Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Enjoying the Sunshine ...Welcome Spring (finally)

With the warming temps Dolce and Gabbana are eager to get outside and play in the sunshine. Dolce is looking handsome in his red vest and Miss Gabbana is looking darling in her jeans and sweat shirt, with her butterfly hair pretty.

Being in the city one of our fav spots to enjoy nature is along the lake ...

The temps are warmer but there is still a lingering crispness. 
A hot chocolate and sunny spot on the patio are perfect for taking off the chill.

While mama enjoys her cup of hot chocolate...
Dolce and Gabbana give their paws a little break lounging in their stroller.

jeans - Miss Sixty, vest - Zara, sweater- Valentino, sunglasses - Gucci, hat - Burberry

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  1. Great outfits, all of you! Your doggies are adorable and I love their names : > Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday.

  2. Omg, these little furballs riding in the stroller is so cute. Love your blue and orange combo too.

  3. Any gal that has a stroller for her dogs is a wonderful person to know <3


  4. Dearest Celia,
    You look so beautiful in that outfit and with your fur babies. They too were dressed so cute!
    Glad you can enjoy the outdoors some more again and hoping for more sunshine. We too had a lovely day that made for a long walk.
    Hugs and blessings,

  5. D&C are so cute in their little outfits!!! Of course, they get their style from their mama! Enjoy the beautiful Spring weather!

  6. Love the outfit. Can't believe the vest is Zara. Your little "babes" looked like they were having a wail of a time!
    p.s have you worn your earrings yet?

    1. Not yet.. though I did try them on!!! will be sharing them on an upcoming fashion post .. they are my new favs and know I'm going to get lots of use this summer...xo

  7. Love, love, love the orange! The different textures you put together are great. Glad to see another dog lover, love their outfits too. cherie at

  8. D&G are completely adorable!
    I love the pop of orange in your outfit!

  9. what a pretty waterfront spot for a walk! nice outfit!

  10. I love everyone's outfit!! Such a class act - and you don't look bad either (smile!!). No, truth is you look amazing - relaxed, peaceful, full of life. I'm so glad you're here.

  11. Love this outfit. And so nice to have a walk on the waterfront...mind you it's freezing again today!!! ugh.


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