Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, December 10, 2010

I'm Moving ~ DolcePaws Fridays

I have been a little busy packing up my puppy treats and toys, so
I have not been able to pawst as much as I would have barked to.
 I'm also in discussions for my pawsh puppy office doggie creative area... a window please.
The good news is that I'm not going too far...
 but I am going to my very own Blog!!
Mommy was a little disappointed when I told her I was ready to go out on my own. Well I won't be exactly on my own, daddy will be helping me a little and Stella too! I may even let mommy guest post now and then.

Look for my new Doggie Address ~ Coming Soon!!

Don't worry I'm pawing on some great pawst for you,
but I'm saving them for my new diggs!!


  1. How cute is this?! I "paws"itively can't wait!


  2. I can't wait to see Dolce's new "home"! I miss you and my other blogging friends, but taking a much needed break through the holiday. Hopefully I will come back feeling renewed!

    Love to you,

  3. I love it! I cannot wait to see your new diggs Dolce!

    ~ Tracy

  4. Hi, just popped over from Never Growing Old’s blog hop, and am now following. Have a good weekend :)
    The enigmatic, masked blogger

  5. LIly wonders why she hasn't gotten her own blog. When she hears about this I am never going to hear the end of it. Good luck, Dolce!

  6. Hi! I am a follower from a previous blog hop. If you haven't already, I would love it if you would follow back at one or all four of my blogs.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Can't wait to follow the adventures of Dolce!

  8. Hello C and Dolce,

    Moving on up are you? Got a deluxe apartment in the sky?...errrrr....pawsh puppy doggie creative area.

    My congrats and hope for much literary success.

    Blessings and peace.


    BTW: I'm glad to read that BlogLand Pen Pal is reaching others and imparting joy.

  9. Dolce... I can't wait to read a puppy's blog...especially a puppy that is so stylish as to have a Louis Vuitton suitcase!!!!!

  10. Well, I wouldn't expect doll baby to travel with anything less than Louis!!!
    Can't wait.

    ps- I think I may have "someone" for you. I will send you details shortly!


  11. Love that puppy on the keyboard! My little Riley passed away just after Mother's Day 2009. I miss hime so! He awas a little miniature French poodle and the love puppy of my life. Soon after his passing I nearly died. Literlly, spent most of the last half of 2009 in hospitals MICU and nursing homes and was released into my sister's care from FL to NYS what a change. July 4th i weighed barlely 80 pounds and that was after 6 weeks of a stomache feed tube to put weight back on from a 67 pound near death woman. That puppy bust me into tears over memoreis of my little Riley and the Christmas memories I have of him and me walking among the Palm trees In our condo unit in FL singing Chriatmas Carols as he pranced like a little reindeers while I sand to him. TOO CUTE! Let me know your blog address and I will be one of your FIRST followers!



  12. Awww, such a cute puppy. I'm sure he will have some gorgeous adventures.

    : )


  13. Love it! Soo cute!

    Have a safe move! Haha woof

    stopping by from the Lady Bloggers Tea Party!
    Have a merry Christmas!

  14. teeeheee! Dolce is WAY CUTE and do you and Dolce know GEORGE THE LAD in Shropshire, England? HE is just as cute and DETERMINED as Dolce to do WHAT HE WANTS! You must pay this lad a visit. OH DEAREST! YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THE DAY AFTER MY DRAW?????? MAY YOU WIN!!!! Oh, how exciting! May you also have a blessed day, filled with all the three blessings of life and eternity!!!!

    GOD BLESS, Anita

  15. If my boxer came near my laptop, I think it'd all be over! :) LOL!

    I'm already following you but I'm stopping by through the Relax & Surf Sunday Blog Hop. I hope you'll do the same! You can find me @

    Sofia's Ideas

  16. Cute! Hope you are having a good weekend. xo

  17. Hi there, I'm a new fololwer. Nice to "meet" you! Hope you stop by my blog sometime soon. :)

    ~Sabrina from

  18. found you on the blog hop relax and surf sunday.Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back!

  19. Hehehe! Nice to that those expensive typing lessons your Mummy got you have paid off Dolce...can't wait to visit you at your new place. Don't be like my son though, move out and then come back for those times when you need food or money! Hugs and woofs.
    Carol x

  20. I'm not letting my cats read this, they'll want their own website. They already want their own computers.

    Spoiled brats.

  21. I'm so excited for you Dolce! Big kisses from your pal, Baby Girl.


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