Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, October 4, 2013

Week-end Inspiration ~

As the weather starts to cool curling up with a book is one of my favorite ways to spend a few hours-sometimes even an afternoon- on the week-end. I hope these images and quotes will inspire you to take some time for yourself with a book this week-end.

As the weather begins to cool 
do you find yourself curling up with a book?

Wishing you a High Heeled Life week-end.

 photo a7ceed8b-ce4f-45e6-8e44-5208e41b8eab_zps61970480.jpg
Stay in Step with High Heeled Life ...


  1. I wish some of that "cool" weather would waft this way. We are in the middle of absolutely scorching heat.

  2. Love books
    especially on cool nights
    when its better to stay at home than go out.

  3. I've read a lot of books lately on my Kindle Fire. I enjoy reading books, magazines, and, of course, blogs!

  4. I have a large stack by my chaise that I'm looking forward to diving into this weekend. The weather has cooled and its time!!
    Have a lovely weekend.

  5. Yes, yes! I find I always read more during the colder months. Happy Weekend!
    Going to fill you in on a fun Fall event in Kleinburg. Definitely taking Ava...would love you to come!

  6. I loved to read but lately I have not been able to concentrate long enough to get interested. Hopefully this will improve as I start getting better! x

  7. Dearest Celia,
    Yes, there is something magical for propping yourself up with lots of down pillows and than letting yourself drift away as you read...

  8. Reading is my passion. I read whenever I have free time, to relax, to be inspired, entertained, or just because. I love my Kindle but there is nothing quite like opening a brand new book, smelling the new-book smell, and falling head-first in love with the words hidden therein.

  9. What a wonderful posts filled with authors and people that inspire us. I'm a reader and I love books! We read in the evenings instead of watching's the best way to relax and unwind! Enjoy your weekend!

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  11. Well, I no longer have the cooler temps here (aside for maybe a day or two in late December! lol) but I do still love that sentiment. A cup of black tea, a stack of books on the coffee table, my husband taking the kids outside for a few hours... *sigh*


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