Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, May 20, 2011

Mats and Bands = Shaping Up

Like many women, being fit is very important to me, unfortunately like many women I have encountered limitations with exercising. I have stood by unable to do much while my body fat over the past 4 1/2 years went from 13% to the now 30%.  Though exercise is only one component of the contributing culprit, it is an important one.

Before my accident I used kick boxing; volleyball; some weight work-outs; yoga and my hectic corporate lifestyle to keep me in shape. Well things have changed - and these are no longer fitness options.

A few months back I discovered a local Yoga Studio - here in the countryside, which specializes in Theraputic Yoga ~ poses are modified to accomodate my balance; weight bearing limitations on my right arm; lack of flexibilty in my lower back and hip. The instructor goes at a slower pace - and encourages us to rest and go at our own pace. Things were looking pretty good , then I had a huge energy and emotional crash, so I had to take a break. Though I continued to keep up with daily theraputic stretching, my body started to show the "signs" of fitness interuption.

Finally, with some new energy monitoring strategies in place I have started to return back to yoga. And was excited to learn The Studio recently introduced a toning program that relies on bands and balls to tone and strengthen your core - which mine is quite weak. As with the yoga instructor this instructor is very aware of each individual's needs and modifies things accordingly.

I'm happy to say ... I'm back on track to getting in shape. I may not get my pre-accident body back, BUT I am determined to be in better shape than I have been the past few years and closer to reaching my goal of going bathing suit shopping at the end of June. Sandy over at Getting Fit and Loving It is working on the bathing suit shopping goal with me... pop on over and give her a big blog land encouragement!!

Are you working towards getting back into a fitness routine?

I'd love to hear what has worked for you.

 Great Linky Parties under Blog Hop tab


  1. Being so over weight its hard to do Yoga so I started Tai chi and light treadmill its really helped! Not so much in the me losing weight but in the fact that I feel better and have more energy!

  2. You go girl! Yoga is a wonderful way to gently get back in shape.

    I play tennis 3 (or more) times a week, ride my bike and walk on the treadmill every day. I do a few hand weights too.


  3. I am now following you from the Mid Week Mingle, I would love for
    you to check out my blog

  4. Nice to hear you are slowly getting back..... Yoga is wonderful not only for the body but for the mind.
    Take care

  5. My 'get fit' regime is a self-developed individualised program called 'farm gym'! It doesn't follow a set routine - but it adapts to incorporate many unplanned activities!! So far, it beats hollow any other regime I've tried!

  6. I am so glad to hear that!!! I love to exercise myself and giving our bodies what they deserve just feels so good! You really deserve a great looking bathing suit :)

    xx Kristin

  7. yoga is so great for the mind. my fav part of my regular workouts are when I stretch out and breath deep at the end.
    I like the resistance of using the bands. so I'll also use the machines at my gym called Kenisis (not possitive on the spelling). its perfect for trying to be more lean and firm rather than bulk up with weights.

  8. Newest follower thru GFC. I came thru a blog hop. I have a yorkie also but he is a boy named Charlie. His pic is on my blog. I did not see a Facebook or Twitter button or I overlooked it somehow. If you need me to come back and follow those just let me know. I would love a follow back thru GFC though. Have a great weekend!


  9. Very timely post for me! Also, I have a friend who got me going with a pilates ball - those are my favorite exercises. And thanks for your suggestions of starting the morning with that warm drink. I'll give it a try.

    I'm so proud of you Celia! Good luck with your continued effort ... you're inspiring!

  10. I pray you are able to reach your goals. You have come so far, and never cease to be an inspiration to me :)

  11. Well angel, I guess one just could feel safe with you around with all that kick boxing and company... ;-)

    I should be working out, but now things aren't good for that. I have my home renovation and I'm doing a bit after work and at the weekends, so maybe when all of this ends and after my sister visit I might come back.

    But I used to do yoga... Oh I LOVE it, especially if there's a spiritual side....

    You go girl, I'm sure you'll acomplich everything!!!!

    Lots of Love, my friend

  12. I'm working to get back into the habit of working out. I used to do cycle classes 4-5 times a week, but this past semester was SO busy, that working out fell over the wayside. I'm hoping to get back into it this summer, because once I'm in the habit, I really love working out!

  13. Hi. I found ya through the Thursday hop. Hope you'll come visit me and follow me back at:

    I've tried yoga in the past but am just not bendy. Maybe I'll give it another go...

    Happy Thursday,


  14. I'd love to eventually get into yoga. I need to do more strength and cardio to lose weight first.

    I'm a new follower from the Thursday Blog Hop. I'd love it if you'd follow me back at A Helicopter Mom!

    Mickey :)
    A Helicopter Mom

  15. You looked great a couple of weeks ago hun. Thanks for shout out ... I can always count on you for encouragement. We've got 6 weeks to go!!!! We can ... we WILL accomplish our goals ... and if YOU ever need encouragement ... you know where I am :)
    *big hugs*

  16. Good for you for working out! I'm sure it'll go great!

  17. I am not as consistent as I would like but I love to walk, run and do purre bar. THeir classes or videos are really hard but work every part of your body.

  18. I have been thinking about this ALL day today. It has come to the point I have to do something about my weight. I have got to START with something... anything.

  19. Dearest Celia,

    You know what comes to mind? Last year when I was laying in my hospital bed; paralyzed and so weak... Three medical friends came to see me and to discuss my situation together for finding a solution. I will never forget what one Doctor friend, a radiologist, said then: It is a matter of soul and body to be in harmony and feel well. So it really makes you look at things differently and I had to learn to shake things off, not letting it bother me. Live more lighthearted and easy, no worries = less stress and makes for better harmony of body and soul. That is the first step and than the DISCIPLINE cicks in. Well, this week I have not worked out yet; too much on my plate for doing so. But soon I will be back on track and be good when other things have materialized first.
    Big hug and you can do it; believe in yourself and the rewards are incredible when you go uphill again.

    Lots of love and I did visit Sandy and left her the first comment. Thanks for helping her! You have a BIG heart (overweight maybe but for a heart that is OKAY!)...


  20. I found you through Never Growing Old Friday Blog Hop. I exercise with an adult sized heavy hula hoop. It's very easy on the joints and builds the core and cardiovascular system.

  21. New follower from Hop Along Friday! I love yoga, and plan on being an instructor someday. :D

  22. I read your story and you are truly an inspiration! Good for you on starting yoga and getting into shape!

    I'm a new follower from the Friday Blog Frog Hop! Please stop on by and follow me at and say hello :)

  23. I have always wanted to try yoga with bands, I recently bought a balance ball to use at my desk or when watching T.V and I've found it's quite beneficial, my back feels much better at the end of the day. And thank you for following my blog. Congratulations on writing your own novel, I've found that's the hardest part. I can't wait until you finish it and share it with us :)


  24. Congrats on taking the first step towards getting into better shape!

    I'm a new follower from the blog hop. =)

  25. Good on you for getting back into the excercise regime. I am fairly active - don't do yoga, however, I am a trained ballet dancer and that keeps my figure in shape, besides, I walk everywhere.

    I also go out on long walks in the woods. That's very good for the mind, body and soul. Wishing you a nice weekend and best of luck with everything.

  26. I'm now following you from Debbie Does Coupons Blop Hop All Weekend. Hope to get a follow me back at

  27. Delighted that you are doing so well. Hubby has me on a strict walking regime at the moment and I'm doing about four-six miles a day depending on his mood. It's having an effect but I'm not sure I'd look good in a bathing suit just yet. Good luck and keep up the good work.

  28. GOOD MORNING BEAUTIFUL! I just came up the stairs from my basement gym! I lifted my weights (29 years worth) and I FEEL GREAT!!!! THANK YOU FOR VISITING and do come back wearing some comfortable shoes; you will be taking a blogging tour of PARIS!!! HAVE FUN AND BEST WISHES FOR A GREAT WEEKEND! Anita

  29. I did Yoga a year or so ago when I had a back problem and it was really good. So relaxing and wish I had kept it up. It sounds like you're doing great - well done! The band and ball thing looks like a brilliant but gentle way to stay in shape. Am currently running again to build up for a 5k run in September for Jeans for Genes charity. Am starting slowly but need to build up soon. Like you with the bathing suit goal, it really helps to have a goal to aim towards..keep going Lady.. you can do it! xxx

  30. Hi! Following you from Relax and Surf
    Sunday!I hope you visit me and return the follow!:0)

  31. I go to the occasional yoga class to top up on exercise when I miss my main fitness activities -- dance classes.

    If you haven't already, give pilates a try, High Heeled. Very similar to yoga, but I prefer pilates. It's also great for strengthening your core and it feels easier to do than yoga, but still great for your body. : )


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