Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Saturday, February 14, 2015

10 Ways to be YOUR own Valentine

Whether you are spending Valentine's with a significant other or solo Remember to be your own Valentine too!

“You hold YOUR heart in your own hands. Treat it with love, respect and nurturing thoughts” – Celia M.

How are you showing self-love this 
Valentine's Day?

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  1. Dearest Celia,
    Guess I've been my own Valentine as I have slept extremely well and so deep; till 12:30 PM!
    It was our foster-daughter and her Mom that told me I should rest and relax... so I DID...
    Sending you hugs and blessings,

  2. I guess I showed self-love two-fold. I fixed a pot of tea, wrote in my journal, pampered myself, lotion-ed myself, did my nails, hair, mask on face - and then found Alpha Hubby and seduced him. Then I made the best-ever hot fudge sauce and we dipped strawberries in it, he fixed steals, we ate. Then, of course, we both... collapsed from the sugar high and passed out. Truth!! Smile.


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