Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Saturday, December 10, 2011

My Christmas Wish List ....

My how I have changed... and so have my Christmas WANTS  wishes. For the first time in 5 years I am actually looking forward to Christmas, but something is a little different. Instead of  listing the latest fashion must haves or the  I "Need" designer handbag or heels was often so easy. I'm thinking, Hmm what would be nice to have that is practical and reflective of the ME and life, I'm creating.
Did I really just type PRACTICAL??  WOW...

The new ME is trying to create a life that speaks to simplicity and my "new" capabilities, (notice I didn't use limitations? yup trying that positive spin) ~ though still elegant ~ being more practical (there is that word again - shhhhh); enjoying each day and living the moment. 

Dear Santa...

Some books on tea, perhaps...

Tea Basics, a quick and easy guide by Wendy Rasmussen and Ric Rhinehart
No matter how simple one's life becomes, smelling nice is not optional...
Coco Chanel my favourite fragrance.

Since flat is how I walk these days, these Tory ~ 
Kendrick Leather Driver (in Royal Tan)would be a great fit!

This LL Bean Adirondack Barn Coat .. (in Stone)
would be great for trips into town and walking to our barn too!

Now Santa ... if you have some magic in that 
red sack (or boot) of yours, to change me back to me...

This would be my wish list...

Joelle of  Something Charming (formerly Love is Home blog)
 is hosting a fabulous Christmas Wish List Party
Click here to Share your Christmas list

What's on your Christmas Wish List?


  1. Dearest Celia,

    What a well phrased post again! I have to compliment you on your emphasis of WANTS versus wishes. Very humble and very positive is your sentence about 'new' capabilities. My wish might be to become as gracious and strong (you are still a kick boxer in a way!)as you are.
    It did almost choke me up to see your wish list at the bottom, for the original Me...
    LOVE you the way you've become, I can only imagine how you must have been before. Outshining most of us, that's for sure.
    Thanks for the sharing of your strong morals and your inner-strength.
    A tight hug and lots of love to you,


  2. My shallow list of wants would include that Chloe bag you featured in the polyvore photo. I saw it last weekend - minus the dots - and it is GORGEOUS! But at $1795 US, I will not be putting it on my list.

    Instead, I am asking for a massage gift certificate, new underwear (exciting, I know), Chanel No. 19 Poudre, and possibly some tall brown boots.

    Have a great Wednesday, friend. xoxo, A

  3. Great list. I'd be thrilled with any of them! But I really just need shoes for the gym. Thanks for the wishes:-) Happy Holidays to you! Stacie

  4. Yeah, we'd all like a designer handbag or two, but you distinguished your wishes and wants very well. Everyone could use a little more cologne, books, and sweaters in their life!

  5. the LL Bean coat is speaking to me... wishing...wanting...needing...enjoying...accepting... all right here today...
    thank you.

  6. Oh I love your list. I always put tea on mine too. Those TB flats are gorgeous. Hope Santa is listening and will bring you these fabulous things. xo

  7. Dear Celia,
    I love the blouse...soooooo cute and the high heeled boots with the leopard! Just wanted to let you know that I linked to your blog today over at site! Have a great day,

  8. Both versions of the list look good- my mom has the barn coat & it is pretty cute while being practical.

    I just read your story- you've gone through so much this past few years, I think you deserve both wish lists.

  9. you got awesome taste...hope your day is filled with Sonshine in every way....

  10. I have been ogling over those TB Kendricks for a while now! Great list!

  11. Just discovered your beautiful blog...! Off to take a look around your older posts....I'm wishing for health for my parents and a few copper pots for me!

  12. Those shoes are pretty fabulous, and look so comfy! I love your Christmas list, and your "original" list too!

    Thanks for linking up this week my dear!


  13. A great list - I'd be happy with those TB flats too!

  14. Oh hun I just read your story about your accident.(damn)

    I am facing an incident also however not that tragic. I am experiencing things old ladies go through LOL, Like high blood pressure, strokes . You know the story our brain is 40 however our body must be 80 ??LOL

    I still wish for Louis Vuitton but I am the only one to buy it for me. LOL
    I would just like to hold a Hermes bag to feel it

    Love your little dog I am planning on getting 2 puppies soon as my best friend Sissy my pug died in April this year


  15. Hello and happy holidays! Just found your blog via Art by Karena-- just had to check out a blog with such a great title! Am your newest follower. Love your 'wish list'... esp that ruffled jacket. Hope some of your wishes come true! (a fellow city now country dweller...)

  16. Love those flats. They looks so comfy too!! Wish we were closer I would have you over for tea!! xo

  17. Celia,
    You are still the same you! Except perhaps in fabulous Tory Burch flats vs sky high heels.
    Love your choices! xo

  18. Hubby and I were discussing how you have changed since I have known you - you are an inspiration to others and one of the nicest, kindest people I could ever meet.
    I hope you get all your wishes Celia and my Christmas wish is that you continue to get better, stronger and happier.
    Love from us both

  19. You have a great outlook. I hope you get EVERYTHING you want. I don't really know what I want yet which means I may not be getting much. But I'm thankful for what I have!

  20. Love how quickly life changes us - for me it was kids for you the miracle of life (going with your positive spin)
    I am getting everything I wanted for Christmas this year and more! I got a new camera, the soda maker, earrings and a new ring! (Possibly a tablet this year as well)
    Everything else that I wanted was for everyone else on my list! This has been a year of blessing!

  21. Yes please. I'll take one of everything on your list!

  22. I have the barn coat...have had it for years in long I cant remember when I bought it lol! I love it and wear it through 3 seasons. I keep thinking I want it in Stone as well...gawd we would match every where we go lol!

  23. I have a simple list this year, but it does include elegant PJ's and a years' worth of massages!

    Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful Christmas... it was lovely to discover your blog!

    a bientôt!



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