Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Monday, June 29, 2015

Let The Birthday Celebrations Begin - Paris Style

Though my birthday is not until December ... My friend E. decided since it will be a milestone birthday it required a a few months of PRE-Birthday celebrations leading up to the actual date (and it certainly didn't take much convincing for me to agree) and what better way then to kick it off than while on our trip to Paris!!!

E. made all the arrangements ... all I knew was the day and time to prepare for.

and I was informed a dress would be suitable for the outing ... and heels!!! Ladies you'll note I'm not wearing heels ... but remember Handbag that could hold lots was part of my 3 Essentials for strolling through Paris - (if you missed it you can read it here) ... ballerina flats are much more practical for Metro traveling and walking.

When we arrived at our destination ... I assumed it had something to do with the Eiffel Tower  ... since I could clearly see it (kinda hard to ride the tower ...LOL) 
But I still had no IDEA!! what was about to happen.

We arrived a little earlier than required ... and that was the only excuse we both "needed" to find a seat along the Seine and sip a Chocolate Chaud ... (it was a little cool on this day) 
until all would be revealed....

At the magical hour just like Cinderella my little ballerina flats transformed to:

Dolce & Gabbana patent leather shoes ....

And an Invitation to Le Jules Verne!!! along with them...

Note: I was so excited that I forgot to take photos of us changing shoes before entering - these shoe photos were taken afterwards.
(as a side note there is a little bench inside the private entrance that would have been much easier to use and switch shoes).
We were not going for just a guided tour of the Eiffel Tower ... 
We were taking a PRIVATE ELEVATOR to the top ... and going to have lunch at Le Jules Verne. Miss E. had certainly planned ahead and definitely surprised ME!! Making my pre-birthday celebration kick off one for the memory books.

Cheers! let the SALIVATING begin ... I mean celebration ...
From the bread and butter to the dessert and the service - attention to detail was brilliant!
after cleansing our pallet - we enjoyed:

E. - preserved duck foie gras, apricot-almond condiment, toasted brioche
Moi: Delicate crustacean royale, crab and pickled vegetables

Main Dish
E. and I both enjoyed the peppered beef tenderloin, tender vegetables, seared pigeon, fava beans and green peas 'a la francaise'

E. - Baba with Armagnac according to your choice , lightly whipped Chantilly
Moi - Mara des bois strawberry and orange blossom contemporary vacherin

The Wines
Champagne - selection Alain Ducasse
White Wine - 2009 Chassagne -Montrachet 1 cru Les Chenevottes Chateau Genot - Boulanger
Red Wine - 2010 Pomerol , Manoir de Gay
Dessert Wine - 2011 Santenay Champs Claude, Lucien Muzard & fils

YES!!! ... there were 4 wines!!!

And if the dessert wasn't enough ... 
there were macaroons, truffles, chocolate bites and yummy pink MARSHMALLOWS!! ...
Cheers ... 
MERCI Mon Ami E. for such a fabulous surprise and the wonderful memories created !!!
You have certainly set the bar high for pre-birthday celebrations - can't wait to see what the next 6 months leading up to my milestone birthday brings!!

After all that wonderful food, sweets , bubbly and wine .. 
time for a little stretch and some fresh air ...
 what better way than with an aerial view of Paris from the Eiffel Tower!!! 

As you can see it was a little windy ...
(there was no wind machine provided for the photos)

What I wore: dress - Mexx; sweater- ; shoes - (flats): Sam&Libby , (heels):Dolce & Gabbana; leather handbag - B. Makowsky; sunglasses - Gucci; 

Have you been to Le Jules Verne for lunch or dinner? 
What has been the most your most memorable (pre-) birthday surprise?

You are the curator of your life so make it luxurious,

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  1. I love that - pre-birthday celebrations! I love the fact that you are having a milestone birthday!! I love how you (and your friends) celebrate life and living. You always inspire and also cause great envy at the same time (smile). Sometimes it is hard living in the boonies with no wondrous places nearby. Sigh. Guess I'll live vicariously through you!!

  2. I love that - pre-birthday celebrations! I love the fact that you are having a milestone birthday!! I love how you (and your friends) celebrate life and living. You always inspire and also cause great envy at the same time (smile). Sometimes it is hard living in the boonies with no wondrous places nearby. Sigh. Guess I'll live vicariously through you!!

  3. How fabulous Celia, truly an amazing per-birthday celebration!
    I cannot think of a better place to be than Paris and the Eiffel Tower!

    The Arts by Karena
    Art Gallery Opening!!

  4. how wonderful! that was truly a birthday celebration. i will never forget these moments-for my 30th birthday we went to holland and had a glorious 2 weeks of wandering and enjoying, for my boyfriend's 35th we went to paris, and for my 35th we went to mexico. can't wait to see what 40 brings!
    enjoy your celebrating!

  5. Dearest Celia,
    WOW, that was a once-in-a-lifetime pre-birthday celebration in royal style!
    Loved the French setting with the utensils facing down.
    We had afternoon tea at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island and they did not even serve any utensils... That really struck me!
    This was really TOP, the selections, table linens, dress code (sure, no shorts etc. allowed here). Those photos will be a festive reminder of not only the upcoming milestone but of the new heights you have reached again!
    Your Friend E is one to be 'framed'.
    Sending you hugs and blessings for a Happy Canada Day!

    PS we got away for a short weekend at the Grand Hyatt in Atlanta and met another sweet blogger friend with her husband. Life is good!

  6. What a lovely surprise and celebration! You definitely got the treatment there all those foods, wines (and shoes) look lovely. Thanks for linking up to "Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me" on Tuesday. Hope you will join in again this coming Tuesday.
    Rachel xo
    Bloggers Who Have Inspired me link up now LIVE

    Garay Treasures

  7. WOW!! What an absolutely thoughtful friend you have! So sweet. xox

  8. Oh - I love your portraits in the tower! You just look amazing. Perfect time to celebrate in Paris - wish I could join you:-) My own birthday is actually Bastille Day! Have a cup of tea for me, lol.

  9. What a sweet friend you have and I love the idea of pre-birthday celebration!


    Would love to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.

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