what her weight--and get ready for an earful. Odds are, she'll launch into a laundry list of what she doesn't like about her looks. For Kenda Smith, 36, the big problem is the tummy pooch from her second pregnancy. It's been two years and the bulge still won't go away. "My belly is so embarrassing," says Kenda, who lives in Worcester, MA. "It makes me feel sloppy and uncomfortable with myself." Sometimes she'd rather just stay home in baggy sweats than go out. And her self-consciousness is also taking a toll in the bedroom. "It's very hard for me to feel at ease getting intimate with my husband because of how I look," she admits.
Whether it's occasional or constant, nearly every woman struggles with the way she feels about her body. A Cornell University study found that 87% of normal-weight women wish they were a size smaller. Like Kenda, "the vast majority of women have what's called normative discontent—dissatisfaction with the size and/or shape of their bodies, even if it's just a wish for flatter abs or a rounder butt," says Laurie Mintz, PhD, a professor of psychology at the University of Florida in Gainesville.
In fact, tummy, hips and thighs top our most-hated list—and that's true whether we're 25 or 65, according to research published in the journal The New School Psychology Bulletin. What else is on that list of dislikes? Everything from the bump on your nose to your size 10 feet.
One thing all these complaints have in common: They can do a real number on your self-esteem. "When you hate such an integral part of who you are, it can have a profound effect on your confidence, even leading to depression and eating disorders," says Amy Flowers, PhD, a psychologist in Macon, GA. In effect, you start to believe what you think you see in the mirror. "You begin to like yourself less, which makes you feel uncomfortable in social situations, ill at ease sexually and a lot less assertive," explains Dr. Mintz.
Why are we so hard on ourselves?
The reasons are as varied as women themselves, but experts agree that certain factors are more prevalent than others. Three key culprits:
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When we are lacking self-love we lose confidence in our ability to provide ourselves with the basic needs and things we want. We struggle with feeling worthy of love and respect from others. Our boundaries become blurred and we look to others for validation of our self-worth.

If you are managing to care for the needs of others while sacrificing your basic needs - sleep, healthy eating, time on your own to recharge, exercise, time with your partner and sometimes even personal grooming - you are not doing yourself or those you love any good in the long run. Unhealthy relationships and traumatic events can leave you malnourished when it comes to self-love and self-care. I always like to remind people (and myself too!) of a plane's emergency exit plan -- always put YOUR oxygen mask on first.

"love yourself first and everything else falls in line."- Lucille Ball

Are you taking care of you?

You are the curator of your life so live it luxuriously ,

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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Putting My Best Face Forward - Part 1

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, 
then the eyebrows are the curtains that frame these windows...

Looking in the mirror lately, 
I would have to admit my curtains could use a little TLC.  
How about yours? 

I decided to start "Putting My Best Face Forward" series with eyebrows, because properly shaped eyebrows can do more to improve your appearance than most other beauty treatments. It doesn't matter if you are young, mature, high or low maintenance, learning to properly shape your eyebrows is a must.

We look at magazines filled with pages of faces with seemly perfect brows, while staring back at us in the mirror our own brows appear too bushy, too thin, straggly and/or sparse. Before you know it the tweezers are out or we rush into the closest nail shop or hair shop for some waxing or threading trying to get those "perfect brows". In most cases after such rash attempts we commit the next misstep - trying to fill in what has been lost without proper instruction - remember when you first held a crayon as a child and tried to colour? Need I say more ... What we over look is that the women looking back at us from the pages of the glossy magazines with their seemly perfect brows, have professional eyebrow groomers (whose sole job is to make the brows look seemly perfect) shape them and craft them. The results are not achieved by plucking, waxing or threading alone - but with pencils, powders, wax and most important a skilled hand.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Roses, Tea and Chocolate = Bliss

It may be snowy and cold outside but roses from the market ....

a beautiful teacup for sipping tea ...

AND chocolate from dear friend Mariette ... 
Thank you for this wonderful surprise and treat!

help to create a beautiful warm afternoon tea setting ...

Mariette is founder of Mariette's Back to Basics blog and Mariette's Back to Basics boutique . She is  a great inspiration for living a well lived life and there is always something to be learned when visiting her corner of blogland or boutique. Do stop by her blog and boutique if you have not yet discovered them, you will be inspired!

Blogging provides many wonderful opportunities,
but the friends one makes in this virtual world is priceless.

You are the curator of your life so live it luxuriously ,

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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Luxuriously Creamy Mint Hot Chocolate

Hope everyone is staying warm despite the brutal cold temperatures outside ... Sharing the recipe for this luxuriously treat on High Heeled Life Face Book Page pop on over and warm up!!

You are the curator of your life so live it luxuriously ,

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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Putting My Best Face Forward ... Series Introduction

What I've been using ... and looking to update...

Are you feeling like me -  "your beauty products have started to fall short in their results" - And with all the information overload you end up sticking with what you are using and doing because it's all just too confusing? Well I'm right there with you! Though I have been pretty good about keeping up with cleansing my face each night and an AM and PM skincare routine I'm finding that my skin is looking a bit dull these days and not feeling like I would like it to. 

Being in the city and getting out among people I'm ready to move past just mascara, eye-liner and lipstick when it comes to make-up. So I'm looking to up my look too ... But with all the products on the market and techniques where does one start? So I've decided to approach this as a novice and have gone in search of help and answers from some beauty experts.

Over the next few weeks I will be sharing my adventures as I explore various beauty services in Toronto, to get some expert advice on how to better care for my skin and up my look too. I hope that you will follow along with the "Putting My Best Face Forward" series and be inspired to seek out some professional beauty services where you live.

You are the curator of your life so live it luxuriously ,

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