Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Creating a New Me ~ A weighty feeling...

As the year of 2011 inches closer to completing it's chapter and the 2012 chapter is all but a few pages away from starting to be written; it is the perfect time to start thinking about things that may be weighing us down.

As someone whose weight had been a steady 112-117 lbs for years, watching the scale continuously raise over the past 5 years has been most unsettling. Not because of the number flashing at me in neon lights (139lbs) but, because of how uncomfortable I feel and the way clothes now fit or better worded do not fit.

I will can accept that I may never see 112lbs again, but I will not accept feeling uncomfortable for the rest of my life. So, after giving serious consideration to some options like:

Stop eating ~ this would certainly result in further challenges

Go off my Meds (yes, Meds can be contributors to weight gain), ~ 
I'd see quick results I'm certain , but then not being able to 
leave the house would present a whole new set of challenges.

Diet ~ possibly a short term quick fix ... but long term its impossible.


Having a French friend who is always eating (yummy stuff- bread, cheese, chocolate etc.) and enjoys her wine, whilst she remains petite started me thinking. Hmm... maybe there is something to "French Women Don't Get Fat". Recalling my 2 visits to Paris, would confirm the majority of French women really are slim and toned. A search of my book case, quickly revealed a forgotten copy of the book "French Women Don't Get Fat", read years back.

Aside from the well written pages and recipes, the important things that I took away from the book were: the French (and I think this can be said of most Europeans) go for quality not quantity in their food choices; also they will only eat/indulge in foods that they truly like; and no idle snacking.

So one of my personal goals for 2012 ... is to change my eating habits to those of Europeans, after all I was born in Europe, so it will not be a foreign thing to me.

Basically it's about eating healthy 3 meals a day; with  very little to no snacking, between meals.

This is an intro to the Creating a New Me series, that I will be sharing in 2012. I thought with the indulging festive season upon us, it would be a good time to start thinking about what we are putting into our bodies.

For long term results eating habits must be part of our Life Style and not constantly being on a Diet Plan, depriving us of nutrients our bodies require to function properly.

Are your eating habits Diet driven or Life Style driven? What have you found works for you on a daily basis to maintain healthy weight and life balance?


  1. I think the key is to find out what works for you. Everyone is different with their own set of challenges.
    I discovered quite by accident that I'm dairy and wheat intolerant. The inflammation in my body made it almost impossible for me to make any lasting changes. Until I met my health coach (Andrew) who has inspired and guided and prodded and pushed. To the tune of dropping 20 pounds and 20 inches in 2 months. I'm also working my hiney off ....
    It's so important to make a life change ... temporary doesn't work. It's gotta be a lifelong commitment to health and wellness, not just a number on a scale or a tape measure.
    BTW ... missed you lots hun ... but I'm back! (Look out world ;) )

  2. I agree with's finding what works for you....we really are all different. I don't like cooking but I always feel good when I eat healthy. Have a great week......stay safe

  3. Dearest Celia,

    Guess since in 2007 I learned I had high blood sugar levels + high blood pressure, that made me change my diet drastically. Not that I was obese but it makes me feel fit and more agile. From 120 lbs I'm now down to 114 lbs and it feels perfect. Eating lots of fresh fruits, fresh veggies, nuts and multi grain breads without additives (Costco has the best!) feels super. Using Agave nectar and also Brown Rice Syrup from Whole Foods for e.g. mashed sweet potatoes with orange juice and orange peel + butter. There are numerous great recipes.
    Even our daugther Liz felt like she'd shed some weight after six days living with us. Reading labels does reveal a lot about what we eat. And you are what you eat...
    Discipline with a capital D works best.
    Love to you and I know that you will tackle this one too. You've come a long way and this is only minor.


    By the way, on that photo with the baptism of your nephew, was that you in the center?

  4. good luck!! document your journey =]

  5. Yep, its gotta be right for you individually. I'm fortunate to have always been slim, but is because I follow certain guidelines: if i'm not hungry, i don't eat, even if it means skipping a meal. I try to avoid white food. I drink lots of green tea and eat a lot of salad. But if I want cake, I eat it. Just not every day. Best of luck with your plan!!

  6. Hi Celia, I'm so glad for being back in the blog world and I'm looking forward to share December with you! I think this plan of yours looks great. And yes, healthy meals I think is the solution. Some people just eat less, but if the food choices are unhealthy it all will come back when the diet is finished. New healthy recipes that are good and used often is a good thing. Hope you have a new great week of December!

    Love, Kristin

  7. I need to loose at least 20kilo's and have found out that diets just don't work, so like you I have to find a new lifestyle, but it's hard, especially for someone who loves food!
    Also some of my meds don't really help to loose weight, but coming off them is no option. So I'll have to figure out a way that will make me loose it. HELP (lol)

    good luck!


  8. Good luck with the new regime.

    When I think about my eating habits, there are times I eat because I am cold or bored, or just because a cup of tea alone is not enough.

    You have made me think I need to think about my reason to eat before I do. I can only try :)

    have a good week

  9. I definitely understand. Pounds have clung to me these last few years too. Darn menopause! I find staying away from carbs (as much as possible) works best for me. It's so hard though. Good luck with your plan.

    Big Christmas hugs,

  10. You know they all live on red wine, black coffee and fags don't you? It's such myth, they are all hungrier than I am!

  11. So glad to hear you little women LOL are having trouble keeping it off, however if we were just as active as we use to be , ball room dancing and shopping all day in large cities and flea markets looking for treasures. That would help

    I have type 2 diabetes now so 50 carbs per meal and 3 meals a day

    I am missing my all day cookies and Christmas fruit cake girls

    lost 4 lbs in 2 weeks LOL

    this is not good since I love to bake and cook for parties this time of year. I even cancelled my girls Christmas party

    They say there is worst things !!!
    what ???? i want to know

    hang in there little one LOL you can do it

    Merry Christmas


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