Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, December 19, 2014

Weekends are for ....Staying Warm

Staying warm by the fireplace, sampling some cheese and sipping Port wine... How are you keeping warm on this last weekend of autumn?

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  1. The fireplace is calling my name too! Had I been a good girl and had my Christmas shopping all done, I might be able to enjoy it this weekend! That will teach me for procrastinating! LOL! Enjoy your weekend my friend!

  2. Dearest Celia,
    Yesterday we did gather with 30 together at the home of our best friends. She celebrated Christmas with all of her clinic workers+ spouse. We are always included and did enjoy also the warmth of the fireplace and of true love! Great dinner and fond memories...
    Stay cozy and I smiled about the Portuguese product of Port. Both of us have not used it in a long time but used to more frequent decades ago, for dessert and yes, taken with cheese!
    Hugs and stay cozy.


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