Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Roses, Tea and Chocolate = Bliss

It may be snowy and cold outside but roses from the market ....

a beautiful teacup for sipping tea ...

AND chocolate from dear friend Mariette ... 
Thank you for this wonderful surprise and treat!

help to create a beautiful warm afternoon tea setting ...

Mariette is founder of Mariette's Back to Basics blog and Mariette's Back to Basics boutique . She is  a great inspiration for living a well lived life and there is always something to be learned when visiting her corner of blogland or boutique. Do stop by her blog and boutique if you have not yet discovered them, you will be inspired!

Blogging provides many wonderful opportunities,
but the friends one makes in this virtual world is priceless.

You are the curator of your life so live it luxuriously ,

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  1. how lucky of you... and how very sweet of Mariette! You are right the friendships we make here are simply priceless. Your tea set is to die for.


  2. Love that amazing tea cup. Very sweet of your friend to gift you. Have a wonderful Valentines Day. Blessings, Martha

  3. Dearest Celia,
    Thank you so much dear friend for the shout out! Hope you enjoyed your tea and chocolate as much as I have been doing. This is such a perfect winter bliss.
    Adore your teapot and rose china ware!
    Hugs and blessings,

  4. As usual you inspire me to be and do better. I have so many beautiful tea and coffee "things" - both mine and my late mother's and my grandmother - that I don't use. They sit in the china cabinet and on shelf tops, and challenge me to slow down, take time, and make my meals and tea time more soothing and relaxing. To live luxuriously. NOW. There is no reason to wait, is there?! That is like saving the good china for company. My mom taught me that there is no one more worthy for company china than Alpha Hubby (and me). Please keep inspiring and challenging!

  5. What a lovely surprise and treat to go with your tea in this cold weather!
    Mariette is wonderful, I'll stop over to see her!

    The HighBoy featured at The Arts by Karena


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