Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Reflexology and Chakras for Balanced Health...

It's hard to believe in just a couple of days we will be saying good-bye to January 2012... Wow time certainly is flying by.  As 2011 came to an end you reflected on the year ... did you make any resolutions? Plans? Goals? for 2012.

If you read my post HAPPY NEW YEAR.... What Are Your 2012 Plans? you already know, like many people I wrote out some plans that I have for creating Me and my life ~ moving forward. Looking back over January I have started taking action of my plans: 

Embrace Country Living ~ I researched and discovered a fun activity to do with a couple of girlfriends HERE in the country you can read it here.

Make a Difference in the Life of  a Child ~ we had Miss M. (God Daughter), come and spend of  few days. read it here..

Just before the month comes to an end I'll also be able to say I'm also starting on my plan to Reduce the toxins in my body from medications, by sourcing alternative healing methods. I'll be starting with Reflexology (though I've done this before ... I need to start again).

WHAT IS REFLEXOLOGY? Reflexology  focuses on reliving stress and tension in the body through  feet. There are reflexes in the feet that correspond to glands, organs and other parts of the body. A Reflexology Therapist can detect imbalance within the body by palpating the  feet. By massaging and pressing specific landmarks they can stimulate and send energy to the unbalanced areas of the body.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? Reflexology has short and long term benefits. Immediately after a session of reflexology relaxation and a release of stress and tension are apparent benefits. More long term benefits have been reported as reduced pain from migraines, constipation, neck and back problems, reduced PMS symptoms, increased circulation and an improved immune system. 

Along with reflexology I'm going to be doing some Chakra Healing (balancing) work.

WHAT IS CHAKRA HEALING (balancing)? Chakras are vital energy centers where spiritual energy flows into the body. Chakra healing involves developing awareness, releasing blocks and increasing the flow through these spiritual energy centers.

BENEFITS OF CHAKRA HEALING (balancing)A healthier flow of energy through the aura creates greater physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Though I will be going to someone who is a specialist in this area, with a little research you can learn to heal/balance your own Chakras.  Below are the results of an on line test I did to see where my Chakras needed some work.  You can do your own test by CLICKING HERE (Chakra Test).

I would love to hear if you have done either Reflexology or Chakra Healing (balancing) and what you thought? Or are there other things you have tried that you would like to share...

Chakra Test Results for Celia

  • YOUR Root Chakra
  • is CLOSED

  • YOUR Sacral Chakra
  • is WEAK

  • YOUR Personal Power Chakra
  • is CLOSED

  • YOUR Heart Chakra
  • is CLOSED

  • YOUR Throat Chakra
  • is CLOSED

  • YOUR Intuitive Chakra
  • is CLOSED

  • YOUR Crown Chakra
  • is CLOSED

    Friday, January 27, 2012

    What's the bottom of your teacup saying?

    One of my 2012 plans is to Embrace living in the country - by sourcing local services, activities and social events. So when I went in search of a fun way to celebrate January- Hot Tea month, with some friends, I discovered a Tea Boutique not far from our home ~ hosting Art of Tea Sampling paired with Chocolate, if this wasn't enough to peek our taste buds and curious minds a Tea Leaf Reading was also part of the tea service.

    The mysterious art of Tea Leaf reading most likely originated in the Middle East and the Orient; at a time when camel caravans of spices and silks carried exotic wares between China and the Mediterranean. In the third century A.D. Trade routes began to appear in order to procure horses for the Han Dynasty - extending from China to the Arabian Sea.

    Tasseography or Tea Leaf Reading is a divination method that interprets patterns in tea leaves.  The words tasseography , tasseomancy or tassology, originate  from French tasse (cup) or Arabic tassa (cup) + Greek graph (writing), logy (study of) or mancy (divination).

    From left ~ Me, Ms. L, and Ms. J.

    What better way for three tea loving friends to celebrate January The Month of Hot Tea, than with a Tea Leaf Reading and chocolate pairing. Tea Leaf Readings were done by Candice Clancy - an Intuitive & Spiritual Medium, who is popular in Ireland, England and Scotland.

    Upon arriving  we were asked to choose a tea and once it was served, made our way upstairs to drink our tea and wait our  turn.

    Upstairs wonderful Dolfin Chocolate from Belgian, along with some (leaf free) tea, awaited our arrival.

    After our leaves were interpreted we decided to stay and have some lunch in the downstairs restaurant. The food was beyond delicious, and we enjoyed it so much that we were all too busy eating and cameras were forgotten.

    Have you had your Tea Leaves read ?

    Wednesday, January 25, 2012


    Some Furbaby cuteness to start your day.....

    Happy Wednesday ... we are closer to the week-end...

    Do you have a furbaby in your family?

    Tuesday, January 24, 2012

    A Box of Secrets ... But we have a key!

    Welcome, I'm so happy you stopped by for some tea today. 
     Before I share our tea setting we are going to unlock a little secret ...

    What could this box contain that a key is required?

    TEA SECRETS.....Do you want to take a peek inside?

    HMMM... we are not shown the contents right away.... lets see what is under this compartment.

    Another  cover ... but look there is a label ... 

    Rose Congou Emperor Loose Tea ...

    As you can see Roses are the theme for today's tea.

    Let's take a closer look as our tea steeps.....

    The teapot was a wonderful find in Stowe Vermont last summer. It is manufactured by Royal Chelsea, made in England; the pattern is Golden Rose. The stamp on the bottom also has the anchor and the following handwritten 3983 A D . I love the gold detail it brings out the brilliance of the peach and red/pinkish roses. The handle has a small thumb rest,which is perfect when pouring the tea. If you look on the lid opposite the handle you will note there is a steam escape hole.

    Since we are having a rose tea, white roses from the market sit in a glass flower frog.

    The teacup looks like it belongs to the teapot set, with it's delicate red/pink roses and gold detail 

    The roses and gold detail surround not only the outside of the teacup, but inside and the saucer too! The outer side of the handle is also covered in gold.

    The bottom of the teacup is equally stunning... with it's small bouquet of roses. 
    SURPRISE! the teacup is Royal Albert Crown China England, the pattern Old English Rose..

    Our treat for tea today is the LadurĂ©e  inspired double- decker macaron 
    Awww memories of Paris ...
    This pedestal dish holding these delights is Limoges from France. 

    The dish for our treats is also decorated with roses and other pretty flowers. I forgot to take  a photo of the bottom of the plate ~ there is crown above a shield with a scroll  in green. Across the crown JLMENAU .. in the scroll is some writing and a date (I can't make it out, it is script writing) under the crown and shield ~ Made in German Democratic Republic. I came across these plates during a visit to a local antique store.

    Well our tea is steeped and ready....

    love the rich golden colour.....

    Thank you for taking tea with me today ... and  to new visitors, I hope you will join us again...

    Hope to see you at the BlogHomes of these fabulous hostesses, who are also hosting afternoon tea...

    Tea Time Tuesday ~ with Sandi 
    Martha's Terri's Tea Time Tuesday

    Saturday, January 21, 2012

    Hot Chocolate ~ Visit to the country

     Not having children of our own (not by choice) Mr. G and I are very blessed that we have God Children and extended family with children. Our home comes alive whenever they visit. Today (Friday) is a PA Day for Miss M. and she is spending a couple of days with us starting last night.

    So after a huge spaghetti and meatball dinner (which she ate very well), a bubble bath and some colouring, it was almost time for bed. But not before we she had some hot chocolate.

    She chose to use her teapot for serving the hot chocolate... 2 green tea cups served as our mugs 

    Of course it's not hot chocolate unless marshmallows are served, according to a 6 year old ~ you have to have marshmallows..

    She really enjoys her teapot .. it reminds her of the gardens in summer. I would agree ... there is even a little bee atop the lid. It's small size is perfect for little hands.

    She loves using the green tea cups, easy to hold with both hands...

     the excitement in a little ones voice is priceless!!!

    After adding the "what really makes a hot chocolate" marshmallows....

    It was time for the TASTE TEST!!!

    Well , I would say ... pink hot chocolate was a HUGE Success!!

    Thursday, January 19, 2012

    I Don't Need Rehab! ~ Once Upon a Time

    This is the 7th instalment in the Once Upon a Time series. 

    It's been awhile (Nov. 2011) since we read the last installment of Once Upon Time; we were left wondering if the Princess's dream of going home from the hospital was going to happen... Well, the doctors had one more stop before the Princess could return to her castle...


    No, not this kind of Rehab ... 

    This kind, Physical Rehab. 

    Which included learning to transfer from bed to wheel chair; wheel chair to the "royal throne" and back to bed, all on her own.  Learn to use a walker; go up and down stairs; learn to use a cane;  rehab therapy on her shattered elbow and re-develop hand/eye coordination, motor skills, thinking, focusing.

    But due to a similar little gadget (tub seat) the need for the above rehab almost ended...

    Well, the tub seat and the nurse who left her sitting there (ALONE - unattended), [after the Princess repeatedly had been saying she was getting dizzy,] to go and get the bath towels she had forgotten. In the time the nurse took to get the towels, the Princess must have gone unconscious ... as the nurse re-entered the bathroom, the Princess was no longer sitting on the bath bench, her limp body lay over the side of the bathtub,face on the floor ... a small trace of blood ...

    image credit
    Thankfully the Princess's Angels were again working hard to keep her safe. She woke to the nurse's screams; unaware of what had just happened or the grave danger she had been in moments earlier.

    After this second close call on her life the Princess was determined that she was much safer at home. With the help of some wonderful friends, she was able to learn to get in and out of the wheel chair; take steps with the help of cane and slowly (and painfully) go up and down a few stairs. Yes, she was almost Home... now all she had to do was learn to transfer from wheel chair to car.

    After the therapist explained the technique and cautioned that this is the part most people have problems adjusting to, getting in a car backwards. This was going to be EASY! 

    Any woman who has ever had to get into a car this low will tell you; the only way to do it in a Ladylike  way (not exposing anything) is "sit in backwards, then bring your legs in together". When the therapist uttered these same words, ~ For the first time in all this therapy stuff... she knew/was confident she was going home.

     Will things be better now that she is going home? Tune in next time for a continuation ... of