Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

With Help from my Friends ....

It's been a little crazy at the HHL household lately. Cold weather is not friendly to my joints and bones and throw in some Med changes ...and you now how the ingredients for dark and gloomy days.

But Friends know just how to brighten your day...

First, a surprise visit from my bestie from New York. She came to spend the day, before heading out to Winnipeg for a business trip. Along with her wonderful laughter filled visit, she brought this beautiful arrangement. One can't help but smile when loking at these lovelies and remember warm days.

Mr. G made us a wonderful dinner of penne a la vodka with turkey fillet and even remembered dessert, a wonderful strawberry shortcake (no he did not bake it..but did  remove it from its package,and thaw it) ...

The next day a card arrived in the mail from my friend R. she always knows just what to say...

But it doesn't stop there ... even in a snow storm ...
The universe is making sure my days are bright with reminders,
of how blessed I am...

In the morning mail was this adorable and thoughtful package from my special bestie;
you know her as Suburban Princess from  The Life of a Suburban Princess

Along with early Valentine wishes ...these socks have me
smiling ear to ear!!

I am truly blessed ....

Thank you to all of you who have left wonderful encouraging and supportive comments and emails. With a  little push and butt kicking  help from my Friends I'm gaining strength and keeping the faith!

For some warmth and smiles
Don't forget to visit Dolce's blog

He keeps me going.....

Joining Wednesday Blog Hops click here to party too!!


  1. So happy for you, and so well deserved. Thank God for wonderful friends :-)

  2. Yay! They got there fast! I mailed the parcel on Friday afternoon :O)

  3. SWEEEEEET! I know what it's like to get a great surprise in the mail...thanks to you:)

    I hope that your having a great day....feeling well, better & stronger.

    I wish we were closer so we could go have tea and chat chat chat!!!!

    Love to you sweetie,

  4. Those are some gorgeous flowers .. wow .. I love the socks too xx

  5. What great friends you have!

    New follower from the blog hops.

  6. so glad to hear your day was brightened by so many little SHMILYs from god! (SHMILYs: see how much i love you)

  7. Yep, where would we be without friends?

    Gorgeous flowers!

  8. There is always a rainbow at the end of a storm. You found yours with all these goodies and well wishes. Also, there is a light at the need of the tunnel. It is just some of the tunnels are longer than others.

  9. Beautiful flowers and gorgeous gifts, just what the Doctor ordered! xx

  10. Glad to hear that things are improving - it's great to have the love and support of family and friends (fun, colorful socks help, too!) That floral arrangement is gorgeous - are those Birds of Paradise? So pretty. :)

  11. You have great friends (including the 4-legged furry ones)who show you just how much you mean to them. Your blog is wonderful and a testament to your spirit, authenticity,& courage. No wonder your friends love you so. Blessings to you & your dear ones.

  12. Friends really can brighten a day/week. Love the arrangement

  13. I think friends just know how to brighten our days. I think they are the best! Love the flowers the early Valentines. What a way to start the month off. Blessings

  14. I can see you have some thoughtful people in your life, and the socks make me smile.

  15. Wow, you really have some wonderful friends there. : )

    Cold weather can be gloomy, but on the other hand it's the weather of snuggling into bed and eating yummy hot comfort foods like mashed potato. I like it much better than the boiling heat of summer, which we've had lately, with days over 40 degrees Celcius. At least it's cooled down today.

    Hope you have a great weekend, High Heeled! : )


  16. Dearest Celia,

    Well, with you I'm longing for spring for better weather. Today is the first day in two weeks that I'm without pain in my back, neck etc. Got a bit panicky that I might end up being paralyzed again, like in January last year. But we have to look up and believe in the good days; hard for not being depressed at times. Such a post is refreshing to read and it gives all of us hope. Friends that help you literally back on your feet with fun socks and great flowers; a visit, laughter...
    Today I got to see the bridal gown of our God daughter in The Netherlands; that lifted my spirit up tremendously. My friend of 46 years standing, missed me for being there with her daughter and our God daughter for the bridal gown selection... But in spirit we were there and we will live towards the wedding day!!!

    A tight hug and lots of love + support,


  17. Nothing like love and warmth form your dear ones....
    Take care my dear

  18. see how well you are loved? you deserve
    every gesture!

  19. What fantastic friends you have1 Those flowers are beautiful! Love your socks too :) xoxo

  20. Celia,
    Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. Hope you are on the mend and feeling better soon. I too have been under the weather for days with a relapse of my auto-immune disease and in unbearable pain. What a lucky girl you are to get such a gorgeous flower arrangement! Give Dolce a big kiss from me.

  21. Aren't friends great?! Gorgeous flowers!


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