Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Meaning of Christmas ~ Part Two

People say children is what Christmas is all about. But are we not all children ~ did we not all come into this world with parents (whether we were raised by them or not, we were someone’s child)? So, if Christmas is for children it should not matter whether it is your first day on earth or your last, Christmas and its meaning should always remain magical and precious in our hearts.

This time of year should be a celebration of a gift we were given when we were perhaps still brilliant stars in the sky, just waiting our turn to come down to earth. A gift that our creator (known in my part of the world as God) gave to us in the form of one brave and most blessed soul, to teach/remind us of forgiveness, faith, belief, and unconditional love. Whether you believe he was just a human like you and I, or what we were taught as children that he was conceived through an immaculate conception and was the son of God, in my humble opinion he was both. For are we all not children of the creator and did he not bleed as we all do?

As children many of us were either taught about this wonderful gift we were given, or we learned about it through other children who had learned this at school or through their parents. Yet, somehow the celebration of this precious gift became tangled up with Santa Claus and getting “material gifts”. Listen I’m not casting any stones, for I also have enjoyed nothing more than receiving gifts and a full stocking on Christmas morning. Even in the 4 post accident Christmas I have been blessed to celebrate, gifts remained a huge part of how the celebration of Christmas was defined, yet for some reason this Christmas is different. As I approach my 5th Christmas post accident, I want more … yes MORE from this time of celebration, than just filling the cash registers and padding the bottom line of retailers all across the country and thanks to the wonderful world of technology , the world.

This year I want that magical feeling of celebrating the birth of the blessed soul, whose purpose was to teach/remind us of how blessed we were and that we exist, because our creator wanted us to learn to give and love as well as to receive and allow others to love us. Somewhere along the way, using our “free will” we thought that we no longer needed the creator and when things didn’t quite work out the way we wanted them too … we remembered him , only to cast blame or to don’t his existence. But our creator so believed in us and loved us that he chose one of us to try and show us the way. We would learn his name to be Jesus … and he was born to this earth to help us, a gift from our creator. I won’t get into how we treated this precious gift we were bestowed (I’ll leave that for Easter), but I will say ~ Thank You!

I think the true meaning of giving has lost its definition. At the HHL household this year, we will be giving blankets; goats; fruit trees; one year school supplies for little ones; soccer balls etc. to children who are not as fortunate as the children we buy gifts for every year ~ who have the latest of everything and more ~ on behalf of them via Plan Canada and World Vision holiday giving opportunities, through which Mr. G and I sponsor children. Our little Angels will still be receiving a gift to open Christmas morning along with the certificates of what was donated on their behalf, it will just be something more practical then the latest electronic toy, or gadget.

This year I will be asking each little one what Christmas really represents ~ and Santa Claus or getting presents is not the answer I will be looking for. I hope that this helps to make the little Angels in our lives a little more aware of giving and not receiving… for the real gift is the feeling they will get to see someone smile.

So, I would like to end this post with; this year as you go to empty out your wallets on material things, please stop and think about the family down the street, that will go cold this winter , because they need to eat and there isn’t enough money for both; the children that will not go to school, because they have no winter clothes; the children who will wake up Christmas day wondering why Santa didn’t stop by their house ~ like the other children, leaving them thinking they must be really naughty to not have even received a lump of coal ~ which they could perhaps have used to keep warm if for only a minute. Then I would like you to think about one thing that you or your child could really do without ~ and take that same amount of money and help make a difference in the life of a child or family.

There will be a Part Three in the days to come. For Part One click here.


  1. I am blog hopping and found your blog! I'm a new follower. Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back!!

  2. Just read your story.. wow, what an inspiration.. Thank you Jesus! :-)

  3. Blessings! Found you through a hop. Love your blog!

    I am following you now and you can find me at:

    Have a beautiful day!


  4. Ok, usually I leave a comment and then click the follow button. Can't find yours! Is there one?



  5. A lot of people I've spoken to this year have complained that Christmas is losing its meaning. Sad that all we think about is Christmas=presents.

  6. What a beautiful post we have no children in our family unfortunately but seeing someones face when they receive something very thoughtfully always takes them back to childhood and the wonder of Christmas. Every year we go out to an animial sanctuary and take blankets and food - I have to admit it is pretty hard to go and see all the rescue animals as some are in such a bad way, I would end up with a zoo if I had the room as I could adopt them all, but 8 dogs has to be the limit!

  7. What a sweet sweet post! I'm following through my friend Daphne's site (Flip Flops and Pearls)! I have a 16 month old and am so excited to experience this Christmas with her. I'm guessing she'll mostly like the packages and boxes, ribbon and wrap, but the look on her face when she sees the lights on the tree just makes my heart melt!

    Have a great one!



  8. Just been catching up on your posts and your blog. I like the music by the way.
    I have to say that this was a lovely post. You have written in your usual eloquent way putting into words what we often feel.
    Get that book finished - I have a feeling their will be many 'takers' for it.
    Huge affection

  9. Beautifully put! Love the new look and music! Have a great and happy season!

  10. Thank you for following my blog! I am now a new follower of yours too!

    Merry Christmas
    Jamie~your Innkeeper

  11. I love what you are doing! Time for a change for sure...

  12. Hello, I found you through Follow Friday 40 and over and I'm now following you. What a great post you wrote. I hope to learn more from you in the near future.

  13. Hello,
    What an interesting post, very informative.
    I am following you from Follow Friday 40 & Over blog hop, I would love it if you could follow me back.
    Have a lovely day.
    Helen x

  14. thank you for your post! another beautifully written wonderfully informative christmas reflection.

  15. Hello,

    Still trying to catch up on your posts I missed while I was away. Your meaning of Christmas posts are beautiful and well written. I was talking with one of my friends last night and we were discussing how much we dislike the commercialism of Christmas and that the true meaning is overlooked. I am looking forward to sharing the true meaning of Christmas with my Little Darling as he grows. Although he is still so young, I am very excited about his first Christmas.

    I also like your new header and the other changes you have made.

    ~ Tracy

  16. I totally agree and wish more people realized what you've put down in words.
    Simply Beautiful! Wonderfully Inspiring! Thank you for this lovely reminder of what Christmas truly is all about!
    Wish your Christmas be filled with peace and love.

  17. Hello my friend,

    One activity I've always found joy through participation in is Angel Tree, a program through Prison Fellowship that allows the children of inmates to receive Christmas gifts. For me, the joy of knocking on a door and delivering gifts to a child is something special.

    I agree with you, we ought to strive to keep that childlike joy and anticipation in the possibilities of Christmas. I have found this year, it has taken on greater meaning than any other time in my life. For this I'm thankful to our Lord.

    Blessings and peace.


  18. Newest follower from Spiritual Sunday! Love your beautiful blog.

  19. Thank you for sharing these encouraging thoughts. Yes, we are all children. The older I get the more I realize that the body grows old, but the spirit does not.

  20. I truly enjoyed your thoughts and views on the holiday. Personally, we need to get back to the real reason we celebrate. Too much commercialization now. It has just gotten out of control for the true reason for Christmas.

  21. this is really inspiring...your heart is great....

  22. What a lovely, thoughtful post that you made for this most holy of seasons.

  23. Yes indeed we are all children.
    God Bless,


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