Inspiration for living a luxuriously and balanced life

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pawsitively Lick Worthy Sweaters...

This little fashionista  is refusing to go outside to do her "business" since the weather started turning crisp in the mornings ... and don't even think about it if there is a drop or two of rain (anytime of the day)...

Stay Calm and Go For a Walk
Click link for Furbaby Outfit details Stay Calm and Go for a Walk by highheeledlife

Maybe she is Pawtesting, because she has not been taken shopping for her cold weather sweaters and has been having to wear her brother's sweaters.  

May be these will get her excited to go out ... what do you think?

Dolce has got the cold day routine down pat! Vest and boots ...

Maybe while I'm out shopping for Gabbana .... I'll see about some items for Moi .. After all I enjoy an autumn walk as much as the furbabies ... and one can never have too many cashmere sweaters, can they?

An Autumn Walk Calms the Mind

Click link to see complete outfit details An Autumn Walk Calms the Mind by highheeledlife 


  1. i clicked on your site and was amazed at all
    the adorable outdoor puppy clothes! you
    are so creative.

  2. Can't believe puppy" Dolce" has that many clothes to choose from ( ha ha ).. My little " Dolly" is in for a treat looking at tis blog ... and she's already trying on the Winter garb...(Hee hee)... Hugs

  3. Dearest Celia,
    I'm your 2nd clicker... Great outfit but since we had yesterday our water-softener + water-filter installed for some $ 2,800 I will skip right now. Your Gabbana acts like a clone of my miniature Dachshund Mauzie. I had to push her out when it was wet! She loved to hock down just inside the garage, barely outside... They are spoiled rotten and don't like to be wet or cold.
    Dolce looks so feisty in his little boots and down pat. Bet you they KNOW that it helps them protect.
    Have a lovely day and a great weekend coming up.
    Hugs to all of you,

  4. She is so cute!!! I have a fenced back yard and I throw zacky outside. I am mean. Lol. I let his hair longer in winter to help. So he can stay long enough to go pee. Happy November!! Yrs! Already!

  5. this is so cute....puppy outfits...On halloween we ran into a couple of pups dressed up so adorable. Wishing you a beautiful autumn Friday.

  6. Hi Celia
    We have the winter coats but my guy will not keep the boots on and they are the toasty warm mutt-luks.
    Little furbaby girls look so sweet in pink.

  7. Your sweet baby sounds like my sweet baby. A hint of cold....a few drops of rain or snow and she digs her feet in the sand! I don't blame them, would we want to go potty outside in the cold??? lol. Love the photo collage and no.....a girl can NEVER have too many cashmere sweaters! My favorite!!
    Love to you,

  8. I feel your pain! Patch hates, loathes and detests rain. He will hold it all day!
    So he has two sweaters, two coats and one rain shirt.
    That said he Loves snow!
    Silly doggies!

  9. Such a cute baby!
    My Coco won't do her biz when it's cold and rainy out either. And if I put a sweater or jacket on her, she has a temper tantrum. Our carpets really suffer in the winter time!
    Hope you are well!
    xoxo, A

  10. Small dogs are all the same, huh? When it rains hard my dog peeks his nose out the door and then backs up. Love the first photo - it put a huge smile on my face. So darn cute! xo

  11. Oh that little principessa! I love all of your finds here Celia, you have flawless taste! Bonne Weekend my friend!

  12. Thanks so much for linking up to what inspires me Friday. Xo

  13. Oh how funny! This has put a smile on my face. She is adorable and she's just like most of us who don't want to go out in the nasty wet weather. My Gino has been peeing on my patio so he doesn't have to get his feet soaked in the grass. They're so smart. So many cute little doggie clothes. Gino will be wearing his winter coat and sweater scarf around his neck soon so that he can stay warm. How we love our little fur babies! Hope you have been well and have a wonderful weekend!

  14. You are right! One can never have too much cashmere!

    This is such a darling post.. I'm such a dog lover and your little one is so cute. We do allow these silly critters to run the show don't we? :)

    Mine are treated like humans.. it's ridiculous Celia Lol!

    Have a good weekend!


  15. Your Dolce looks so sweaters routine down pat vet and boots...An Autumn time walks the cold day.that she's made already start thinking on the winter garb.
    Wonderful weekend Celia!

  16. Awww! I would go crazy on this stuff if I had a puppy! xo

  17. These are great collages and were so fun to look at. Hope you're enjoying your weekend!


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