Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Umbrella of Living ~ The Foundation

I have learned that without a good foundation it is difficult to build anything. The foundation needs to be rock solid, so that it can withstand all that be required of it to endure. Looking at my Umbrella components for living (you can read about the Umbrella - for Living here) I decided to start with Spiritual as my foundation.

I know that I’m still here because God believed in me! He believed that I was strong enough to come back to this human life; figure out where I go from this point. So, I have to have faith that he knows what he is doing and I have to find the strength to believe that I will discover who I am now and will be able to create a new improved me HHL 2.0 – (version 2.0 is what my friend Suburban Princess reminds me)

I’m not religious but I believe in God! So, the question becomes how do I strengthen my faith?

Here is my plan:

~ God is everywhere, so I know I can pray to him anywhere I am and I can also speak with him

~ Speak to God not only when I need something but Thank him for all he gives me daily

~ Listen to my Angels ~ they are always there ready to help , they are God's helpers

~ Look to our local Minister/Priest as a spiritual guide/counsel

~ Read books that enforce positive thinking (please share any reading you may have found helpful)

~ Remind myself of the many blessings I have in life ~ sometimes this is difficult to do when one is feeling very lost. SOLUTION ..... a Gratitude Journal will remind me, in my own writing.

~ Gratitude Journal ~ I have been on the fence about starting one, then it seems wherever I read someone is writing of how it helped them. Most recently, if you are a reader of Classy and Fabulous as I am, you will recall her post titled An Attitude of Gratitude. Something in her post spoke to me and I started mine today.

~Continue to surround myself with people who have faith, belief and are positive

I would love for you to share your thoughts and suggestions!


  1. I dont cry easily but reading this brought a tear! Bless your heart

  2. Oh that's so funny! I have been keeping an eye out for a nice book for your to use as a gratitude journal!

    I always say 'gratitude is attitide!' :O) When we are grateful our attitude shows it :O) Didn't I tell you to start counting your blessings just the other day?

  3. What a great post Celia! You are definitely on the correct path. All and all the plans you have listed are plans I incorporated in my life. These are great steps to take to change your outlook and attitude. It is amazing how freeing and uplifiting it is when you remove negativity from your life - whether it is in the form of thoughts or the people around you.


  4. I totally agree about the Gratitude Journal. I started one, but then fell off the wagon due to life's business getting in the way. But, it's something I really need to return to. You seem to have the right focus - I hope this brings you to a good place. I know that my faith is very precious to me. :)

  5. I'm always touched by your posts and today was no exception. I got the impression that you are making progress in your quest. The gratitude book is a great idea I would wholeheartedly support it.
    I'm not very good at giving spiritual advice but I can tell you that I definitely believe in angels. They watch over us and are unobtrusive but when we really need them they are there. I've been toying with sharing with my followers a true story of how I met my guardian angel. Maybe it's time for me to let go of some guilt I've been hiking about and maybe it will help others.
    I'll email it to you though and see if it helps you find any comfort too.
    Carol XOXO

  6. Dearest Celia,

    You KNOW your key ingredients for a happy life. Happy means not ALL the time on cloud nine but being content and grateful for the little things. If you can SEE the little gifts and miracles all around you; then you are truly RICH in spirit.
    Often when I was facing difficulties like doing my training in Indonesia in their native tongue, I would pray to my great uncle who was the adviser in Indonesia to 7 bishops. He spoke the language that I learned after he'd long gone to heaven, he knew his people and the culture. Whenever I prayed/talked to him, I could feel the calmness and I always managed. So I believe in angels and whatever will be after this temporarily life. For so many there is no justice on earth so there HAS to be something else what we cannot even grasp yet. That gives us strength, courage and hope to go on. If the road at times is bumpy, we can reach out to the ones that will help us...

    Lots of love,


  7. What a wonderful post. I can really attest to the Gratitude journal. I've been writing one for about 3 years, and at the risk of sounding clichéd, it really has changed my life, my perspective.....everything. You just can't be negative at the same time as you are expressing gratitude; try it, it's impossible.

  8. I am so happy to hear that you have begun your gratitude journal, Vanessa is right, it's impossible to think negative thoughts when feeling grateful. :)

    Thank you so much for the mention, in little ways everyday I'm seeing the positive effect of writing in a gratitude journal.

    I love your list! While I do attend church, the most important thing I realized many years ago is that God is not bound to a church or building, He is everywhere, always listening and will to speak to us also if we choose to make time to hear His voice. He loves to receive praise and hear what we are thankful for.

    Blessings on your journey my friend!


  9. I agree with everything you've said (with the exception of some of your wording). This is a wonderful post! I hope you find something to use as a journal. I have an "encouragement" journal that I keep, and it's full of quotes and positive reinforcement.

    It is so important to be positive and adopt an attitude of being grateful. The only thing I would add to help you on your journey is to hang around like-minded people -- people who will lift you up and always encourage you to look on the bright side.

    Good luck and God bless!

  10. this is a wonderful post. thanks for sharing.

  11. LOVE this post sweet friend! All such wonderful ideas to stay strong.


  12. I read somewhere that arranging an automatic text message to be sent to you twice a day, every hour whatever works of things that you are grateful for is a good way to be constantly reminded of positive energy....I just have to figure that one out as I am so not a gadget kind of girl... I mentioned a book today that may be of interest to you, if you enjoy astrology...
    Just keep doing what you are doing! You are putting out so much good energy into the blogosphere,much of it has to come back to you :)

  13. Great this and love your blog...

  14. i kept a gratitude journal during some of the tougher times in my life. it realllly helped me to put things into perspective. i would write down AT LEAST five things i was grateful for... and they couldn't be the same things two days in a row.
    and it really makes me giggle, to look back now and see the things i was grateful for on any given day!

  15. i love your enthusiasm for life and desire
    for the spiritual. my prayer is that you
    grow in favor before both God and man.

  16. You have a wonderful plan,it's a bit like mine.I pray that this will work for you.

  17. In addition to Spiritual Sundays, I participate in Thankful Thursdays (TT). There are times when I feel grumpy and think... "oh, I have nothing to be thankful for." But when I stop and truly reflect, I see how much God is blessing me. It has been wonderful. Reading the gratitude of others is also a blessing. You can learn about TT
    at or at this month's host

  18. Such a great post!

    I found you on the blog hop! I'm your newest follower! Have a great weekend!

  19. Found you through Spiritual Sundays. So glad I did. I'm a new follower now. And I invite you to follow as well.

    I'm an avid reader. Best book out there is your Bible! BUT...then I'd recommend blogland, especially Spiritual Sundays. I LOVE when the w/e comes so I can read wonderful, encouraging posts about what God has done for others! I've also gotten a lot out of "In Every Pew Sits a Broken Heart" by Ruth Graham. It's sad on levels, but the Holy Spirit has used her pain & experience to reach a hurting world. And then, of course, there's all kinds of wonderful Christian authors who provide powerful messages through their fictional characters. Terri Blackstock being one of my favorite authors!

    Looking fwd to following you! ~ Merana

  20. This is a beautiful post. Love your opening. "I know that I’m still here because God believed in me!" I feel the same way. For me...being in nature and surrounding myself with people that care and trying to live their best lives...however they do it...helps me. Stay strong always...

  21. Beautiful post. I started a gratitude journal some time ago but didn't keep up with it.
    It's good to keep negative energy away and focus on the positive.
    Wish you a most lovely weekend!
    xoxo, B

  22. Just came over from Spiritual Sundays, so glad I did. You know, I find more gratitude and things for which to be thankful in the Psalms. No one had more stress than David. When's the last time we had to hide in a cave to protect our very lives? And yet the Lord blessed him with wide open fields in which to tend sheep. David had so much to be grateful for and his Psalms seem to speak to the things that are going on with us. You have a really great blog site. God bless, Dr. Bobbi @ Daily Grace

  23. Hi HHL,

    I love your action plan, shaping and directing your focus. I've never heard of a Gratitude Journal, but it sounds like a great way of logging reasons to be thankful; to God and others.

    I will be praying for you that this Version 2.0 is robust, loaded with features and functionality, and compatible on any platform.

    Blessings and peace.


  24. Yes, angel, you're here because you still have things to do. You still didn't do your mission and have experiences to go through and learn.
    Yes, you're still here because the Universe wanted to, and the Beings of Light were/are with you.
    Some times an accident is a call of attention that we're going out of the path and that we have to make it a turning point.
    You know I feel very much related with what you wrote.
    I also try to be as Spiritual as I can, I also was called by my accident. (I just don't give the importance you're giving to your #4).
    To be grateful is a very important step, to stop to smell the flowers and give importance to little things and achievements is another.
    I'm no one to give advices, but I think that to read books that enforce positive thinking and guide us through Spiritual matters are very important. I will give a few suggestions.
    Be alert and listen with your heart ears, because the Universe is speaking with you and if you listen you may find some answers about the path you will have to choose.
    And yes, we are humans, so sometimes it's very difficult to be grateful when things seem to be so hard, but we must give us a pardon, because it's part of our humanity, just to be aware is a way to get on track.
    I'm not a Bible reader, but I try to read different philosophies and aspects about Spirituality to find were is "mine". You'll have to search until you'll find your place.

    You are in my thoughts, angel!!!!

    Much Love to you and may the force of the Universe be with you.

    Have a fantastic weekend.

  25. This is a lovely post and yet the surprising statement 'I am not religious' - take yourself amongst the faithful wherever you can to strengthen any doubts. The gratitude journal = what a good idea.

  26. A very good plan. I would add one thing. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. I think the gratitude journal is a great idea. Thank you for sharing.

  27. I like your plan. I like your post for today. I want to recommend a book to you: Mark Batterson's SoulPrint--discovering your divine destiny.

  28. You are right God does believe in you. Now all you have to do is believe in yourself.

  29. Good morning my precious friend! GOD IS EVERYWHERE and IN YOU! Believe in HIM and practice love, knowing that HE is love, and that we will be known to be His children by our love. Read the Bible to know Him and open your soul to your enemy and you will find God. Let me know when your package arrives!!!! BISOUS, Anita

  30. Yes, gratitude is a life transformer and a wonderful blessing - to us and to God!

  31. Joyce Meyer has helped me in my walk with God. She is on Daystar and I tape her show daily and listen to her while I'm getting ready in the morning. I really like her message, it's straightforward and no-nonsense. xo

  32. This was a lovely post on how human we all are. A Gratitude Journal sounds like a lovely daily reminder of how blessed we are too. Have a wonderful Sunday.

  33. Great post you put on your blog i like it very much and very nice all the post

  34. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to surround ourselves with love and faith from others. We give and take and make this life worth something.

    I'm a new follower from the Monday hop.

  35. You are such a great example and a good woman.
    I love your plan ! So smart and makes so much sense.
    Oh i love you ! You are wonderful !

  36. Keep writing sweetie, keep writing! How is your office coming along?
    Love to you,

  37. Love your blog! I'll be following now!

  38. You definitely have the right foundation, our faith in God is THE most important thing. Reading His word, the Bible is how we get to know him, and simply talking to Him. Isn't it wonderful how we can just whisper His name and know He is listening and wanting to help us?
    Thank you for sharing this. It is crucial to be thankful for all the many blessings we have.
    I am thankful for you my friend,


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