Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Monday, March 10, 2014

Improve your mind, ideas, thoughts, dreams, intuition and psychic abilities - Balance Your Third Eye Chakra

Welcome to Over a Cup of Tea with Celia M.
Chakra Series ~  6 of 7

This week I have chosen this beautiful Christian Dior bone china teacup for its indigo colour which is the same color of our sixth chakra known as the THIRD EYE Chakra.

Sixth Chakra - The THIRD EYE Chakra ~  aka Ajna Indigo chakra located between and just above the physical eyes, in the center of the brows. The third-eye chakra is associated with the mind, ideas, thoughts, dreams, intuition and psychic abilities.

If the third-eye chakra becomes unbalanced, we may feel bombarded with our own thoughts, unable to process them effectively and may feel stuck in an emotional and intellectual rut.  Our judgement may become clouded resulting in poor decision making. We become closed to new ideas and fall off the paths of our true destiny. 

Symptoms of Imbalance:
Emotional : Unable to maintain a calm head in stressful situations, poor memory, lack of imagination and ability to visualize your future leaving you feeling detached from life and depressed about the future.

Physical : Head aches, difficulty getting proper sleep, hormonal imbalances, sinus and nose congestion, eye problems.

Three simple ways to help balance your THIRD EYE Chakra:

~ Sit or lay on your back comfortably. Relax all the external muscles around your eyes. Then soften the internal eye muscles, feeling the relaxation penetrating deep into your head. Rest like this for a few minutes. Take note of any images that arise in your mind's eye.

Steep a cup of lemon peel, chicory root, ginger, lemongrass, lemon balm, lemon myrtle, orange peel, hibiscus, cinnaman and coriander and repeat the following affirmations as you sip your tea:

I am trusting my knowing
I am on my spiritual path
I am guided
I am a strong, intuitive being
I am open to the wisdom within me
I envision and create beauty and goodness

Sit comfortably, feet flat on the ground, close your eyes and visualize an indigo disk/ball spinning between your eyes - feel the vibration and motion of it spinning gently breath in and out - with each breath the disc/ball becomes stronger and spins at a consistent speed smoothly and balanced.

Benefits of balancing and opening the THIRD EYE chakra: Our innate psychic abilities and spiritual connections are enhanced enabling us to feel a deeper connection to the universal plan of our lives. We are able to approach life with an open mind and desire to seek truth. We are able to see and achieve our future with clarity, inspiration and innovation.

Click on the chakra ROOT SACRAL SOLAR PLEXUSHEART, THROAT to learn more.  Next week ... The Crown Chakra.
Love and Blessings,

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  1. Dearest Celia,
    Guess that all Chakras are important for a proper balance.
    Today we had a lovely time with tea in the gazebo! Mean Mr. Winter has finally moved away...
    Sending you love and hugs,

  2. Brilliant post...:) I would seriously try to practice this and achieve a proper balance!


  3. Blue is always my favorite color, and that's a beautiful set. Thanks for sharing your insightd and lovely tea photo. with Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  4. I am learning so much from this series. I never knew much of this! And need to take the time to sit alone and do. I often find I feel like this. Just too much going on all.the.time. xox

  5. The Dior tea cup is gorgeous ... elegant. I'm really enjoying your chakra series. Happy Tea Day!

  6. Hi Celia,
    Your Dior teacup is very pretty! Love the vibrant blue accented with gold; classy! Thank you for sharing and joining me for tea. Have a wonderful day.


  7. So interesting.

    The cup and saucer is gorgeous!

  8. Beautiful blue and gold cup and saucer! The Christian Dior china pattern is a lovely style. The silver teapot is so elegant and appears to tip to serve which is wonderful. Have a delightful week!


  9. Tea is so good for so many things! Lovely.

  10. one of my past clients sold all sorts of stones. she had a little chakra bag of stones that had similar colors and healing attributes reflective of each chakra. i sometimes line them up next to my yoga mat while practicing and line them up on my body when i'm lying in corpse pose at the end of the practice. have a great day Celia! namaste.


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