Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Friday, April 5, 2013

Spring Clean - Inside and Out

After a long winter of being inside sometimes even the warmest days of early spring are no match for the sluggish feelings you are experiencing. Your mind is drained, your body aches and your energy levels are depleted. Welcome to the after math of winter blues, living on comfort foods and/or the decreased levels of physical activity during the shortened light and cold days of winter. Detoxing is a great way to to give your body a little helping hand to get back on track.

Detoxification essentially means blood cleansing through eliminating impurities from the blood in the liver, through kidneys, lungs, intestines, lymph and skin. There are numerous ways to Detox your body ... juicing, fasting, over the counter cleanses ~ all promising a quick fix and some are quite aggressive and deprive your body of proper food and hydration. Causing more harm than good in the long term. It is always best to check with your doctor before starting any detoxification program.

Because of the damage to my internal organs along with the 54 plus units of blood I received right after my accident and medication, I have stayed away from anything that would add further trauma to my body. Instead I have opted for solutions which help my body to detox in a much gentler way.

Eating Habits:

With today's busy schedules fast, easy and ready seems to be the words used to describe tour food choices.Whenever possible I try to avoid processed, fast foods and sugar. Instead eat more whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits


My post-accident physical limitations have meant that I can no longer practice kick-boxing, play volley ball, golf, and do various other activities which helped keep me fit in the past. Restorative Yoga has been a way to help keep my body moving without stressing my joints and lungs. The best part, on days that I can't get motivated to go out of the house I'm still able to do some yoga at home.

Natural Therapies:

In the past few years I have learned through experience, natural therapies such as lymphatic draining massage, hot stone massage, reflexology and  acupuncture are beneficial to opening the flow of energy through the body and aiding in the detoxification process. These natural therapies have also been beneficial in helping me get the most from traditional medical therapies.


Your skin reveals what's going on inside of you. It is our largest organ and plays an important role in elimination and detoxification. Foot baths, infrared sauna, dry brushing and salt baths are simple ways to detox and keep your skin looking beautiful inside and out.

What do you do to help Your Body Detox?

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  1. Hi Celia, I've learned that I feel much better when I eat well and exercise sensibly. I'm all for spa treatments, too; I enjoy massage, facials, and acupuncture although I've not done any of those recently.
    I must admit your spring cleaning title had me expecting house cleaning tips. I have done a bit of that type of spring cleaning, although I really am not fond of housework! lol

    1. Dearest Beth ... I'm glad I surprised you and hope that the post reminded you how important you are and that you need to take care of you. I so hear you on the housework ... now put me in the garden and I can lose track of time. Wishing you a fabulous week-end... Hugs, C.

  2. Great post Celia.Very interesting facts about the Himalayan salts.
    Hope you are feeling well Sweets xx

  3. Dearest Celia,
    The Himalaya salt has great qualities but it still contains sodium... Wish I could use it! For me, drinking plenty of water to flush out toxins are a great way. Tomorrow the sun will come again and let's hope we can start our healthy regiment again; more walking and biking and being outdoors!
    Hugs to you,

    1. Yes, the longer days of day light and the sunshine are making a huge difference. The cold temps are slowly turning to consistent double digits. I'm hoping to get out horse back riding this week-end... have not done it since 2006 - so I'm a bit excited and nervous. Wishing you a fabulous week-end..Hugs, C.

  4. Celia!
    A belated Happy Easter! I hope you had a wonderful one. Ah, detoxing! I love it....I take liquid Chlorophyll and Cell Food daily, juice, take dandelion, I do all kinds of crazy things :). I just started on liquid silver, and have ordered the liquid zinc and gold. It is quite interesting, we will see what comes about!
    AND of course love ALL of your recommendations!
    Happy Weekend,

    1. For me detoxing has become a regular seasonal thing ... but spring really reaffirms the importance of going that little extra bit to help our natural detox system. let me know how liquid silver, zinc and gold go ~ I'm always keeping my options open. Happy week-end..Hugs, C.

  5. I need a spa day!!!!!! That would do it. xo

  6. Hi Celia,

    I am sorry to hear of your accident my heart goes out to you for the challenges in creating a different lifestyle. From a girl who adores my Combat/kickboxing class, I can imagine it takes some getting used to. I don't detox but you have given much to think about in the event that I need/want to. Thanks for sharing SITStah!

  7. I keep wanting to take a yoga class. I've never done it before and would really like to give it a try. Maybe I'll check it out. I want to kick box too, but due to a few physical limitations, that's out for me as well. And I have a massage scheduled for Monday. Not a stress releasing massage, but a deep tissue, kick my butt kind of massage. That has to cleanse something right?


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